Aug 31, 2020
This is a great survey course about Indigenous Canada. As a participant, I have learned and unlearned so much about Indigenous Canadians, and more important, this course has inspired me to learn more.
Feb 24, 2021
Excdellent course! I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn the material presented. Thanks you so much! All the work that was evident in putting this course together was worth the effort!
By saM t
•Jul 19, 2021
This course would be a perfect compliment to the Social Justice and Peace Studies course at King's University Collage in London, Ontario. The Fur Trade section offered a lot of new learning for me, and the Treaties section helped to make things somewhat clearer as to what treaties are and their roll. I hope that more Canadians will benefit from this online class of Canadian Indigenous studies.
By Don L
•May 19, 2021
I took this course being a 72 year old Metis urban man.
Most of my life has involved economic development with many First Nation and Metis communities.
I found the course useful as a learning tool for non-indigenous folks and for those indigenous people that may know little of their own heritage and Canada's role with their ancestors.
I congratulate the staff and faculty in producing this course.
By Ronald F
•Jan 7, 2021
I would the course very informative or myself and would encourage everyone to take it. It's important to learn about indigenous culture in order to begin to understand this incredibly important part of Canada and North America. I am sorry that as a middle aged Canadian I knew so little about indigenous history, culture and traditions, you've given me a glimpse into that and I thank you for it.
By Vicki W
•Dec 31, 2020
I enjoyed the course, I really like the interactive painting, thought they were beautifully done. I appreciate all the time and effort that went into the course. The course touched on several subjects that I was not aware of. It makes me ashamed at how my ancestors came and stole land and destroyed their culture. I hope that change comes quickly, it's Canada and we need to set things right.
By Joshelin B
•Oct 25, 2020
I loved learning about all of the topics that this course covered. It challenged me to learn and unlearn important information regarding colonialism in Canada, and it gave me a better vocabulary to think about and discuss these topics. I loved the variety within the lessons, and I particularly loved listening to artist Dorion speak about her paintings. Extremely informative and helpful course.
By Cate M
•Mar 19, 2025
I was encouraged to complete this course by my employer and I am so glad I did. The knowledge I've gained is invaluable. I have a much greater understanding of the history of the land I live on and a much greater appreciation for what Indigenous People have endured and continue to fight for. Thank you for putting it together and making it available, its a course that everyone should complete!
By Michelle B
•Jun 3, 2022
Fantastic course ... it highlighted what I already suspected and then knew: what I was taught in elementary school and high school in the 70's and 80's is not the truth of what actually happened. I have a far better and deeper understanding of what has led us to where we are in the present day. I'm so glad I took this course! Thank you to all who were involved in its inception and creation!
By Calcul8ted H
•Oct 21, 2021
This course was such an amazing experience! Why is this not being taught in schools as part of Canadian History? Such an eye opener of the injustices made against Indigenous Peoples. I have such a greater understanding of the true history of Canada. Truth and reconciliation is necessary for healing this community and our country. I support you, my heart is with you. Thank you for this course.
By Gillan P J
•Sep 25, 2021
If anything needs to be mandated in Canada, it's this course. I learned so much and am extremely grateful to those who contributed, and put it all together—thank you. It was emotional; I often felt so angry, sad, and disappointed that I had not been taught any of this in my years at school. I will continue to seek out Indigenous voices and will encourage others to take this course. Thank you!
By Helene K
•Sep 29, 2020
The course presented a different but more important perspective on Canadian history that is overlooked in the education system. The course content is excellent and easy to follow. The quizzes are not too hard and help with retaining the material. This was the most enjoyable online course I've done (in terms of the module format and delivery) and I learned so much. I would highly recommend it!
By Heather B
•Jul 27, 2020
I absoutley enjoyed this course! What an eye opener. I was born and raised in Toronto and went to Elementry and high school and was never taught majority of the information that was taught in this course. Thank you so much for having this course available to Learn the truth about Indigenous culture. This course has inspired me to help spread the awarenss of Indigenous culture anyway I can! :)
By John H
•Oct 31, 2021
I had never realized how little I knew about this subject and, what what I thought I knew was based on a lie. I took this course as an homage to Reconciliation day and now will continue to follow all this with an informed and eager attitude and appetite to know more.. Thank You to all the instructors and guest speakers. Possibly the most important course I have taken in my education journey
By Franceena K
•Mar 31, 2021
I thoroughly enjoyed this course. It not only introduced me to the Worldview and lives of the Indigenous peoples, but also opened my eyes to the ongoing battle in cementing a rightfful place in Canada. Thank you so much for all the work that you have put into this. I hope to continue educating myself and others on Inigenous histories and the other important topics covered in this course.
By Michelle W
•Dec 18, 2020
This course is a fantastic way to teach people the real history of Canada. I learned so much information that I think I should go through everything a second time in case I missed something. I think that this course should be taught it our schools across the country to help end systemic racism. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I would love to take another course in Indigenous Studies.
By Julia P
•Apr 22, 2020
This course is well researched and has so much information that every Canadian should know about. It incorporated interesting interviews, and some art pieces commissioned to highlight the course and important aspects of Aboriginal history. Discussion forums with answers from mediators along with course notes and references were helpful in digging a bit deeper into the informaiton. Well done!
By Phoebe M
•Jul 22, 2023
The test questions can be a little hard to parse, but I appreciated that the course makes you think hard and pay attention. I would want more clips of the artist explaining the paintings, as the clips chosen for each unit aren't always the most relevant to that unit, and I want to hear the artist talk about other sections of the paintings.
A very good course and I feel like I learned a lot.
By Ange A
•Oct 23, 2022
Born and grown in the UK Indigenous studies is not a subject that is delivered in detail. I am so honoured to have been able to take this course, even though, at times, it was difficult to learn all the historical hardships. I recommend this course especially to those coming from Europe to live in Canada to gain greater knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the indigenous culture.
By Fahma A
•Jan 12, 2021
As I am from a continent that has and still been colonized by the western society, and struggling to gain freedom and the right to self governance I have enjoyed learning Indigenous culture and hope to learn more.
I appreciate every second the struggle and continues fight that indigenous people men and women are still putting in order to gain the value of their culture language and respect.
By Anne S
•Nov 16, 2020
Thank you for opening my mind and my heart to so much of what I didn't know regarding Indigenous Canada. The course is well laid out and easy to work through. The quizzes could use some revamping, as they didn't always test my knowledge in the best way. Overall, I would recommend to anyone looking to expand their knowledge and compassion to our past, present and future Indigenous Canadians.
By Diana V S
•May 2, 2022
A very thought provoking course. It really opened my eyes as to the truth about colonialism. The extent and inhumanity of it makes me ashamed that people a) did it at all and b) thought it was okay to believe this way. I admire the resilience of indigenous people to hold on to their traditions and move forward.
I am very very grateful for the opportunity to learn and understand. Thank you!
By David A
•Nov 14, 2020
This course is exceptional in understanding the historical and contemporary importance that Indigenous people, culture and experiences have shaped our country. The importance of Indigenous rights, culture and recognizing the genocidal acts of previous installations of government, are explored in how Indigenous clans have been resilient in the preservation of language, beliefs and culture.
By Elyssa D
•Sep 13, 2017
I have always had an interest in Indigenous culture and issues. This course has allowed me to gain insight into an Indigenous' perspective of Canadian's history. The way videos and notes were used was very organized and helpful. This course should be mandatory for all Canadians and be integrated in our education system. Thank you for this wonderful learning experience! Highly recommend it!
By Lauren P
•Feb 19, 2022
This was a great course! It was a great way to learn about the First Nations people, history and culture. It is so important as a Canadian to understand how this land came to be. I would highly recommend for people who need to educate themselves on this topic. As a teacher, I knew some of this information (fur trade, residentials schools) but so many people are so unaware and need to be.
By Katia R
•Jul 18, 2021
This is a very interesting, comprehensive, and thorough course, created with thoughtfulness and sensitivity to address the many of the historical and current issues faced by that Indigenous peoples in Canada. This course should be widely taught at Canadian high-schools, universities and colleges. It should also be a requirement for new immigrants who wish to become residents or citizens.
By Lynn G
•Apr 15, 2021
I really enjoyed this course . I found the presenters, lecturers to be excellent and course content was well balanced. It gave a true and honest account of the history of colonization and the devastating effects of Canada's genocide that as a descendant of a colonial settler I feel keenly in my bones. Taking this course is part of my learning journey to support truth and reconciliation.