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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Health Across the Gender Spectrum by Stanford University

2,215 ratings

About the Course

This course offers an intimate, story-based introduction to the experiences of six transgender children and their families. Through illustrated
stories and short teaching videos, learners will gain a better understanding of gender identity and the gender spectrum. Stanford physicians,
K-12 educators, and transgender faculty members offer practical tips for parents, teachers, healthcare providers and anyone who wants to
help create a more gender-expansive environment - one in which all people can live authentically. As a global community of unique individuals,
we can begin to build a world that is ready to nurture and love each and every child. Due to the sensitive nature of the story...

Top reviews


May 11, 2017

I have thoroughly enjoyed this course. My stepson (born a female) is transgender. This course has helped me understand things more and gave me a lot of pointers on how to do things. Thank you so much!


May 18, 2020

I love how concise and easy to understand the videos were. They all get straight to the point and it was really a mind-blowing experience to learn about the differences and what we can do to support.

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51 - 75 of 675 Reviews for Health Across the Gender Spectrum

By daniel l


Feb 10, 2022

I'm a healthcare provider who didn't fully understand the idea of the gender spectrum. This course opened my eyes. I learned a lot that will help me in my future practice. Specifically, I was unfamiliar with terminology and what it all meant. I would consider myself "old school" in what I was taught about gender but I think it's important to be open minded. If you take this course with an open mind, it will expand your knowledge and ideas and make you question some of your preconceieved notions. Thank you!

By Anjuli G


Jul 26, 2017

This course brings to life the gender spectrum with empathy, humanity, and practicality. It spans a wide range of topics to equip all of us to be better friends, family members, colleagues, and community members. I personally took this course to support my 5-year-old godchild. S/he picks different pronouns on different days and is the most creative, spirited child you can imagine, whether in pants or dresses. I'm so grateful to have the tools to be a better godmother! Everyone should take this course.

By Jo A


Mar 25, 2023

This would be a great tool to teach new doctors or health professionals. Every medical professional and teaching professional would benefit from taking this course. Further parents of transgender kids or families would benefit. Honestly I think that i am going to make this course mandatory for my Volunteer Street medics as it gives a good personal history or peoples journeys, needs, and expectations of those of us in the medical and education community.

I even recommended my boss to take it!


By Levi v W


Nov 13, 2017

As a trans person, I really love this course, as it educates others about what transgender means and why it's not as big of an issue as people make it out to be. I love seeing/hearing children and parents talk about their personal experiences, as it reminds me that I'm not alone. I also love how professionals (in education, medicine, etc) are debunking the ridiculous rumours and misinformation spread by biased /presidents/ and political parties. Seriously, though. Thank you for this course.

By Brittany P


Dec 3, 2019

I really enjoyed the video content of this course, which included first-hand accounts of the transgender experience, from individuals who transitioned as adults as well as the parents of transgender children. Each story was unique, but they all helped to convey that we as a society must move to a more accepting place where each individual is treated the way they would like to be treated. In doing this, we can help each individual to be their truest self and reach their fullest potential.

By Jeane A


Apr 15, 2017

I took this amazing course and found myself crying through the first 3 videos. I never knew what the child and parents experienc. My state is planning to pass a "bathroom bill' and I now know the full horrors of that. Being transgender is not a religious issue or a female privacy issue, but rather reaching out to children who need acceptane, support, and understanding. A wonderful course taught in a beautiful manner. A must for all teachers, parents, and healthcare providers! Thank you!



Apr 17, 2021

I loved this course, I am a professor in a private university and I would like to help my transgender students with the tools I acquired at the end of this instructive course. In order to be able to be of help for the students I need a certificate of completion of the course "Health Across of Gender Spectrum" to deliver it to the Directorate of the School of Architecture where I work and to start a program of support against discrimination of gender. Thank you very much!

By Monica C


May 15, 2017

This is important work, making gender diversity education available to people across the board. This course is informative, and easy to comprehend. It is important to create safe spaces for gender nonconforming people and trans people. It is great that this includes information for teachers and for healthcare providers. These folks have a BIG impact on us as children and we need professionals in these areas to be educated so they can help our children grow and thrive.

By Patricia L


Apr 11, 2017

I found this course very informative. It explain gender expectrum in a way that was clearly understood. I enjoyed having listened to personal experiences from parents and teachers of transgender children as well as personal stories of transgender individuals. This course has helped me by providing me with understanding about what is like being transgender. It also has given me the tools to be supportive and inclusive of transgender individuals and their families.

By Nirmal V


Jul 4, 2020

I feel everyone must take this course and learn everything that we must to make this world better and friendly for Transgender people. I just know, a human is human doesn't matter what gender. And we all need love, in abundance. I personally loved this course and learned a lot from it. It didn't just give me more information about transgender humans, their feelings, and struggles of life but also gave me a whole new perspective to see the world. 😊

By Rev. D R


Jul 15, 2017

Was content-rich but cursory enough for someone at the surface level to understand the importance of gender diversity and competencies in the professional and personal level. Discourse was not time consuming and I believe was worth my time I will definitely recommend this course to others it was well-constructed they were no technical errors or glitches and I believe the personal stories mixed with the clinical interjections was the perfect mix.

By Helene J D


Aug 3, 2017

Excellent course that includes a range of issues and challenges in the health and wellbeing across the gender spectrum field with a special and important focus on children. The course includes many instructive and enlightening narratives that get the points to come forward. I think the course apply to all people no matter how you identify, and you should definitely take the time to enjoy and learn from this visual and auditory resource.

By chandana J


Nov 18, 2018

It was really a wonderful experience for me.I came to know many things, each week's schedule was very well planned and the live models were quite motivating and inspiring as well. Now i think have become a more empathetic person.It was heart wrenching for me after knowing the about the hardship people go through when they aren't accepted.I think proper awareness should be created among people.lastly i want to thank everyone for this.

By Marissa V


Oct 3, 2017

Excellent course. As someone with a Master's in social work and a close friend who is trans, this course presented a lot of information I was already familiar with, and was a great refresher as to what attitudes I should bring to my practice. I have recommended this course to my friends and family who may not have had experience thinking about and discussing gender and gender identity, and how to best support trans individuals.

By Lyndsey C


May 20, 2020

This course provides a holistic understanding of what it means to be transgender and shares a glimpse into the experiences and struggles of transgender children and their parents, as well as offers insights into how we can provide more inclusive healthcare and education for all students of all diversities. I would highly recommend this course to anyone seeking to better understand what it means to be transgender or non-binary.

By Shreeporna B


May 7, 2021

Absolutely enjoyed doing this course. The concepts are so easy to understand yet so important. I am a Public Health Professional working with adolescents and children in India. Often i struggle to explain regarding gender and LGBTQ among children and adolescents to parents, teachers, frontline community workers, government officials and policy maker. I forward the link to this course to whoever i can to help them understand.

By Sarah S


Feb 14, 2018

I really enjoyed this short course, and found the personal stories and animations to be helpful in really understanding the journey of transgender kids and their parents. I think this would be ideal to share with those not familiar at all with gender studies, as it is an easy and supportive introduction. Great for teachers as well as parents and healthcare professionals to understand some basics. Thank you!

By Jeyana M


Oct 3, 2017

This course is great! Thank you! The concept of gender spectrum was a revelation to me. I feel so happy and releaved now. And I want to become one of the voices, which are building a better, safer world. Thanks for the list of resources - as soon as I feel confident enough in this topic, I'll start telling about it to everyone who's interested. And now I'll definetely recommmend this course to people I know.

By Frances W


May 14, 2017

I never understood what transgender meant. I was given a very clear definition. But more than that it helped me understand how transgender children feel and how their parents feel. It made transgender real to me. I don't know anyone who is transgender but I know that after taking this course if I do meet someone I will be very aware of their feelings. I will accept who they are and be able to support them.

By Cristina P


Jun 6, 2020

Hello, Is loved this course, it is one more step in my sexual education and it helps me to apply it in my personal life and in the environment in which I operate, I understand and I know how to create spaces of gender equality and respect for people who like human beings deserve to live their sexuality fully and how they feel and live, it must be respected. Thank you, I will recommend it!!!!!!

By Kaye S


Apr 28, 2017

I am going to recommend this course to other teachers and counselors at my school site. I feel it is important that everyone understands this issue is real, it's not a "phase" kids go through, and it is not something that can be swept under a rug and ignored. As public school educators it is our moral obligation to ensure a safe and inclusive learning environment for all our students. Period.

By Harumi N N


Aug 19, 2017

This course opened my eyes. I don't have many transgender people around me, so I didn't understand. I have a friend whose child seems to be a transgender. I saw this boy start wearing a skirt or pink clothes and wondered why she would let her child do that. Now I think I have better understanding because of this class. It would be great if many people have a chance to watch this class.

By Maria G L


May 15, 2022

Very useful course, it conveys clear knowledge and correct terminology of the gender spectrum. Advice to doctors, teachers, families and friends on small attentions that support a child to live according to self gender identity The name, the pronoun, the gender free bathroom, the clothes, the neutral games for everyone, the time and direction of puberty, and much more through real stories.

By Rachel G


May 1, 2018

Excellent course! Provides a great basic background for families, educators, medical professionals, and community members who are interested in supporting the full spectrum of children in our care. Videos and interviews are very well done and easy to understand, even if this might be your first bit of education on the subject. Will continue to recommend this course to others.

By Erick G


Apr 30, 2017

Because of a special circumstance I recently experience at my child school, the schools Head Master and the early childhood principal recommended this course to me. It was the perfect fit and had all the information I need to be part of the conversation regarding the gender spectrum. Also this is the first course I complete in this platform. It left me completely satisfied.