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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL) by University of Michigan

5,430 ratings

About the Course

In this course, you'll walk through installation steps for installing a text editor, installing MAMP or XAMPP (or equivalent) and creating a MySql Database. You'll learn about single table queries and the basic syntax of the SQL language, as well as database design with multiple tables, foreign keys, and the JOIN operation. Lastly, you'll learn to model many-to-many relationships like those needed to represent users, roles, and courses....

Top reviews


Apr 25, 2020

Great course. The amazing thing about the instructor is that you will find something new and exciting in every course and that's why I loved this course and the remaining courses offered by Dr. Chuck.


Sep 22, 2020

Hello ! I am Physics major student in Myanmar.In my university there is no Programming course.I get this course during COVIDE-19 period and I get many knowledge about SQL Programming language.Thanks.

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1026 - 1050 of 1,216 Reviews for Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL)



Apr 24, 2020

All the course was very good but the last assignment is showing different things in assingment page and in grader submission page due to which it is difficult to submit that json file.

By Jingxuan W


Jun 3, 2019

I can't tell if the content is too chill before I use it elsewhere. But it is a good course in general. The instructor's teaching style is comprehensive, although too verbose as well.

By Prof. M B


Apr 11, 2023

The course is good for beginners. It talks at slow pace about data and how it is created. More time could have been spent on more variations of the select and the join statements



Mar 25, 2018

Great class with a great instructor to go along with it. My issue is not with the content or the professor but rather the material covered or the lack of it. It is very short.

By Oluwaseun O O


Nov 9, 2017

I have avoided MySQL for years. I finally found courage to face my monster. This course being my first course on SQL makes it look so simple for me. Loving it sooooo much

By Vinayak K


Jun 15, 2021

It was a very good experience to learn this course. I have learned basics of SQL. This course is very helpful for database management. Best platform to start a career.

By Thomas L


Aug 31, 2021

A rather short, but concise introduction to SQL. Professor Severance has a very engaging and positive personality that helps with concentrating on lecture videos,

By Mohammad M I


Sep 25, 2020

Course in nice but video length of every topics are long. Is better is video length if no more than 8 minute. it is difficult to keep concentration on this lecture

By Yash K


Jun 7, 2021

The course was good ,Dr Chunk lectures were amazing . One thing which I think should be there was some more focus on basis of SQL command and some more theory

By MohanRaj G


Aug 30, 2022

course structure and use cases are very good. Some more elaborated content on SQL commands and little overview of advanced SQL queries would have been nice.

By Tuomo P


Aug 19, 2019

Had taken SQL courses before, but this one really showed how to set up database from scratch. Great course on how to set up MySQL database on a basic level.

By Gredy C


Jul 4, 2023

Hopefully, Coursera can add Indonesian translations, considering that there are also more and more users from Indonesia, and to accommodate more students.

By Valter F


May 29, 2019

Great SQL entry point course. I'd recommend, that after you complete it you check some of the theory arround ACID properties, Transactions, DML, DDL, etc.

By Anna N


Nov 28, 2022

I quickly finished the course within a week or two, and the assignments were very straightforward. A little extra challenge would be lovely!

By Christelle


Nov 16, 2020

Very good ressources. The videos were full of info, however the notes on the slides seemed quite confusing someimes. French learner here.

By Divyateja C


Oct 25, 2018

Perfect for absolute beginners in SQL. It'd have been better had there been more assignments and more advanced topics covered like JOINS.

By 纪涵


Mar 28, 2022

Really great introduction course though you need time to debug and stackoverflow when setting up things and understanding the concepts

By tao z


Jun 8, 2020

I finished my database class last semester as a graduate student. This class was a good review for what I learned in a practical way.

By Raghav R


Jun 3, 2020

Pretty decent and professional explanation. Could have included more number of assignments along with various other concept examples.

By Akshay L


Nov 24, 2019

Great course for beginners!!

All the basics are covered properly!, but would have been best

if covered all the SQL topics.

By Ubaldo G


Aug 30, 2020

Dr Chuck makes it to seem too simple. it's good, I feel I learned, but I am affraind when I face real life sql stuff!

By Gregg G


Nov 13, 2019

Course covered the basics in an easy-to-follow manner with an easy pace. Gave me a pretty good understanding of SQL.

By Alex R


Aug 1, 2020

Basic introduction to SQL. It gives a good overview of how to create tables, keys, and insert records into tables.

By Liu Y


Aug 29, 2021

good ellaboration, but it's relatively easy, hope in the future there are more difficult cases for us to practice

By Marco A D D


Jul 23, 2020

Good course, very well explained and with good material. I just expect a bit more difficulty on the assignments.