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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to HTML5 by University of Michigan

27,657 ratings

About the Course

Thanks to a growing number of software programs, it seems as if anyone can make a webpage. But what if you actually want to understand how the page was created? There are great textbooks and online resources for learning web design, but most of those resources require some background knowledge. This course is designed to help the novice who wants to gain confidence and knowledge. We will explore the theory (what actually happens when you click on a link on a webpage?), the practical (what do I need to know to make my own page?), and the overlooked (I have the code, but how do I put it on the web to share with others?). Throughout the course there will be a strong emphasis on adhering to syntactic standards for validation and semantic standards to promote wide accessibility for users with disabilities. This course will appeal to a wide variety of people, but specifically those who would like a step-by-step description of the basics. There are no prerequisites for this course and it is assumed that students have no prior programming skills or IT experience. The course will culminate in a small final project that will require the completion of a very simple page with links and images. The focus of this course is on the basics, not appearance. You can see a sample final HTML page at . This is the first course in the Web Design For Everybody specialization. Subsequent courses focus on the marketable skills of styling the page with CSS3, adding interactivity with JavaScript and enhancing the styling with responsive design....

Top reviews


Sep 26, 2020

good session, the tutor has a good dynamic of speech, clear and easy to understand without falling asleep during my course, and appropriate knowledge of HTML, step to apply to the useful tools. thanks


Apr 16, 2020

This course was very interesting and helpful in the initialization of web development also the course instructor is very good she delivers her knowledge up to maximum possibilities and also motivates.

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7226 - 7250 of 7,251 Reviews for Introduction to HTML5

By Leenaraj B


Oct 18, 2017

Assignments were confusing as the questions were not clear enough in what it was trying to ask. Also the final assignment is annoying, i had to completely ignore the Question 1 in order to pass. As any input in question 1, i was not allowing me to pass. The Grader or pattern has to be changed for final exam. Lectures have to be improved. Whats being taught and the assignments are not related in most cases.

By Liya R P J


Aug 25, 2020

I am not fully satisfied with this course.I had to pause and read the descripton below the screen most of the class to understand what the lecturer was actully saying.It was difficult to understand what she was saying,because of her speed while talking.What i hear may not be what she was saying.So i had to toggle between screen and description everytime and that is very annoying

By Anastasiia P


Jul 17, 2020

You know these teachers, that everybody hates? I honesty have not seen an online instructor being so disrespectful and so unmotivated during lectures. I only finished this course because it is a part of the specialization I want to receive, but I will not advise somebody to make this course for fun

By Nikolina S


Mar 25, 2016

A lot of theoretical stuff, nothing for practice; awful final exam strategy, the course encourages learning by heart without any thinking; advice: to help non english students (like me), make the lectures not overlapping the subtitles



Mar 16, 2023

I completed this course But in certificate coursera learner name is there.My Name is not printed.I also verify my name.after that also this problem is there .i request you to kindly replace my name in that certificate.

By Parth G


Sep 8, 2017


While this course is really good for beginners, I feel that at the onset, there could have been more practice for practical coding as part of the course.

Probably some more assignments would have helped.



Jun 2, 2020

While the teaching material was understandable and well-structured at the time of creation, it is now outdated, full of corrections and mistakes, and accomplished with poor commitment!

By Paula L


Dec 2, 2020

El curso puede estar muy bueno pero en la escripcion dice que tiene subtitulos en español y todo el material de lectura esta en Ingles. Quiero la baja del curso.

By Vitthal R K


Nov 27, 2020

I am not interested to HTML complete the course, please close the course deadline and please give me permission to Excel Skills for Business: Intermediate II

By Francisco A T S


Sep 3, 2018

no hay traducción en español mi tutor nunca se preocupo por mi,,, me cobrar $49,00 dolares y ni siquiera estoy satisfecho ni he aprendido nada

By Nilesh P


May 7, 2020

Very disappointment with this course, Instructor has not done job properly, their are 10 times better trainers on youtube than this trainer .

By Tolulope S


Dec 3, 2015

The grading system I dont like it. I coded and validated, yet it returned error to me. I was frustrated that I had to opt out of the course.

By Martijn A


Oct 3, 2015

autograder will not accept my valid code that contains all valid elements, will not make the deadline so will not bother continuing.

By Aamir C K


Nov 23, 2015

Its ok. HTML is not "Code" its a Mark-Up Language. When she cant explain sheo covers it up with attitude words or skips quickly.

By Ahmad K


Nov 11, 2016

it is very boring course no coding just watching a lady talking and talking and talking it is really very boring to do that

By Philipp N


Oct 29, 2024

Excruciatingly slow and too much endorsement of paid tools/services.

By Ali A


Dec 20, 2023

Tons of information you don't need in real developer life.

By Pankaj S


Dec 18, 2020

I want to unenroll the following topic

By Charif A Y C


Sep 25, 2020

I confused about the course

By Deleted A


Jul 12, 2021

No esta en Espanol

By MinhLTCSS130112


Jan 15, 2021


By Julius L T


Dec 2, 2020


By Tejas G J


Oct 23, 2023


By Yashvi P


Oct 11, 2022


By Abdallah S M ع ش م


Oct 5, 2022
