Sep 26, 2020
good session, the tutor has a good dynamic of speech, clear and easy to understand without falling asleep during my course, and appropriate knowledge of HTML, step to apply to the useful tools. thanks
Apr 16, 2020
This course was very interesting and helpful in the initialization of web development also the course instructor is very good she delivers her knowledge up to maximum possibilities and also motivates.
By Débora D
•Jan 1, 2022
Eu amei este curso! A primeira vez que estudei HTML foi em 2016, em um curso técnico. Eu achei que era simples e que eu ja sabia tudo. Que curso maravilhoso e como eu estava errada! Aprendi muita coisa. Acabou até mesmo me ensinando a me organizar melhor para fazer sites. Aprendi sobre web semantica, acessibilidade, etc. Sei que meu flow content e layout serao melhores apos esta fundamentaçao sobre a estrutura HTML.
By 任恒之
•Apr 15, 2016
Just finished the final quiz! Feeling so great!
I really love this course cause I've learned a lot about HTML. Also, the Instructor put a lot of emphasis on accessibility, which I think is really important.
One thing a little bit frustrating, though, the codes in the quizzes look like mess when viewed on my phone and it really gave me a lot of trouble. Perhaps this courser would offer better support for mobile phones?
By shreyansh s
•Apr 11, 2020
It was an amazing experience to learn basics of HTML5 from Michigan university.
I am working with web design and development for past 2 years but in this course I got to know a new thing that I should take care of and that's accessibility and also got some tips on how to master the skill of making amazing web structure using html5 and I highly recommend beginners to take this course its worth doing this course.....
By Mark R R
•Feb 25, 2019
I really enjoyed this course. It is not the simplest task to provide an environment in which an online student can consistently learn to write code and be accurately assessed in his or her coding profiency. I am a beginning programming student yet I didn't need more than windows 10, a dell inspiron 1500 laptop, and the will to learn HTML5. Everything else was provided within the course and I finished quickly.
By Koert S
•Aug 13, 2016
Great first course for anyone. Especially for who are (completely) new to HTML. As a newbie I found the course easy to follow. The instructor does a great job and is really passionate about coding. The course has a focus on learning the tags, the syntax and semantics of HTML5. The course gives you guidelines to code correctly. You also learn about the impact of the code on the accessibility of Web pages.
By Krishan K S G
•Aug 23, 2022
In this course, I learned all about HTML, code validation, domain names, servers, and how to upload my project to Github, etc. The instructor, Colleen Van Lent, explains every topic clearly with examples, as well as how to avoid common HTML mistakes. This course is a great choice if you are a beginner looking for a course in web development. I would like to thank Coursera and the University of Michigan.
By Gilbert S
•Apr 19, 2018
The teacher and the course it self was pretty much what started me on this Coding game and as a Sales funnel Builder that is just adding snippets is more than enough to not only understand whats going on on your websites or funnels but the leaning a new language to talk to real programmers haha or just the ability to I made this cool website myself and is my pride: https://harv.gilbertsimpson.com/soip
By Cris
•Mar 11, 2017
This course is an excellent beginner's resource. The examples and detailed PowerPoints are a great step-by-step walk-through into the basics of HTML programming. I am a little frustrated with coursera's attempts to extract money from students auditing courses, but that is not this particular course's fault.
Overall, I am a big fan of the UMichigan courses. The Python course is also great for beginners.
•May 4, 2020
This course was the first online course I've ever taken and as a novice it really shows me the magic of web developpement and especially HTML5.I can't wait to enroll in more classes now.Also , I really want to thank Dr.Collen van Lent for her simple and fruitful way of giving the information and her encouraging words as well.finally ,I thank the University of MICHIGAN and Coursera for the great work.
By Archit P
•Apr 30, 2020
This course Introduction to HTML5 is really informative as well as designed Innovatively,
Videos are quite a lot informative, as well as reading links provided are also informative.
After learning from this course I learnt a lot about HTML5, yet more to learn.
Thanks for providing this Amazing Course .The reviews are also justifying the quality and quantity of knowledge provided in this Course.
Thank You
By John
•May 22, 2019
An absolutely ideal introduction to HTML5 – exactly the type of introduction that I wish I had when I started learning HTML5 several years ago. I took this course as a refresher on HTML5, and found Dr van Lent's style to be friendly and engaging: she covered all the essential elements of HTML5 in an understandable manner. Highly recommended for beginners, or as a refresher for more advanced learners.
By Sanae M
•May 10, 2020
It was an amazing experience. Now, I'm able to continue learning more about HTML myself because I was well introduced to its basics and got familiar with. And I'm also ready to know be introduced to CSS 3 to style my future Web pages. I liked everything in this course : the lectures, the additional material and the assessment. I would recommend it to every newbie who wants to become a web developer.
By Mohamed A E
•Jan 9, 2021
My name is Muhammad Ayman Saeed. I am a student at the College of Computers, Information, and Artificial Intelligence. I wanted to learn about the field of web design. I started with that course and enjoyed and benefited very much
I liked this course the perfect explanation and the application I learned very much
I intend to complete the web path, I will move to the CSS 3 course
Thank you so much
By Sandy
•Apr 11, 2016
The course is great! Colleen made it really clear and easy to understand. To be honest, this is the first ever course that I have sticked around till the very end and successfully completed it. I would never expect that my first completed course is an HTML5 course. I loved the course and enjoyed it. I am going to continue learning web design with Colleen. Thank you Colleen for the awesome course!
By Anusha D
•Mar 28, 2020
My experience with this course and with the professor was really good . I got to learn a wide range of skills and knowledge from both of them i.e., coursera and professor. I really want to thank them for sharing their piece of experience and knowledge with me , that has surely helped me in increasing my knowledge in the field of web Development and changed my vision towards web development .
By Snow D
•Feb 9, 2017
I learned a lot more than just HTML in this class. It covered some history and basic info on the internet and how things work as well. It gave me a better understanding of how HTML fits into everything. The teacher also feels quite strongly about accessibility and talked about the whys and hows for that too. That's something that wasn't taught when I first learned HTML and I appreciated it.
By Ines D T
•Sep 30, 2020
Thank you! I didn't think I could do it. Completing this course was something I was putting off because I didn't believe I could do it. It has allowed me to be present and engaged in learning. I think I'm hooked on Coursera. The University of Michigan professor was eloquent and provided many ways/medias to connect to the curriculum. Accessibility to text was very important in my success.
By David
•Nov 27, 2017
I found this class to be immensely helpful to someone starting out. I was so proud of myself for writing code and seeing it show up on my browser. I couldn't stop telling and showing my friends and family about it. Thanks goes to the professor that made it approachable. I wish I could take a class with her in person as her personality is conducive for learning successfully.
Thank you!
By Gaurav G
•Oct 4, 2015
This course is a great one. My first Coursera course! It covered enough ground which I'd wish should be there in any online course, because too much of details may make online learning experience boring and too less of it means you haven't learned much. Whereas the amount of material covered in this course was having right balance. I'd recommend this course to every wanna be web-developer!
By Sambhav J
•Nov 20, 2020
A good introduction to web development. The teacher (Colleen van Lent) has a great attitude and seems interested in getting students themselves interested... she explained the intro topics very clearly. This course has really a lot of things to learn along with code and the most important that hands-on lab walkthrough. Thank you for providing the opportunity for us to learn what is best.
By Hector F R M
•Oct 20, 2020
Pude entender cómo funciona cuando se solicita un sitio en la web y la función de los navegadores. También aprendí que los documentos HTML tiene un inicio, encabezado, cuerpo, pie de página (no conocía el footer y casi no he escuchado de esta parte) y el cierre. Sigo revisando el funcionamiento de las etiquetas para no confundirme y mantener la semántica.
Muchas gracias por el curso.
By Pratik T
•Jun 26, 2020
Well, I was already a bit experienced with HTML but this course has information which i did not come across before starting this course. One such thing is the accessibility of web pages. This course is worth taking only if you intend to practice and do lots of reading. The reading materials they provide is very helpful for beginners. The instructor also has an amazing style of teaching.
By Franklin D M A
•Nov 27, 2019
Really nice course to learn, use and code the basics of HTML 5. The professor explains really well each topic and motive you to code and keep learning by yourself. An interesting thing is that the professor focus too in how to code your website and make it accessible for everybody (people with any kind of disabilities, people who use screen readers, etc). Highly recommended this course.
By Deleted A
•Dec 17, 2017
I really enjoyed this course because it did not go too fast for my academic ability. I really liked that the course took it slow and did not overload us with too many concepts all at once. I was looking to learn the basic building blocks of HTML5 and it is exactly what I got, so I now have the confidence to continue learning more about HTML5 on my own, as well as through future courses.
By Brandy
•Sep 1, 2020
I was really intimidated when i wanted to learn this subject so i kept putting it off. however, once i took a leap and joined the class and i am so happy i did! I really enjoyed the course and wish it was longer, I know I have a ways to go and lots to learn however, after completing this course, I am much closer to making my dream career of becoming a web designer a reality. thank you!