Aug 23, 2020
Excellent start for digging into topics that are not taught nowhere else. The author books 'Machine Learning Yearning' is a great next read that goes deeper in some of the aspects, really recommended.
Jul 2, 2020
While the information from this course was awesome I would've liked some hand on projects to get the information running. Nonetheless, the two simulation task were the best (more would've been neat!).
•Aug 23, 2020
Muy bueno el material, Yo tengo experiencia con esto y veo que tocan puntos de mucho nivel e interez que pueden facilitar la creacion de vario contenidos y desarrollos
By Abhigyan C
•Jul 11, 2020
This course really helped me understand the concepts I learnt in the previous courses and get a real feeling for how it would be to do a real project in Deep Learning.
By Okta F S
•Jul 10, 2020
By taking this course I can get deeper understanding about how to doing error analysis properly. I think it's very important process in developing deep learning model.
By Pedro R B
•Jul 8, 2020
Hard to find a good course explaining details on produtizing and rationale on strategic planning of systems using Deep Learning. A great course that I would recommend!
By Lalit P
•Jun 16, 2020
Great course. I learnt many things like erros estimation and how to think about you ML project. Various data collecting techniques and various methods to reduce errors
By Ayham Z
•Jun 3, 2020
Extremely useful practical tips and excellent exercises that can be hardly found elsewhere! Well-structured distinguished content. Thanks for sharing such experience.
By Shashti K N M
•May 23, 2020
The course was excellent. The practical quizzes was very good and it gave a good understanding of how machine learning projects should be built in the right direction.
By Azamat S
•Mar 22, 2020
Great insights on how to structure your project - what to focus on to develop your model - bias, variance, training-dev set and other concepts are very well presented!
By Romit
•May 22, 2019
One of the most important course for ML/DL practitioner. It provides a lot of useful insights that other courses out there simply seems to avoid or don't cover at all.
By Rakshit J
•May 18, 2019
The flight simulators are really interesting and generate interest in the field. They also give a glimpse of structuring problems faced while developing an ML project.
By Kartikeya P
•May 30, 2018
Very good overview of the challenges in machine learning projects and pointers to overcoming them. Having these deep learning 'soft skills' could be vitally important.
By Stephen D
•Mar 17, 2018
The advice in this course is worth its weight in gold for anybody who wants to actually practice machine learning. Make sure you go through carefully and learn it all!
By Lyu Z
•Dec 27, 2017
Before i come into this class, i have done some deep leaning research and faced some questions in this class, it's a good summary and some strategies are really useful
By Luciano V B
•May 29, 2020
Again, excellent insights and helpful guidance from Andrew. This course should be taken for anyone who works or is attempting on working with Machine Learning. Kudos!
By Prashant J
•Apr 7, 2020
A course full of tips and knowledge required to build a real world machine learning application. Also help in the starting phase of building a machine learning system
By Rafael A
•Feb 11, 2019
This is a great set of videos that Prof. Andrew Ng transmits his years of experience running deep learning projects through highly valuable insights! Thanks Prof. Ng!
By Palash K
•Aug 13, 2018
I've gained so much confidence after taking this course. I learnt the thought process behind developing a deep learning project and I loved it. Andrew Ng is the best.
By Andy L
•Jul 11, 2018
Very practical advices that are typically not offered in academic textbooks. It's invaluable to have Andrew--a leading practitioner--sharing his experience like this.
By Fang Y
•May 16, 2018
这门课程不写代码,但是一样精彩,刚好作为后面难度大的 CNN 和 RNN 做一个铺垫。只是我自己在学这门课程的时候刚好赶上学校的课程要写 CNN 的作业,有点急不可耐想跳过去呀,加速播放等。但是静下心来认真学完,还是感觉收获很大,一如既往的精彩。小孩子手骨那块笑尿了,感觉老师像一个天真的小男孩.... 留在党外作用真的更大 :)
•May 16, 2018
Again, it is very good. However, this course is a little bit complicated and abstract in terms of the data obtaining, so may be more assisting details needed. Thanks!
By Jesús P
•Feb 27, 2018
Wonderful course but I think it could be improved adding practical programming assignment in order to test the useful techniques that Andrew teached on this course :)
By Kaspar L
•May 7, 2023
Love it. Super good to get a feel for the significance of the results and what to do next based on that. Would love to do more of these. As a little snack every day.
By Bharat M m
•Oct 23, 2021
This gave me real life insights into selection of Data for training a DL project. Now,I have a structure in my mind to go ahead and strike-start a project directly.
By Anmol B
•Aug 27, 2020
Highly useful for experienced machine learning folks. Given the fact that the discussed issues defined are real-life problems, Data Scientists face in live projects.
By Samyak S
•Apr 17, 2020
Great course! It provides the very necessary non-mathematical details that are important for the success of a project. The content is intuitive and fun. Recommended.