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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Holocaust - An Introduction (I): Nazi Germany: Ideology, The Jews and the World by Tel Aviv University

1,405 ratings

About the Course

The Holocaust was an inconceivable historical event, which forever robbed Western culture of its innocence. As civilized human beings, we fail to understand how events of such horror could have taken place, and how an idea so inhumanly warped could have spread like wildfire through an entire continent, instigating the systematic annihilation of millions of Jews. This free online course was produced jointly by Tel Aviv University and Yad Vashem – the World Holocaust Remembrance Center. The course tracks the history of the Holocaust and has two parts. "The Holocaust - An Introduction (I): Nazi Germany: Ideology, The Jews and the World" is the first of the two courses and covers the following themes in its three weeks: Week 1: From Hatred to Core Ideology We will try to delve into Nazi ideology and the special place of Jews and Judaism in it. We will also discuss how the National Socialist Party converted the German Democracy of the Weimar Republic into a totalitarian regime within a short period of time, and its meaning for Jews and non-Jewish citizens. Week 2: The World and the Jews in World War II We will try to examine the broader contexts of the Holocaust and to place it, as part of World War 2. In this meeting we will also refer to the vital Jewish world to be found under various Nazi occupations and influences. Week 3: The Isolation Abyss - the Perspective of the Individual We will try to reveal different aspects of Jewish life in the face of the badge of shame, ghettos and segregation, as well as the formation of individual, societies’ and leader’s reactions in the face of a consistent policy of dispossession and discrimination. Once you’ve completed this course, you can continue your learning with The Holocaust - An Introduction (II): The Final Solution ( This online course is offered in an innovative, multi-level format, comprising: * Comprehensive lectures by leading researchers from Tel Aviv University and Yad Vashem. * A wealth of voices and viewpoints presented by guest lecturers. * Numerous documents, photos, testimonies and works of art from the time of the Holocaust. * Novel learning experience: Crowd sourcing – involving the learners themselves in the act of collecting and shaping information, via unique, exciting online assignments. REQUIREMENTS: This course is designed for anyone with an interest in the Holocaust, including students, teachers, academics and policy-makers....

Top reviews


Mar 28, 2016

A fascinating personal account of the atrocity while the world watched! This class is for everyone there is so much more to learn, thank you for everything you went out of you way to help, God Bless


Jul 22, 2019

It is an eye-opening and humbling course. I appreciate how the content was presented through an engaging narrative. It led me to think more deeply about the Holocaust and humanity, for that matter.

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26 - 50 of 341 Reviews for The Holocaust - An Introduction (I): Nazi Germany: Ideology, The Jews and the World

By supratik b

Feb 24, 2021

This course gives an insight into the events of the 1920s and 1930s after the rise of Hitler in Germany and his coming to power. The position of Jews in Nazi Germany which was somewhat clear but not very clear to me have become more clear after completing this course. The lectures were precise and the visuals were very appropriate. I would urge all who are interested in learning about the holocaust and Nazi Germany to do this course. Thanks for giving opportunity for undergoing this course

By Miryana V

Apr 27, 2018

This course should be taken by anyone who's interesting in learning about history and cultural beliefs as well as the Holocaust. This is a captivating subject and there's so much to learn about it that one course most definitely wont cover all aspects, but this gives you a lot of insight about how it all started and why it might have taken so long to be stopped. Hopefully, this helps us realize that things like this cannot ever happen again, we need to learn from out past.

By Abel D

Mar 1, 2016

Thanks. This is a heartwarming course, with detailed history of the tragic events of The Holocaust. If you're interested about the Holocaust this is course is a essential course to take. We often and briefly touch upon the horror of the holocaust and the anti-Semitism of our world history. To touch upon the history is not enough the we need to see human experience and suffering at experiential level, and as I see it this course does this. Thanks, for your eloquent research.

By Neriza C

Apr 3, 2022

Very informative and it truly answer all my questions about the world war 2. Learning about the Holocaust, history's worst period gives me butterflies in my stomach. I believe I'm tough enough to continue studying this subject, but I couldn't control my emotions in every chapter, and I thought it triggered my despair. THE BADGE OF SHAME, THE NAZI GHETTOS, CONCENTRATION CAMPS, AND ISOLATION make me feel very emotional .

By Elizabeth N C

Mar 27, 2019

Excellent and in depth introduction to the Holocaust, explaining much of the background, history, and events of the first part of WWII for European Jews and the years just prior to it. If you have ever asked yourself "How could this horrific event have happened? What were people doing that it wasn't stopped?" then this course is for you. This is a course I think everyone should take so that we truly learn from history.

By LeRoy G

Jun 5, 2019

This is a great course to take to get a small look into the bigger picture of the Holocaust. I like very much what I study here and ready to learn more along with American History. Anyone that is looking to study what had happened in WW2 between 1938 to 1945 this is a start. Videos like this one also help to better understand the question of WHY it started

Thank You very much

LaRoy Graham

By Susan F

Aug 13, 2019

I give this course the highest rating because it was presented in an easy to understand format, included great resources and offered new ways of researching certain materials that can be used to identify with the victims of the Holocaust directly such as their art and their diaries. Photos are also a very important aspect of the truth of what actually went on during the Holocaust, not just public official views.

By Jonathan S

Mar 23, 2020

I found this to be a fascinating course and definitely will help you understand the factors that led to the Holocaust. For me, it was more about trying to understand how we - as humanity - could enable such a thing to happen. While it does not answer that question specifically, it does allow for you to understand the conditions which lead up to it and how it impacts the question of Jewish Identity today.

By Kristina M

May 30, 2021

This course is clearly taught by professors that are complete experts in their field. It allows you to think critically about the Jewish experience during WW2 and facilitates discussions with discussion questions available for each topic. Definitely recommend taking if you want to learn more about what fueled Nazi hate and how Europe reacted to this genocide. Will be moving on to part II shortly!

By Silvia M M V

Jun 17, 2020

I finished this course so fast... I just wanted to continue learning more and more. I had heard so much about the Holocaust, but I was never told nor learned the context, the reasons, the actual events. I've discovered and understood so much thanks to this course. Thank you so much to everyone who worked on this MOOC. Looking forward to the second part and other courses from this university!


May 28, 2019

A very good course to understand Nazi Germany, Jews lives under Hitler rule and the outlook of the Europian world towards the Jews. I absolutely loved the professor's teaching style, the course content was good and concise and very informative. Reading session further helped me in understanding the whole scenario better, quizzes between the lessons helped me in retaining most of the lesson.

By Patricia A

Apr 24, 2020

This is the first online course I took and I absolutely love it! I learned a lot of new information and ideas about a topic which I am interested in but am not so familiar with. Lessons are well-paced, discussion prompts encourage you to think about specific topics, and supplementary materials provide additional information and insights on the lessons. Good thing this course has a Part II!

By Rocío M E L

Feb 11, 2016

Muchas gracias por darme la oportunidad de tan fabuloso curso. En verdad aprendí nuevas cosas. Espero que pronto puedan abrir el curso con subtitulos en español. Será muy reconfortante para los hispanoparlantes que no dominamos muy bien el inglés. Felicidades!!!! Ah, y abran más cursos sobre la cultura judía, en verdad es muy interesante. Quizá podría haber un curso para aprender algo de

By Brian H

May 24, 2020

Excellent, content, delivery and range of resources, both primary and secondary. I was thoroughly satisfied with it and answered many questions which I had previously thought of but did not know if they were relevant. This is a wonderful tool for persons with not just an interest in History in general but also into the mindsets of persons in countries of occupied Europe at this time.

By Megan H

Jan 1, 2021

I learned a lot from this course, far beyond the basic Holocaust and Anna Frank studies I had in public school. For anyone interested in WWII history in Germany or in the Holocaust in general, this is a great course. I highly recommend it for even those who aren't specifically interested, just for the knowledge of these crimes against humanity and how they were allowed to happen.

By Naupess K

Aug 29, 2020

This is a course worth to be taken by each inhabitant of the core nations of the African Great Lakes Region (AGLR), at least each scholar and sociopolitical leader of the DRC, Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda preventing genocide and other mass atrocities is to be taken seriously there. Making it available in French and training French-speaking local trainers is a real need there.

By Vanessa C

Feb 13, 2017

The course lets you access a wide range of resources that help you build a deeper understanding of the mass murder of European Jews. The questions in between videos (lessons) are helpful in processing and synthesizing socio-political events and ideologies that led to the holocaust. Two weeks into the lesson and I have never been bored - it is interesting and engaging.

By Deleted A

Mar 22, 2018

A very informative course, presented in such a manner that all and everybody will understand the horrors of WW2, and in particular the savage treatment, inflicted by the Nazi's and others, suffered by the Jewish population of Europe. Whilst I was born a Christian I due not practice any form of religion, but I respect all other peoples faith. ~ Steve Winter

By Gloriana B

Apr 4, 2018

This was my first course in Coursera. I took it as a recreation course and it definetely caught me. The proffessor´s explanation is great and the material included is very interesting. The secuence of the course leads you to understand the topic without knowing more than general culture about the holocaust. I definetely recommend it.

By Manfred S

Mar 25, 2016

It is not easy to prepare and present this part of German History without any emotive stance and without condemnation. But you did it brilliant and it was well prepared. I learned a lot and what is most important for me new perspectives with unknown or partial unknown materials. Thank you very much for being a part of this course.

By David H

Aug 26, 2017

This course is a must for the beginner as well as seasoned learners. Having a good understanding and knowledge of the WWII and separately concerning the Holocaust it's a well presented representation of understanding what was happening and why. So many questions can be answered. Well done and look forward to Part Two.

By Kelly H

Apr 3, 2020

Anyone that is interested in learning about the Holocaust needs to take this course. I have taken many university courses on the subject and am currently doing my Master's degree in Holocaust education. I was very impressed with the instruction given by the specialists and the reading materials that they provided.

By Howard S

Sep 8, 2020

I liked the Professors. It must be so spending their lives as Israelis and Jews studying the regime that led to the destruction of people like themselves and perhaps some of their own family members. However, their work is so important to bringing as much light and understanding as possible into the horr

By robin h

Jun 24, 2017

thank you for taking the time to teach me all of the factual events leading up to the worst crime ever in the history of bullys and war lords predjuice and mean single minded people should be so lucky to enjoy the same level of treatment afforded to the Jewish comunnities .for many lifetimes to come.


May 8, 2020

the topic itself greatly interested me. But as i began to learn the course, i was actually hooked to it. This course actually cleared a lot of misconceptions about Holocaust And Understanding Nazi Germany, lives under Hitler rule and the outlook of the European world towards the Jews