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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Java for Android by Vanderbilt University

3,069 ratings

About the Course

This MOOC teaches you how to program core features and classes from the Java programming language that are used in Android, which is the dominant platform for developing and deploying mobile device apps. In particular, this MOOC covers key Java programming language features that control the flow of execution through an app (such as Java’s various looping constructs and conditional statements), enable access to structured data (such as Java's built-in arrays and common classes in the Java Collections Framework, such as ArrayList and HashMap), group related operations and data into classes and interfaces (such as Java's primitive and user-defined types, fields, methods, generic parameters, and exceptions), customize the behavior of existing classes via inheritance and polymorphism (such as subclassing and overriding virtual methods). Learners will apply these Java features in the context of core Android components (such as Activities and basic UI elements) by applying common tools (such as Android Studio) needed to develop Java programs and useful Android apps. Learners will work on several hands-on projects throughout the MOOC, i.e., each week will require learners to write solutions to programming assignments that reinforce the material covered in the lecture videos. There will be roughly 4-6 hours of student engagement time per week, including video lectures, quizzes, and programming assignments....

Top reviews


Aug 4, 2020

This course will provide all basic information of android and it will also help you to understand the fundamental of java which is used in android. It really help me to improve my skills in android.


Nov 17, 2019

Excellent !! As a beginner I found this course a major kick-start to building a strong base for my Android app skills. A lot of practice needed though, but these videos would keep me going well

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776 - 800 of 826 Reviews for Java for Android

By Alejandro B


Jul 5, 2018

Some of the concepts are outdated such as conventions for private fields and thoughts around comments and documentation. Also the class seems more about object oriented programming than java for android.

By Greg P


Jun 24, 2020

Not for the beginner. Not much teaching. Test are basically figure it out on your own, guess until you get it right. No clear examples given for any of the test material.

By Ajay P


Sep 25, 2020

Not getting that much information and very less info on android

By Albaghdadi N


Nov 6, 2020

this course is like someone reading book for you



Jun 5, 2020

Not good and very difficult to undersand.

By dinesh k


Jul 5, 2020

i am not satisfy with quiz question.

By Ata Y E


May 5, 2021

Way too advanced for a beginner.

By Abhishek S V


Apr 17, 2020

Course is outdated.

By Deleted A


Jan 26, 2019

Poor quality

By Danish S


May 25, 2016

Very lengthy

By Simson N


Apr 19, 2016

i gave this course 1 star not because its bad in content, its just because i was expecting more due to the fact it has been delayed several times; then when it finally came it was like any other youtube or online tutorial. i was expecting something as big as udacity but unfortunately its not. Don't expect to know or understand java with this course, no practical or step by step example in this course. what makes it worst is the fact they never show you how to build an app from scratch while the only app they have in this course, they dont do it. you have to do it on your own.

dont get me wrong. all of them are good instructors but the way they did it, its definitely is not a beginner friendly. give a calculator as an assignment to build while you never built one app in this course, i think its not an effective way to teach. i will not pay for this specialization. i will do the udacity nanodegree one

By Matthew D


Jul 27, 2024

I wasted so much time on this coursera course...Don't waste yours. First of all Java and android studio are dead there so old school already no one gives a damn, Python and javascript(not related to java) are all the industry uses now, java may be good for some back end web crap, but even that is done with python everything is done with python now, java is so old it's hard to find forums for it anymore. second this class is so outdated it's stupid there talking about api 22 and the current api is 35., 35...they were using nexus as there VM I don't even know if nexus was ever even a real phone, were talking about s24, pixel9pro, galaxy and pixel fold not a nexus what ever the hell that is. I dont even know what version of AS they were using but none of the screens and options are even the same the project files i got were using deprecated systems this was a huge let down.

By Cem G


Jul 13, 2016

It is told that to take this course, basic computer skills like sending emails and downloading files are necessary-this is a beginning level course. Then, in the first module, instructors talk about polymorphism, inheritance and abstraction. For someone who have no prior programming experience, these are definitely not suitable topics to start with. Moreover, students are supposed to learn these concepts to get a good grade from first quiz, although they know nothing about programming.

I had some programming experience, so I was already familiar with these subjects. But the lectures were too boring to keep watching. I watched like 10 videos and learned nothing about the course subject. I think I won't be spending my time for this course, which seems to me like reading some reference files.

By Ivan B


Jul 6, 2017

After only a few "Lessons", I have to admit I'm plainly shocked - you said there're no prereqisites for this course - no Java knowledge, no programming experience needed. And then, you start with this "Java overview", throwing everything you have Javawise on the poor begginer ! Why ? To impress us ? Scare us ? Show us that we made the mistake enrolling this course ?

Have you ever heard that first day at some medical University top neuro-surgeon talks to freshmen about details and nuances of brain surgery...just as an "overview" ? What's the point ?

I'd be very happy if that one star of mine could be turned into five star at the end of this course, but according to the beginning. I'm pretty skeptical about it.

Show me I'm wrong, please...

By Aurora M C


Sep 29, 2020

I was very excited to start learning programming for the first time ever and the experience could have not been more disappointing. I had a very very difficult time comprehending the overview introductory videos because it was not a beginner level at all -contraty to what the program description stated.

Besides the contents being outdated, the format of the course is not friendly at all. I had to do 1+ hours of research before watching the intro video because I couldn't comprehend the content at all.

This is the third course I'm taking on Coursera and the first time I'm experiencing this problem. I was keen to learn but now no at all. Please review the content, format and description above all.

By Mick C


Apr 17, 2020

This course and specialisation has the potential to be superb but the assignments are so out of date that the students spend far more time surfing the internet to try and find out what is wrong with their android studio environment.

I enrolled in this course to extend my skills in java for android not debugging out of date project setups.

I am glad I decided to audit before enrolling. I did manage to struggle through two of the courses and even came back to it again to see if it had been improved, alas no.

I strongly advised anyone contemplating this specialisation to look elsewhere or come back when it has been brought up todate.

By Chintan M


Apr 13, 2020

It is really worst course designed. First of all these guys use ANDROID 1.5 and the latest version of now is 3.6.2!!! There is sky and ground difference between the two versions. The assignments designed are really of no importance at all!!! You are teaching java for android why do you need to take pattern related programs and all such unnecessary tasks. I really suggest not to enroll to this highly unhelpful course. IF THE COURSE IS DESIGNED IN ANDROID 3.5 OR HIGHER ONLY THEN IT IS HELPFUL

By Samay G


Feb 21, 2018

This is the second course I have taken on courser. I did not like this course one bit compared to the other course I took. I love programming but somehow this course ended up boring me even though I enjoy making android programs. The assignments are a bit challenging and take time. You need to keep rewatching the videos to actually understand what the professors are getting at. Overall, I would say that it is more time consuming than they say it is. I would not recommend taking this course.

By Chris C


Apr 1, 2018

Incredibly long-winded professors, what do you expect if you have 4 professors "teaching". Assignments are nearly impossible for beginning students, I even have a Java programming background and found the assignments very challenging. Unit tests not only prescribe that you arrive at the right answer but that you construct it in a specific way and provides no guidance on this, just failing unit tests. Ridiculously overdone and way too many cooks in the kitchen on this one.

By Michał K


Jul 1, 2016

Basing on the first videos, I would not recommend this course to anyone believing that "You are expected have basic computer literacy skills, such as knowing how to send & receive emails and browse the web".

The lector is robotic, the slides look outdated, listener is bored after 10 min of watching. I definitely WOULD NOT pay for this course.

I will change the rate after I watch more videos, but this course is a big no-no for me.

By Aleksandar N


Jul 25, 2016

First time I gave 1 star. Reason, lecturers are terrible. This deserves a report, if there was adequate reporting system on Coursera. I had a feeling like I was watching professors from school for disabled, and not an university. . . Course material is actually decent, but extremely badly presented. Sadly, I enrolled into second course as well, and hoping that one will be better, so I wont have to go through refund hell.

By Andrej S


Jun 2, 2024

Kurs wird nicht aktuell gehalten. Beim einreichen der Geometrieaufgabe hatte ich die ganze Zeit Gradleprobleme, weswegen die Tanks nicht angezeigt wurden und ich meine Aufgaben nicht einsenden konnte. Nach mehreren Stunden, wo ich schon alles ausprobiert habe und trotzdem nichts funktioniert hat, habe ich es sein gelassen und empfehle diesen Kurs nicht weiter. Da ist jedes YouTube Video besser



May 11, 2020

The instructors were helpful and knowledgeable. But, the peer-grading system made the whole experience more business-oriented than learning oriented. It seemed as if the students had to beg for reviews of their projects as can be seen in the discussion threads of calculator mini-project. I hope that this peer-grading system is changed for the better.

By Alexandru M


Aug 12, 2016

Very very bad communication from the teachers. The 2nd MOOC was supposed to start I think 2.5 months ago, it did not start at the time of this review.

They did not even bother to post some announcement to let the students know : ok course starts in x months.

Making things worse, you cannot get a refund if you purchased the entire thing.

By Syed A M


Aug 19, 2022

Teachers should use android studio in recorded video to teel how to do programming. Teaching programming in slides is like teaching Math on slide. You just tell what is happening on this step and moves on but student dosen't understand. Among all the coding lectures I have taken on Coursera this is by far the most worst.