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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Medical Neuroscience by Duke University

2,881 ratings

About the Course

Medical Neuroscience explores the functional organization and neurophysiology of the human central nervous system, while providing a neurobiological framework for understanding human behavior. In this course, you will discover the organization of the neural systems in the brain and spinal cord that mediate sensation, motivate bodily action, and integrate sensorimotor signals with memory, emotion and related faculties of cognition. The overall goal of this course is to provide the foundation for understanding the impairments of sensation, action and cognition that accompany injury, disease or dysfunction in the central nervous system. The course will build upon knowledge acquired through prior studies of cell and molecular biology, general physiology and human anatomy, as we focus primarily on the central nervous system. This online course is designed to include all of the core concepts in neurophysiology and clinical neuroanatomy that would be presented in most first-year neuroscience courses in schools of medicine. However, there are some topics (e.g., biological psychiatry) and several learning experiences (e.g., hands-on brain dissection) that we provide in the corresponding course offered in the Duke University School of Medicine on campus that we are not attempting to reproduce in Medical Neuroscience online. Nevertheless, our aim is to faithfully present in scope and rigor a medical school caliber course experience. This course comprises six units of content organized into 12 weeks, with an additional week for a comprehensive final exam: - Unit 1 Neuroanatomy (weeks 1-2). This unit covers the surface anatomy of the human brain, its internal structure, and the overall organization of sensory and motor systems in the brainstem and spinal cord. - Unit 2 Neural signaling (weeks 3-4). This unit addresses the fundamental mechanisms of neuronal excitability, signal generation and propagation, synaptic transmission, post synaptic mechanisms of signal integration, and neural plasticity. - Unit 3 Sensory systems (weeks 5-7). Here, you will learn the overall organization and function of the sensory systems that contribute to our sense of self relative to the world around us: somatic sensory systems, proprioception, vision, audition, and balance senses. - Unit 4 Motor systems (weeks 8-9). In this unit, we will examine the organization and function of the brain and spinal mechanisms that govern bodily movement. - Unit 5 Brain Development (week 10). Next, we turn our attention to the neurobiological mechanisms for building the nervous system in embryonic development and in early postnatal life; we will also consider how the brain changes across the lifespan. - Unit 6 Cognition (weeks 11-12). The course concludes with a survey of the association systems of the cerebral hemispheres, with an emphasis on cortical networks that integrate perception, memory and emotion in organizing behavior and planning for the future; we will also consider brain systems for maintaining homeostasis and regulating brain state....

Top reviews


Jan 15, 2021

This course was a great opportunity for me to understand the world of neurology and helped me to clear all the ambiguities regarding the complex mechanisms that are happening in our beautiful brains.


Dec 22, 2016

I have not really taken any Neuroscience courses and I have to say this was very challenging with my already full-time load at school but I did it! Yay! I love Dr. White he is an awesome professor!

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126 - 150 of 837 Reviews for Medical Neuroscience

By Rafael d O G I


Jun 20, 2020

O curso de neurociência médica é muito bem construído, com aulas didáticas, muitas ferramentas úteis para o aprendizado (como questões não-avaliativas que aparecem em certos momentos de vídeos), e que, ao todo, fornece um material bastante completo para interessados em neurociência. O curso foca principalmente na anatomia no sistema nervoso e em casos clínicos, não deixando de lado os fundamentos biológicos, farmacológicos e neuroquímicos envolvidos.

By Virginia R


Jun 9, 2022

Very satisfactory course. I wish there was a possibility to earn some credits for it. Maybe there could be some sort of optionnal memoir for those who wanted to pursue. I suppose it could engage additionnal fees, but it could be worthwhile as the content of the course seems quite dense and there is a very good textbook involved. anyway I will do it again because even if I earned the certificate it seems I could benefit taking the course once more.

By Patricia J M V


May 1, 2020

The course and its contents are absolutely superb. I love professor White and am thankful to him for putting in such bug chunks of information on this course. Unfortunately for me, I found it quite challenging. However, funnily enough, seeing as I still have a lot to learn, that makes me want to learn neuroscience -all the whats, hows, and whys, even more. I shall try again next time! Thank you so much professor White! Very, very much appreciated!



Feb 21, 2017

A thoroughly organized course! given the time limit medical neuroscience topics were nicely covered

Prof. leonard White is a very dedicated teacher and one can see his enthusiasm in neuroscience. I am glad to have an experience of teaching by Prof White through this course. A great teacher is the one who not only teaches but inspires. i am inspired and would continue to study in depth. Great teacher! Great human being! Thank you so much Sir!

By Gözde S


Jun 27, 2020

With the unique guidance of Prof. White, I have not just brushed up my prior knowledge from medicine but also discovered fit to burst various inspiring aspects of studies in medical neurosciences. The clear curricula supported by tremendous learning material have provided me with quite an intensive, yet an achievable journey to live and learn. Now it is time to progress with the mentioned subsequent neuroscience project from the Duke team!

By Olga A


Oct 19, 2021

This course was a real treasure to find - very well structured, engaging, and challenging! It has greatly helped me to fill the gaps in my knowledge and to update the previous one. I realize that many detailes haven't yet memorized and appreciated in their entirety, however, I have a solid basis to build on and to expand my skills. I am deeply grateful to Dr. White and his team for creating this course. This was very inspiring. Thank you!

By Weerawong S


Jun 13, 2020

Thank you very much for one of the greatest neuroscience courses. I have learnt so much throughout 3-month duration. As a medical professional, neurosurgeon, the knowledge that you taught can fulfill the correlation between basic neuroscience and clinical application in my practice and academic teaching. I hope that all medical professionals who have to involve with medical neuroscience will have their opportunities to attend this course.

By Ashutosh B


Nov 29, 2020

An incredible course, and an incredible experience. Both Prof. White and Coursera have helped me immensely in gaining a foothold in the domain of neuroscience, a foothold I never dreamed of being able to achieve. Coming from a background of Biotechnology, this course allowed me to make some headway into my biggest passion in science; the science of the brain. Excellent explanations and demonstrations, and a very hearty recommend.

By Theron L


Jul 23, 2023

WOW! What an amazing few weeks it has been learning about the things which I took for granted all my life! From sleep to the complicated biology to languages, Professor White has shown me what I believe is just scratching the surface of what neuroscience could be in the future. Difficult and time-consuming as it may be, it is one of the most rewarding courses on this platform that has a positive lasting impact with me.

By Derica R S


Feb 17, 2021

The lessons provided are easy to understand and provide amazing insight into the spectacular world of Neuroscience. The tests are set up in a way that challenge you to think not only anatomically but creatively too. I recommend this course to be taken by those who are truly passionate for the science of the human brain. The Professor has been a blessing to this course and his teachings are not something to be missed!

By Kie T


Jul 26, 2020

I think this course is very challenging especially for those who are not specialized in medical. However, the course is very fruitful for me to understand overview and details of significant knowledge on neuroscience. It might be better to buy the text book if you want in-depth understanding through all courses and success all exams because sometimes you can find advanced expertise in exams. Anyway, I DID IT!

By Subodh P


Mar 20, 2020

Wow. It feels amaging to finally complete this 13 weeks or so long course. It tested me in all my domains. It was tough. Mr. White made it possible for me to pass the course. Being a medical doctor, i knew a lot of things as I thought beginning the course, but when I started doing this, it felt like, I just knew the tip of iceberg. I would anyone interested in neuroscience to undertake this course. Thank you.

By Firdevs M


Jun 25, 2020

This course has been my favourite online course so far! During the last 13 weeks I was able to comprehend various topics in medical neuroscience with the extraordinary help of Prof. White, who appeared motivated to teach in every single video, which motivated me even more to continue to broaden my horizons, deepen my knowledge and find another interesting fact about the most complex organ in the human body.

By johan e v v


Jun 27, 2016

Esta 100% completo respecto a los conocimientos impartidos en la carrera de medicina para la materia de neurociencias y neuroanatomía. Definitivamente a contribuido en mucho más de lo aprendido en las clases a las que asistí en mi universidad sobre la misma materia.

Gracias Universidad Duke por colaborar con tan inmensa cantidad de conocimientos y espero en el futuro poder aprender mucho más con su ayuda.

By Austeja D


Apr 6, 2020

Great course, highly recommended for everyone interested in neuroscience. I was afraid for it to be too 'basic' for a medical school graduate, however, there were parts which I had to repeat several times to learn thoroughly. The course feels somehow personal and I was somehow sad after finishing it. Prof. White is amazing, if you ever have a possibility to learn from him, don't even think and take it!



Jan 3, 2022

Signing up for this course was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Initially I thought the course was way too long and at the end of the day it was all worth it. I've many things which were totally new to me. I'm really glad that signed up for this course. I would strongly recommend all the others out there who are interested in neuroscience to take up this course. Thank you.

Yours Truly:)

By chloé H


Apr 11, 2021

It was my first mooc and I didn't expect such a dense and rich course . It gave me so much keys to understand more of the fabulous human brain function so I will use it for my work with patients . Pr White is a fantastic teacher and even virtually we can apprehend his kindness and patience and passion. I surely recommand this course. Thank you to all people who participate to create this mooc .

By joni K


Jan 24, 2020

Amazing course ..... I almost packed it in week 3...... Thinking I could not complete it ... too hard. BUT I followed the professors advice and completed. This course taught me how to to learn and I am grateful. I recommend it to anyone who likes a challenge and seaks the neuroscience knowledge that this course provides. For me it was the toughest coursera course I have done. DO IT !!!!!!!!

By Shestakova A


Jul 29, 2021

13 weeks. So interesting, so important, so exciting and sometimes difficult for me these 13 weeks! Leonard E. White, Ph.D. amazing teacher! Open, real, patient and very accurate! It provides the foundation, the foundation that is needed to be a real doctor-neurologist. He inspires, delights and supports students throughout the course! My thanks to him! And I will miss you very much!

By Olesia K


Sep 26, 2022

Takes lots of time, difficult to comprehend, but extremely interesting and completely worth it The narrative and structure are excelent, Dr.White is an amazing lecturer Very grateful to Coursera and Duke for providing free opportunity to acquire such knoledge I will cherish my lecture notes and remember what a fun jorney it's been completing your course (btw quite a long one for me :)) )



Jun 6, 2021

Excellent experience and I have learned a lot from this fascinating course. Heartful thanks to Prof.White. Your teaching enhanced my knowledge. I had understood all pieces of information with your wonderful presentations. After completion, I want to study at Duke University with your guidance, sir. Thanks a lot for everything., sir. Hats off to Coursera for providing this valuable course,

By Prakash P


Jan 18, 2021

This course on Neuroscience is packed with deep knowledge on Brain and disorders caused by damage to brain..It was treat to listen and watch videos by Professor Len White. It has helped me to understand the subject in depth and cleared many of my concepts which were so far confusing to me Thank you Professor White for your wonderful and easy to understand lectures. Thank You Coursera.

By Bame O D


Jul 17, 2020

For my whole life i have been looking for something that will arouse my passion, Having complete Medical Medical Neuroscience at one of the best Institution, Duke University arose that passion,i am looking forward to coming back there and work with Professor Leornard White, thanks for the way you were in explaining those concepts, Hebbs Postulate and Synaptic plasticity to mention a few

By Robertus A K P


Jun 7, 2017

I am grateful for taking this course. For the purpose of continuing my study to molecular neuroscience from psychology, this Medical Neuroscience course has helped me understanding the basic principles as well as how to apply the knowledge practically. Although sometime it was difficult, I found the professor very interesting and encouraging. Thanks again for this learning opportunity.

By Ajamalul


Apr 8, 2018

Such a great, in-depth analysis of neuroscience as a whole. Extremely grateful that a professor, who's probably heavily occupied by daily life, went out of his way to assist in educating the world over regarding this fascinating topic. If you have time to spare and you've always wondered about how the brain works, this is a great starting point to begin one's journey into the brain.