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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential by McMaster University

12,967 ratings

About the Course

Mindshift is designed to help boost your career and life in today’s fast-paced learning environment. Whatever your age or stage, Mindshift teaches you essentials such as how to get the most out of online learning and MOOCs, how to seek out and work with mentors, the secrets to avoiding career ruts (and catastrophes) and general ruts in life, and insights such as the value of selective ignorance over general competence. We’ll provide practical insights from science about how to learn and change effectively even in maturity, and we’ll build on what you already know to take your life’s learning in fantastic new directions. This course is designed to show you how to look at what you’re learning, and your place in what’s unfolding in the society around you, so you can be what you want to be, given the real world constraints that life puts on us all. You’ll see that by using certain mental tools and insights, you can learn and do more—far more—than you might have ever dreamed! This course can be taken independent of, concurrent with, or subsequent to, its companion course, Learning How to Learn. (Mindshift is more career focused, and Learning How to Learn is more learning focused.)...

Top reviews


Oct 31, 2020

Great course! This is a lot more general than Learning about Learning but is also useful nonetheless. I like the focus on keeping positive and being confident in your potential despite our weaknesses.


Feb 12, 2018

I really enjoyed the first course, Learn 2Learn. The female professor is great but the boring old guy should have been kicked out of the course, as he do not provide anything of value for the course.

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401 - 425 of 3,708 Reviews for Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential

By Shonal R


Apr 23, 2020

It has been the most wonderful MOOC journey for me. You can expect a drastic change in your mindset, your personal development, growth and you'd yearn to learn more in no time! This MOOC taught me how to broaden my passions, learn something to its fullest, little tricks, and nooks to go through with your learning and academia. The part about Career was not applicable to me, as I am still quite young and a student. Overall, this is an essential course that I would recommend everyone to take. Its a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn something so great! That too from the best of the mentors globally.

By Ong Y L


Sep 22, 2020

A powerful course with many actionable tips and advice for a fulfilling life of learning and career (re)invention. I love how Prof Barbara cares for her learners by sharing her real-life story of stress and its health consequences, along with concrete strategies on how to manage our emotions better. Prof Terry is amazing too as a walking example of a senior adult who learns and grows: he tried his best to be animated and humorous in this MOOC, as compared to his serious persona in Learning How to Learn. Thank you, Profs Barbara and Prof Terry for another brilliant MOOC that's so relevant and timeless!

By Justyna D


Aug 27, 2017

Great course, way more interesting than I have anticipated - helps to keep you optimistic and motivated, provides good methods for reframing your mind and changing your attitude. 'Problems' become 'challenges' and nothing is as grave as it is when you put into practice some of the 'emotion labelling methods. The course also puts emphasis on importance of lifelong learning. To sum up - great teachers, who present material in an interesting way that attracts your attention. I would recommend everyone for a start (it was also my first MOOC and I am even more encouraged to take up more of those, but do i

By Marianne E


Apr 13, 2021

This was a fantastic course in follow up to the Learning How to Learn Course. Barb Oakley is an authentic, down to earth, passionate scholar! She was very relatable and honest in her approach and shared insights and knowledge that will change my life (even at age 51...and having 13 yrs of post secondary education! ) I thoroughly enjoyed both she and Terry,but Barbara really shaped the course and respectfully made it her "own" so to speak. I even showed some of the videos to my 16yo daughter about the "passion trap" and broadening one's passions ;) Wonderful! I will re-watch some of it in the future.

By Kieko S


Aug 14, 2020

During this course, I can solve a lot of mysteries that happened to me but I do not find the correct reason. For example, when I took a certain lesson I thought that I perfectly understood the contents of the lesson. Few days after the lesson I could recall some part of the lesson but I did not understand that main concept of the lesson that I thought I perfectly understood. I thought that it was caused by my poor working memory. That is not true, I did not questioned me if I understand the concept of the lesson on the next day. Thank you for letting me discover such lot of mysteries in my brain.

By Prem P G


Jul 21, 2020

Mindshift was my 4th MOOC course on Coursera. It helped me to a great extent on my executive coaching profession. Concepts explained by author Barbara are very simple, practical and adoptable in daily life. It brought many new perspective like importance of slow learners, knowledge of unrelated filed, procrastination is not bad all the time. Other powerful techniques like focused and diffused thinking, pmomodoro techniques etc are real life changers. I witnessed the change in 3 weeks and commit for life long learning to keep my brain agile and improve on my mental and spiritual well-being.

By Alexandra B


Dec 17, 2017

I find Barbara very supporting person. I like her calm and gentle manner with which she encourages her audience to keep learning by trying different styles of studying anything new despite of the age , education, career condition of the learners. I also find very useful that this course is based on science researches. Thanks Dr. Terry Sejnowski for that. I like that this course includes stories of success and nice tricks for learners like memory tips displayed by Nelson Dellis. It also helped me to understand more how actualy the learning process is implemented. Learning is great!

By Zinat A


Apr 28, 2020

Great course for all age groups! The course is a series of lectures with slides detailing specific key concepts. These key concepts are explained with analogy and metaphor hence making it very simple to understand. The course has a big focus on bringing that gear shift in the process of thinking in order to achieve success. There are many different concepts and practical techniques covered, so there's something for everyone. At the end of the course, I feel more aware with how my actions impact my life and have already gotten a few habits down so that I just feel better overall.

By Eduardo O


Apr 7, 2021

About a year ago I found the book "Learning how to learn" and was fascinated by the subject, but what really got my attention was the way the author wrote the book. I did some research and discovered that the author had made this and other MOOCS. I immediately enrolled in them. Each video is really well-thought of. The instructors are very effective with their topics. The videos are very stimulating because there is always motion. At least I found that stimulating. I would really recommend this MOOC to anybody, no matter what personal and professional background they come from.

By Anitha P


Aug 13, 2022

Insightful course on understanding how adult learning is easy to manage. With a focussed approach how anyone can start learning and how important it is to keep the brain acitivity intact. This MOOC covered the f fundamental concepts of learning, how to be a continuous learner and how the learning activity enhances the quality of life. The course has helped me to prepare for my second career. Resilience, perseverance and confidence will help me in upskilling myself and a focused and open mindset is important to take plunge in learning new areas is my takeway from this MOOC.

By Feng S


Jun 25, 2020

This course is worth-taking not only for young people, but also for old ones as well. Just like what the title says, this course helps you "mind shift". For one, after taking the course for four (4) consecutive weeks, I started forming and entertaining ideas which I began to translate into small-step actions for self-improvement, for better learning, and for making my mind active. I also got to develop techniques to improve memory--thanks to bonus videos offered in this MOOC. Thank you professors and McMaster University (via Coursera) for this outstanding learning experience.

By Emme S | N X


Feb 2, 2021

Amusing and practical. This course changed the trajectory of my life. It's a "must watch" before writing any Professional Development Plan. It "turns on its ear" a lot of outdated career advice but with updated information backed by neuroscience. It shows you how to differentiate yourself despite being "mediocre" at several things but master of none; and it shows you how to learn strategically so you can tackle truly difficult topics without stress. By the time you finish this course you can embrace those subjects that attracted you but you judged were too hard for you.

By Dominique W


Jan 14, 2020

I took this course because I was very impressed with "Learning How to Learn." There is very valuable information in this course relating to life long learning, careers, mental tricks and the course touches on some neurology and how we technically learn. I did find that there was some small inconsistency and randomness though. Such as how to create a successful Massive Open Online Course which I felt was slightly irrelevant to the course as a whole.

I still do recommend this because there is valuable insight and I plan on reading the book this course was based off of.

By Amio R


Dec 1, 2017

This is the first MOOC I have ever completed. I did not take the instructors' previous course Learning How To Learn and still this course was very helpful. I did not expect this course to be enjoyable. The scripts were very well written. The delivery of the instructors specially Barbara Oakley was top notch. I finished the course in less than a week. I must say this course has made a great impact on my mindset. I had enrolled into many MOOCs in the past but never completed one. It has made me eager to join and finish other MOOCs. I also wish to retake this course later.

By David G


Apr 18, 2020

Very good course with nice hints for your future. It will help you have a better approach dealing with failures and help you learn better through multiples examples. Moreover, this course shows us as well why things that may be ours weaknesses or sound useless, may actually be our strength and that nothing is useless at the end of the day. Finally it shows us about the importance of passion and to broaden our passion and the environment evolve. AND LOTS OF OTHER THINGS :) The professors are knowledgeable and funny and the course is very interesting and well structured.

By Prabhjot K T


May 9, 2020

It is an extremely wonderful course. Must have for everyone if they want to become successful not in their career but also in their lives. This can change the way you learn and look at things. If you are planning for career enhancement, career change or career switch then this MOOC must be the first step. I totally changed myself not only in how I look at things but also witnessed the change in the way I was thinking before. I would like to thank Dr. Barbara Oakley for creating such a wonderful course. All the best for everyone. Happy Learning and Happy. Mindshift.

By Ankit k P


Jun 12, 2020

I have started feeling positive about myself and am aware of handling stressful situation by marking labels on to them and moving my emotional thinking to a more rational type and thereby getting rid of them a bit easily than before. Applied tricks and tips given by Mrs. Barabara Oakley and Dr. Terence Sejowski into daily life about deep learning. reframed my thoughts into rational ones and tried to get hold of a better lucrative side skill that is going to give me returns. Thankindg Barbara nad Ternce from the bottom of my heart to bring this MOOC available to us.

By Gursaajan S


Apr 17, 2020

This was the first MOOC learning experience and it turned out to be best MOOC .The Instructor Barbara was fantastic with her work .The perfect timing where she added humor and metaphor were almost relatable .The course overall is something that's a bliss to mind and very good learning experience apart from majors.It indeed helped me to reframe my thoughts and be and get the positive side of myself .The career advice is the golden gem of this course which makes you understand of passion and working world needs a brilliant m ind to work.Overall The best experience

By Sanjay S


Jun 22, 2021

Brilliant !

(I'm no more ashamed)

It brought me face-to-face with those hard questions that I've been struggling with for over a long period of time. I now have a strategy in place and to give due respect to this course, I have already done a Fast-Moocing on this course, before writing this review, as part of my Active Learning and practicing to make sure it's key learning get down deeper in me.

And since I'm a slow learner (now no more ashamed), I'll go through this one more time with final notes to being this learning strategy in my other MOOCs. Happy Learning !

By Kimberly C


Apr 17, 2022

Phenomenal Life Lessons, as expected, from Dr. Barb & Dr. Terry. I recommend this course to anyone, regardless of what is going on in your professional or personal life, as the insights and information provided here will benefit you as a human being on this ride we call Life. I am looking forward to coming back to this course a few years from now and retaking it, and seeing how it had helped me in my professional journey, and if I need reminded of the amazing tips and tricks to maximize my learning in every day life.

Thank you Mindshift Production Team! ♥KBC

By Randi S


May 26, 2020

This course is enjoyable and good course for those who want to start taking a new field of learning, landing new career or just to develop personally. The subject is well teaching with good sense of humor. There are so many advices I can find here and many information that I never got before. It helps to motivate me and to leave every subject I fail and being not rude to myself. I just hate it when it finish. I really enjoyed the journey of watching this MOOC. Thanks for the great free MOOC. I hope I can apply it in my real life of long life learning.

By Elita F M U


Jun 4, 2020

I think the presentation is 100% good, the video, the speech, the themes, the questions. You can really feel that there were too many hours preparing this material. The ideas are very clear, so it helped me understand everything quickly and easily. The videos were short and fun and there was not as much reading as other courses. I really feel grateful and hope that this teacher can be blessed to do these good things for the world.

If you are reading this to decide whether or not to take the course, take it! It's easy, cool, fun and you will really learn!

By Jen L


Jul 5, 2020

I can across this class on, while searching for an 'intro to computer science' MOOC. I found this, and Learning How To Learn. It seemed like a good idea at the time so I enrolled. I couldn't be more pleased I did.

Not one moment of time was a waste of effort or attention. I implore everyone, at every age, no matter where you are at in life, take this class!!

The instruction is entertaining, to the point, and so very useful to all. 1000 thank yous Dr. Oakley, Dr. Sejnowski, Coursera, and all others involved in its existence. Peace.

By Catalina M


Dec 14, 2018

I have been listening to a different professionals about the brain and how we can modify out thoughts and get the most out of it. Then, in one of the videos I listened to Barbara Oakley and since the first 30 seconds she got my full attention. She mentioned the MOOCs and I am really grateful that I have the opportunity to learn more about me, about my brain, my abilities and how to explore my full potential. I love this Mindshift Training and I will recommend to anyone that has the curiosity to see the world in a different and positive way. THANK YOU!!!

By Gary D P


Dec 18, 2017

What can one say about this course that would do it justice. The narrator is never dull or boring. Never once did this course or the course Learning how to learn leave the student feeling overwhelmed. The pace was perfect and the tests appropriate for the subject matter covered. As my second course in the world of online learning I can honestly say that this a good waste of your spare time. Now I will admit the cable company misses me. No longer feeling the zombie draw to mindless shows night after night the only problem is the addiction to learning.