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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Network Dynamics of Social Behavior by University of Pennsylvania

392 ratings

About the Course

How do revolutions emerge without anyone expecting them? How did social norms about same sex marriage change more rapidly than anyone anticipated? Why do some social innovations take off with relative ease, while others struggle for years without spreading? More generally, what are the forces that control the process of social evolution –from the fashions that we wear, to our beliefs about religious tolerance, to our ideas about the process of scientific discovery and the best ways to manage complex research organizations? The social world is complex and full of surprises. Our experiences and intuitions about the social world as individuals are often quite different from the behaviors that we observe emerging in large societies. Even minor changes to the structure of a social network - changes that are unobservable to individuals within those networks - can lead to radical shifts in the spread of new ideas and behaviors through a population. These “invisible” mathematical properties of social networks have powerful implications for the ways that teams solve problems, the social norms that are likely to emerge, and even the very future of our society. This course condenses the last decade of cutting-edge research on these topics into six modules. Each module provides an in-depth look at a particular research puzzle -with a focus on agent-based models and network theories of social change -and provides an interactive computational model for you try out and to use for making your own explorations! Learning objectives - after this course, students will be able to... - explain how computer models are used to study challenging social problems - describe how networks are used to represent the structure of social relationships - show how individual actions can lead to unintended collective behaviors - provide concrete examples of how social networks can influence social change - discuss how diffusion processes can explain the growth social movements, changes in cultural norms, and the success of team problem solving...

Top reviews


Jul 29, 2019

This course really enhanced my understanding of collective intelligence, however, it would be great if instructors provide lecture slides also to revise the course whenever required.


Jan 21, 2018

A Crisp yet effective overview of some of the most critical works in the field of Networking. Anyone from the fields of Management, Sociology, Anthropology et al should try the MOOC.

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76 - 96 of 96 Reviews for Network Dynamics of Social Behavior

By Sunil K

Feb 12, 2018

Content is neatly laid out, not mathematically rigorous as I believe course is targeting a wider set of audience. Week 2 material can be improved with regard to clarity about the different types of networks.

By Milad y

Apr 7, 2020

For me, from a non-mathematical background, it was an excellent introductory course. I wish it can paw the way for more in-depth exploration around the issue and advance steps.

By Ramya H

Jan 9, 2018

An good course that will provide gist of Agent Based Modeling with out dragging it too long. Introduces an Agent Based Modeling software NetLogo with examples and codes.

By Bruno V

Jun 12, 2020

Great content and short/objective videos. One only comment is that, sometimes, the implementation of the models is a bit unclear.

By Christo Z

Feb 23, 2018

very good overview. i'm missing the maths behind the theory which will enable me to apply the knowledge to own problems

By 周琪

Nov 5, 2019

The course is great! It will be greater if there is more detail information about the coding of NetLogo.

By Raquel G

Sep 2, 2019

Awesome material and lessons. Only could not have five stars because could not download Netlogo models

By Yao E M K

Nov 24, 2018

It was a very good class and I learned a lot. Thanks for sharing and continue the good job.

By Teemu A P

Jul 17, 2020

Extremely timely and well taught course. I only wish we did some Netlogo coding as well!

By Rine l C

Dec 28, 2020

Good introduction in computational modeling of social behavior using agents (NetLogo).

By Rhythm G

Aug 29, 2020

Add more content and please share more NetLogo Coding examples

By Ken

Feb 19, 2022

A very good introduction to the social network analysis.

By Andrew Z

Jan 27, 2018

I whould like to have more of the models practicing.


May 17, 2019

Very good introduction to the topic

By Mylene v d K

Jan 6, 2020

I left a mediocre review on this course but it does not show up. I feel like I have to write it again, if only to check the system for review bias/corruption. The course subject was interesting and the instructors were pleasant to listen to. My main concerns were that it was not that focused (introduction to theory, example in netlogo) and does not lead to a feeling of having a foundation to either abstract the concepts for modeling or learning the modeling techniques. The concepts that are explained are relevant but terminology is used in a confusion way, leading to a mismatch in intepretation when reading additional social science or modeling techniques. No focus on mathematics whatsoever. Might be good knowledge for somebody who works with influencing people like a social media manager. Not sufficient enough as a scientific foundation.

By Jo-Ann J

Nov 26, 2021

Interesting content for the course. Problems with NetLogo model availability made it difficult to practice the modeling for better understanding of the processes. Also, Unit 5 test was difficult to understand as the vocabulary did not seem to fit with the video lecture.

By Rafael R S

Mar 18, 2020

Too much theory, it needs to be a more practical application approach. Give challenges and real exercises to students, real problems to be tested. Give more details about the software used in the course and its features, etc.

By Roy L

Jul 8, 2019

interesting description of application of network analysis to social dynamics. However it could be improved a bit to discuss the models more in-depth

By Apoorva P B

Jan 24, 2018

It's too bare-bones and not very challenging, but talks about very interesting concepts

By Awani B

Oct 5, 2020

I felt that the course could be better in terms of the tests/assignments which could have some basic problems to model. It would definitely help to better understand how netlogo works and the thinking process behind modelling social phenomena. I also suggest that more reading materials be given as it helps to connect with the research aspect better.

By Cansel K

Jul 30, 2021

I am turkish but no turkish subtitle option. so, I don't understand this lesson...