Feb 7, 2019
The course was highly informative and very well presented. It was very easier to follow. Many complicated concepts were clearly explained. It improved my confidence with respect to programming skills.
Oct 9, 2020
I'm extremely excited with what I have learnt so far. As a newbie in Machine Learning, the exposure gained will serve as the much needed foundation to delve into its application to real life problems.
By Anh T T
•Jun 28, 2024
By Johan M T B
•Mar 1, 2024
By Sundarlal
•Nov 7, 2022
By Dr. A K S
•Jul 17, 2022
•Dec 22, 2021
By Talha A
•Sep 29, 2019
By Ahmed A M
•Feb 7, 2019
By aymane s
•Jan 25, 2025
By Radhika
•Nov 7, 2024
By Princi
•Sep 19, 2024
•Mar 16, 2024
By Eun C
•May 6, 2023
By Arnav K
•Sep 3, 2022
By Livia C
•Sep 2, 2022
By Niladri J
•Jan 24, 2022
By Ali C B
•Dec 21, 2020
By Carlo E C
•Oct 8, 2020
By Prathamesh S
•Jan 5, 2020
By Deepa S
•Oct 22, 2019
By Uttam K
•Apr 16, 2020
Thanking Coursera for providing me the free education and helping for my substantial need
as I was not able to afford the course fee ; literally I can't express the happiness of
mine in words and how much I'm thankful to coursera cannot be described but heartfully am
feeling blessed by the coursera for helping me..Thank You Coursera with Love.
And none the less the instructor was very helpful throughout the course and along with the
discussion forum is also a great way to share and being helped during any problematic
situation but one thing I would like to add the lab tools are not available most of the time
but hopefully got to managed by practicing on my local Jupyter Notebook with the help of
sir's saeed aghabozorgi github repo. As I had some prior knowledge of Machine Learning so
the course was on intermediary level for me on scale of learning and enhancing my
introductory hands-on skills of training .
I have successfully completed the project although it was challenging but enjoyed a lot while
learning and building my final_capstone_project.
I've posted my project notebook very neatly and well maintained and have posted my notebook
with no hidden code cells to help others and inspire with my work.
If anyone wants to visit my github repo to final_capstone_project notebook feel free to commen
t down I'll share it with you happily :)
Thank You !
By Sherry A
•Jul 2, 2020
The content in this course is presented clearly through the videos provided, and the ungraded labs are quite helpful in learning how to implement the algorithms discussed in the videos. I took this course by itself (not as part of the IBM Data Science Certification), and there was some stuff I had to look up, especially about Pandas data frames and how to work with them. Maybe that content is covered in the courses before this one in the certification sequence. I didn't see a prerequisite knowledge list for this course, but that would be helpful for future learners who are considering taking this course by itself.
The reason I'm giving this course 4 stars instead of 5 is because of the typos that occurred, especially in the directions of the final graded project. I was able to read through the discussion threads about the final project to get a better understanding of what I was expected to do (because part of the directions don't make sense), but those posts are from over a year ago, meaning the typos haven't as of yet been corrected in the course.
Otherwise, I found this course to be enriching and enjoyable! Thank you!
By Sourabh K
•Jul 10, 2020
The course is not for someone who is new to python. This course requires some prior proficiency and understanding of the language.
There are no professional notes at end of each module or section like some other courses, so you need to take your own notes while going through videos. Having proper summarized notes like the ones in Andrew NG machine learning course would have been great.
There has to be some proper videos / guidance notes or well documented pdfs focusing on the data pre-processing and related components in Python and all other details as well regarding training a model, assignments are directly provided to be completed in Python without any tutorial of the same
Overall a good course but it would be great to have all documentation. Also since the title itself makes it clear that course will be in Python, Kindly add videos to the course which help more understanding of all concepts through Python, currently all videos only have conceptual explanation but no video touches the Python component or how to go about the implementations in real world.
By Justin E
•Apr 30, 2023
This is a great course. I sort of wish that this course provides more detail on the statistics and data visualization to look at the models such as linear regression and decision tree, at the same time, I do understand why it is the way it is as this is more about the fundamentals of machine learning than learning more about statistics
My least favorite part of this course is the Honors Peer Graded Assignment. The peer graded assignment feels absolutely rushed. Hopefully the rubric and/or the assignment gets some changes in the future. It's not really big issue, but there are some discrepancies from what you've learned from the labs compared to the rubric on the PGA.
The videos are helpful, the ungraded labs are easy to follow. The quizzes are straight forward just like pretty much the rest of this certificate.
Overall, this is a great course like most courses in this certificate. Cannot give it lower than four stars. If the problem gets fixed in Week 6 with the Honors Peer Graded Assignment and the rubric, then I would give this a 5 star rating.
By Cameron W
•Feb 5, 2021
This course was very informative about the basics of machine learning, the standard ML models and how the underlying algorithms work, and ML process of importing, cleaning, manipulating, and ultimately analyzing data.
The Python aspect of the course is extremely high-level and honestly not that helpful. All the code is pre-written for you and often without full explanations for what its doing. Specifically, all the pre-processing, feature engineering, data visualization, and basic program-building is already done for you, so reproducing it in a real-world setting would be difficult for anyone without a computer science background.
Overall, this is a great course if you have previous programming/data analysis experience and are trying to simply familiarize yourself with the basics of popular machine learning models. If your goal is to learn how to build models from scratch for a practical application, you may want to supplement this course with others.
By Dmitriy N
•Sep 21, 2019
4 stars only. The course was good. No problem with that. However, IBM keeps to update GUI of their cloud. Instructions provided in this course are obsolete.
Another thing, for someone, who didn’t take machine learning courses somewhere else, the amount of theory presented here is not enough. It is fine that you can put stuff inside your python (yes, I said this), but you have to understand, why are you doing this. You have to be understand how does it work. These libraries is just to try something out fast. The real implementation of the sophisticated algorithms is much more complicated. That doesn’t mean you have to be a PhD to do it, but you have to understand basic math that is going behind the curtain. It’s enough even for one algorithm. How many will know the difference between bias and variance after this course? How many will be able to say, how it can be fixed? Try to answer on this question.