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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine by Google Cloud

3,675 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to the Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine course. If you're interested in Kubernetes, a software layer that sits between your applications and your hardware infrastructure, then you’re in the right place! Google Kubernetes Engine brings you Kubernetes as a managed service on Google Cloud. The goal of this course is to introduce the basics of Google Kubernetes Engine, or GKE, as it’s commonly referred to, and how to get applications containerized and running in Google Cloud. The course starts with a basic introduction to Google Cloud, and is then followed by an overview of containers and Kubernetes, Kubernetes architecture, and Kubernetes operations....

Top reviews


Dec 13, 2020

I already learnt GKE from Qwiklabs courses. But there are new things that I learnt now, like Architecture of K8s, Edge presence of GCP (GKE), Still there are things that can be taught about Anthos.


Apr 26, 2020

Very nice course that I finished in 5 hours straight! I liked the Spinnaker lab and the fact that it's the first time I have seen 78Gb memory cluster running on a 12vCPUs without having to pay.

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676 - 700 of 729 Reviews for Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine

By KimNamho


Mar 18, 2019

thank you

By rustx


Jul 27, 2018


By Peter B


Aug 26, 2020

I cannot recommend this course. Also should have checked the reviews first myself.

It more like a collection of Google Cloud Labs exercises than an actual course.

Otherwise would be a nice overview and a place where you can try these out with practical demos, but that's it, nothing more. Absolutely not worth the price.

I had LOT of issue with the labs (instructions not working anymore is a very common case), especially for the more complex topics. I had to spend a lot of time talking to customer supports to get help, and finally really only fellow course users came up with possible workarounds.

By Fedor K


Feb 2, 2025

The course is useless if you want to learn Kubernetes. It's mostly focused on some predefined GKE commands that make some automated magic, but you don't control the process and don't understand what these commands do. E.g. in one module, you deploy 3 nginx nodes on the GKE Kubernetes cluster. But you don't have any configurations for pods or nginx itself. And you don't get any information, on how to do it. Just click some button in the Google Cloud console and get 3 working but completely useless Nginx processes. That's it.

By Boyko T


Nov 10, 2019

The labs are good, but the videos are sub par. I think the person spent more time saying "OK" than saying things of substance. I feel he often sounded incoherent, reading off a script he didn't really understand. It seems the videos were just quickly put together without much thought and effort. They make for confusing and frustrating experience. I ended up googling stuff, just so I don't get lost. Very disappointed!

By Amit R


Jun 9, 2018

The content is so huge, may be a different approach to the course is necessary. May be links to appropriate sections in k8s website and ask course taker to read those and the take a quiz on those. It gave me introduction (i.e. first 7%) and then I had to understand the details by going through the entire k8s documentation. We need to setup a k8s cluster in house.

By Ankur A


Apr 6, 2020

Lectures are not good. Without prior knowledge this course would have been of very little utility for me. I am sorry to see such poor quality of course still being offered by Google and hosted by Coursera. Labs are useful, but you need prior knowledge and comfort with subject matter. Spinnaker and Jenkins labs are not well written.

By Carlos P d R


Jul 29, 2018

Way too fast for beginners, even with Docker experience. Concepts are barely explained before being used.

The course seems to be getting old, many times in the labs you get DEPRECATED messages.

Worse, some of the labs don't work, or the provisioning has errors.

Good course to get kubernetes concepts, needs rehashing and more time.

By Sunil R


May 18, 2020

Didn't learn much, since the videos are short and the lab had all the commands stated, I just had to copy and paste it to the console, there were lots of complex scripts but a very short explanation was provided. The length of the course should definitely be more than a week with more detailed explanation.

By Jasper B


Oct 3, 2018

The last lab cannot be finished without fixing the Jenkins file in your dev branch, as the "Fixed configuration" option that the lab tells you to pick isn't available. Several labs weren't graded after having completed them; ended up taking them twice or thrice before it was picked up.

By Max K


Apr 19, 2020

Not splitted by weeks, so small theory material, I regret to pay for that course. It's "Getting started with", but not "We assume you know a lot before". Every part of Kubernetes must be review better with more info and explanations.

By Jaap K


Jan 18, 2021

Text below the videos is clearly fabricated by Google Cloud Speech API. Number of misinterpretations is huge. Translates pods as parts, writes as rights, egress as ingress, up to the point of ununderstandable mire.



Jun 3, 2019

Hard to follow. The videos are hardly helpful to understand much. All is about the assignments which are of course behind the paywall and possibly that's the reason the main part of the course is in only them.

By Leonardo L A M


Jun 7, 2018

Curso raso demais e direcionado a público intermediário para avançado. As primeiras lições até a antepenúltima são maus explicadas com poucos detalhes básicos.

By Konstantin B


Jul 19, 2019

Too superficial and without lab access absolutely useless! Need more value for free course and more real-world examples!

By Luis C


Apr 25, 2019

Very shallow. It feels closer to a marketing material than a real course.

By Dennis P


Jun 23, 2020

Three of the Qwiklabs malfunctioned/did not work.

By Peter P


Jun 12, 2020

The labs don't work at all.

By Charles E


Mar 27, 2020

too much copy and paste

By joyan s


Feb 20, 2020

Trainers are sub-par

By Shuvojit K


Jan 14, 2023


By Nathaniel R


Jul 1, 2020

You have to read the comments in the reviews and the discussion. I didn't. This course was more of a list of commands and topics to self-research in order than an actual class. The instructors clearly did this in a single take and were speaking extemporaneously. If you look at the transcript of the video, sentences just don't make any sense. I still appreciated getting the list of topics to self research and would have given this a 2, but then the lab for "option 2, spinnaker" which I don't need and wasn't listed in the course overview has a known bug that appears an hour in and cannot be worked around, cannot be passed, and ultimately resets your lab, losing your work to date and blocking completion of the course. If you look it up in the forum, this problem has existed for a long time and nobody even bothers adding a note like "don't do lab option number 2, you'll lose all your work and waste your time". The quiz questions and multiple choice answers not only aren't answered in the materials, but are actually pretty difficult to even interpret meaningfully enough to research an answer for.

By Peter K


Mar 29, 2020

I regret taking this class...the presentation of the material can be described as HORRIBLE... very abstract and too generic. Note to the instructors: EXAMPLES GO A LONG WAY!! When you are introducing a theoritical concept, follow it with a simple example! The quizzes were OVER-simplified and did not really test any of the supposed knowledge gained. As far as the labs go, i found myself just copying and pasting the commands with no real understanding of the steps that i was performing. There were too many applications that were introduced in the lab that should have been presented FIRST in a video instruction. Too many concepts are ASSUMED TO BE KNOWN ! ...i am sorry..but this class needs to be re-edited...especially the annoying "OK" coming out of the 2nd instructor every 15 seconds. EDIT THAT OUT!! It gets very very very very very very annoying....anyways...i wasted $49 for this class. Lesson learned, i guess.

By Robert M


Nov 16, 2018

I feel disappointed.

The course ought to take 1 week and 2 hrs of lectures in total according to the abstract. Maybe there were 2 hrs of lectures in total, but followed with at least 6 hrs of labs! I wasn't prepared for that and struggled to complete the course within week time. Please adjust the abstract, or, better, split the course in 4-5 consecutive weeks so that each week there's manageable amount of content to cover (1 - 1,5 h of lectures and labs).

Secondly, my personal opinion is that the teachers were speaking too fast and without good contact with the audience. As a result, all the time during course I felt in pressure of time and without solid understanding of the content presented.

Still, thank you for the course. I made my first step in Kubernetes!

By Nick E


Apr 2, 2020

Disappointing course. There are 2 instructors. One seems to know what he is talking about, but only delivers high level descriptions of things. The other instructor seems not to know what he is talking about and just reads through the slides in the videos like he's never seen them before, often misreading words on the slides and saying the wrong words. The labs are basic and you don't really understand what you are doing. The quizzes seem unrelated to both the labs and the videos. Most of google's trainings are pretty good, but this one is poor. Don't expect to know what you are doing at all after doing this course.