Jan 13, 2018
Great Learning experience, my first but not the last & recommended for those working professionals who have busy schedule and still want to whet their insatiable appetite for contemporary learning
Sep 8, 2015
I love the program content as well as lecturer's knowledge about this topic. So many interesting examples he provided during the course make it really practical and attracting to learners.Many thanks!
By Carina P
•Oct 6, 2015
Some strategies I learnt, I would have never thought of. An interesting course and quite enjoyable. A great course for any business person who needs the essential ingredients for negotiating. Thank you to the lecturer and much appreciated.
Perhaps a little additional material to give it some depth? I just felt a little more was needed to validate the material to put what we learn into practice. But apart from that, a worthwhile course for anyone that needs to negotiate in their business. I am sure I will refer back to this from time to time, as some pointers will help keep you in focus with your strategies.
By Virgilio L
•Sep 12, 2020
I just found the final exam a bit confusiong when the answers options were displaying > "two of the above". What does it mean? 1: the last two answers which are located right above ? or 2: any other answer that is above?. Still, I found the course not clear enough on the differences and similarities between mediation, arbitrarion, litigation. I know it is a lot to cover, but the course is ambigous about these themes. Anyhow, it was very interesting, George is awesome, I've learned from it and I do recommend it to my friends for sure! Thanks for the opportunity!
By Eduardo O
•Sep 1, 2020
Primeiramente eu agradeço a oportunidade de ter estudado esse curso de forma gratuita na plataforma Coursera. Esse curso é recomendado a pessoas que não tem noção de como é feita negociações de preço. Ele explora de forma geral algumas leis sobre negociação nos EUA.
Os motivos por não considerar a nota máxima são:
Verborragia e que o curso não é adaptado a todas as legislações, mas expõe de forma geral alguns conceitos universais como fraude, mesmo que não seja diretamente aplicável a legislação de todas as nações.
By Paul P
•Nov 20, 2020
This course was an interesting insight into the workings of business related conflicts and their resolution methods. It was especially so for me, not being an American, and learning a little bit about the way business and law go hand in hand. Of course this business-law tie is true of every country, but as a fishbowl look into the American way of doing things it made me able to reflect on the wider world and its methods too. Thank you Professor Siedel, for being my engaging virtual teacher.
By Mauro D M
•Jul 23, 2022
Well organized, in some cases I would increasee the slides number and content to give possibility of fast review of the content of the course.
Explanation is clear and easy also for not native english speakers. Examples are very nice but in some cases the conclusion should be stressed more, to make clear what the examples are aimed to.
In general is a good course touching all the main topics and exercises and final exams are good tools and support to review the course content. I reccomed it.
By Kannike O
•Oct 18, 2015
My personal opinion is that every lawyer needs to master the art of negotiation and this is one of the best if not the best platform to initiate that process. I would say specifically that I have learnt a lot and I believe this would give me an edge over lawyers that have no idea about this in my country (NIGERIA).
Thank you very much coursera for giving people like me an opportunity to know and understand more. You are truly creating a world without educational boundaries.
By Cristóbal G M
•Jun 6, 2023
Aunque es un curso muy completo, está dirigido más específicamente a personas que van un poco más al ámbito legal o realmente negociadores especialistas, yo por otro lado soy ingeniero industrial y claro que me ayudo con las herramientas expuestas, aunque por mi sector me fue algo complicado entender o retener algunos conceptos técnicos ya que no tenía bases para poder realmente aprenderlos al 100%, pero de igual forma es un gran curso y ayuda a muchos con su contenido.
By Brandon P
•Jan 23, 2017
Would like more exercises to test knowledge throughout the course, not just one large exam at the end. Would prefer less choices on final exam questions to better demonstrate one's knowledge of material, not test-taking skills.
Professor Siedel is a wonderful professor with many years of both theoretical and practical knowledge. His real-world examples allow students to apply course materials beyond academia to the business world and life in general.
By Dagmar H
•Nov 16, 2015
This course was really useful and Prof. Siedel is such a great person. It is a pleasure listen to his lectures that were more like stories. I however would have liked to have little quizzes in between the weeks to review the content. It adds up quite a lot and even taking notes, at the end some info gets missing. I definitely recommend this course though. I am sure I will do much better in my next negotiation.
•Feb 10, 2023
The Instructor has a pleasant conversational style that relates to real-world experiences in this disciple well. The challenge is finding specific subtopic headers to concisely review concepts, or, finding deep-dive explanations on concepts/scenarios, that the student finds challenging. Thank you for broadening my conceptual horizons in this course per what life negotiations we encounter, actually entail.
By Neraj G
•Apr 9, 2020
The course is well designed to give extra mileage on the Negotiation skills.
The presentation of the course and examples are very helpful for learning the concepts well.
In my opinion some topics needs more focus and illustration namely
" Decision Tree", Different options of Authority like Express,Apparent and Implied.
I througly enjoyed the topics and it will defntly benefit me in my Negotation skills.
By Mario G
•Dec 29, 2022
George Siedel is an outstanding professor, with the great ability to be able to break down complex ideas and communicate them in a simple way. During this course, I learned more about the multidisciplinary topic of negotiation, by introducing theory in conjunction with real-life case studies. I would absolutely follow a course offered by this professor and/or the University of Michigan in the future.
By Ivo G P
•Apr 18, 2017
The course is great, but the title was misleading for me. I would call it "Contract Negotiation", because there is a lot of information on the laws and the specifications of contract signing that I think are too specific to be present in a general negotiation course. Other than that, the teacher is great and the tests/exams also allow for a continuous notion of our progression.
By Felipe G
•Nov 16, 2015
The way professor Mr. G. Siedel conducted the course is very practical and useful. Invites always to "think about answers" to complex questions and his new approaching techniques to negotiate with success are truly useful to analyze your behave negotiating, and therefore , improve in the negotiation techniques and knowledge of tools and different approaches to a negotiation.
By Arya S
•Mar 3, 2022
Really good course in my opinion, but I believe that as a student on financial aid, it is clearly not possible to purchase the course or the certificate, so it would be a genuine request to you sir/maam that I be granted access to my course certificate since I successfully completed it with an 88.88 percent final score.
Thank you, and I hope to hear back from you soon :)
By Varkholiak R
•Aug 31, 2020
В цілому курс сподобався, але була одна досить велика проблема. На жаль, я не володію англійською мовою, тому доводилось перекладати Google. Переклад далекий від досконалості, і були випадки, що я не міг зрозуміти про що взагалі йде мова і яку відповідь обрати. Це трохи вплинуло на кінцевий результат. Побажання: зробіть переклад на екзаменаційні запитання на інші мови.
By Kamip A
•Oct 8, 2016
For me, this course was very thought-provoking. The professor gave many examples to make sure students understood the study materials. It was very interesting and challenging course. Even for someone who doesnt have skills in negotiation, this course definetely helped me to understand how to negotiate with structure and how to use it. Every penny was worth it!
By Catrinescu V
•Sep 27, 2015
It is a quite well structured course. Is missing a little bit "flash" to become more incentive, attractive. Negotiation is part of "sell and buy" something and many times is not only a scheme of calculus, could be also sentimental decision and in this case is difficult to determine the right value (value creation is like a bubble soap, nice but easy to break).
By Kalliope T
•Apr 18, 2017
This is a very dense course, offering a quite detailed information and technique on negotiation. While the focus is very much on business deal negotiations, one can pick up transferable skills to apply in other areas. While the knowledge gained through this course is not directly applicable in my area of work, it is a useful course to have taken.
By Amin M a K a A M G
•Feb 10, 2023
I found this course quite challenging but the professor kept us quite engaged and was able to help us understand the key concepts very well. The professor was able to highlight real life examples where negotiation takes place and was able to incorporate them into the teaching of the course. Thank you for your instruction Professor Seidel.
By Arati S
•Sep 5, 2020
Amazing tutor Professor Siegel. Your simplified manner of delivery of the concepts relating to the real time incidents is what draws more from this programme. The book on NEGOTIATION STRATEGY authored by you will be as a memory of pursuing this programme and a treasure to me.
Thank you University of Michigan for embracing this course.
By Tom E
•Aug 25, 2015
This course covers all the bases of general negotiation. The professor is well traveled and credentialed in his field and gives very frank, matter-of-fact presentations of the material. The only thing I would change about the course is that I would have periodic check-up quizzes to help the learner gauge his/her understanding.
By Parth C
•May 7, 2020
this is an exceptional and well-designed course study and I hope It will help in the future to crack the better deal in the corporate world. Even though somehow I felt It could be better explained in some topics because I felt that the professor has presumed that we know some of the terms and topics. Thank you Prof. Seigle.
By Michail V
•Feb 18, 2021
A very enjoyable course which gives you a very good outlook on how to improve your negotiation skills. Especially for people with little prior knowledge like myself. The approach of the tutor made the video lectures very satisfying to watch while the big amount of example cases used made the material easier to understand.
By Isabela B S M
•Jun 15, 2020
Great course, give you a lot of opportunities to learn and improve your Knowledge on the subject, but it lacks on help (even when it is well known that the final text is really difficult), as well as it can be a little bit repetitive or slow some times. Regardeless of those things, i really enjoyed my time learning.