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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Fundamentals of Revenue Management: The Cornerstone of Revenue Strategy by ESSEC Business School

1,066 ratings

About the Course

With a fixed capacity, a highly disposable product and high fixed costs, hotels are a natural candidate for the application of revenue management. Originally developed by the airlines in the 1970s, these analytics-based techniques help predict consumer behavior at the hotel’s market level so that the hotel can sell each room each night at the optimum price. With modern-day rising acquisition costs and distribution complexities, revenue management techniques have increasingly been adopted by both small and large hotel companies, making a comprehensive understanding of segmentation, forecasting and pricing an essential requirement for today’s hospitality professionals. The purpose of this course is to provide a core understanding of the fundamentals of revenue management, which ties into the larger picture of revenue strategy. The course is structured to provide an insightful look into Revenue Management. Created in conjunction with Duetto, this course is hosted by a group of revenue management leaders in both theory and with hands-on experience at properties around the world. Upon completion of the course students should be empowered with industry best practices, which can be applied across the vast diversification the hotel industry to empower those to optimize profits. Duetto delivers powerful revenue strategy solutions to the world’s leading hotels and casinos, combining unparalleled expertise with world-class cloud-based technology. Acknowledgement: Bela Nagy, Agnes Roquefort , Jonathon Liu, Frederic Toitot, Pierrick La Masne, Markus Keller - ACCOR Simone Truscello - ACE HOTELS. Richard Valtr - MEWS SYSTEM. Jean-Luc Chrétien - FAST BOOKING. Jeannette Ho - FAIRMONT RAFFLES HOTELS & RESORTS. Chinmai Sharma - TAJ HOTEL & RESORTS. Cindy Estis Green - KALIBRI LABS. Jason Thielbar - RED LION. Christopher Cooper - ROCCO FORTE. Rom Hendler - SANDS. Rafi Rejerano - AB Hotels. Riko Van Santen - KEMPINKI HOTELS & RESORTS. Vinod Sukhija - BANYAN TREE HOTELS & RESORTS. Olivier Flement - WALT DISNEY COMPANY. Cidalia Pinto Coehlo - LOUVRE HOTELS. Trevor Stuart-Hill - REVENUE MATTERS. Vincent Cusma, Marco Benvenuti, Eric Stoessel, Gayle Ehrean, Nevin Reed - DUETTO. Claire Bertrand, Vincent Chatain, Jessica Moses, Benjamin Six (ESSEC Business School), Emilie Dupré (IMAGE-IN), Gregory Halidy (TRIPLAY)...

Top reviews


May 1, 2022

I have been working in the hospitality industry for around 3 years. I found a lot of useful knowledge in the course. It is practical and informative. Highly recommend the course.


Nov 26, 2017

I value specifically the repetition of concepts across videos and readings - it meant it really solidified the learning and knowledge so that I now can confidently apply it.

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226 - 250 of 271 Reviews for The Fundamentals of Revenue Management: The Cornerstone of Revenue Strategy

By Jani N


Jul 14, 2020

Good knowledge over all. Most of the suplementary readings did not work at all. That was a bummer. Also could not watch the videos as the guys were moving theirs hands like crazy people :) but the audio was ok.

By roger a


Jun 2, 2023

Some good very good content and well strucutred. Shame that a lot of the additional reading/videos are not available. Also who told the presenters to use their hands like windmills - very off-putting.

By Arno P


Aug 17, 2020

A nice and lively presentation - thank you. It is however a complex topic and will demand additional reading, which is fine. The reason for the 3 stars - a slower pace would have been great.

By Polydefkis B


May 9, 2020

While the course content and execution is great, having a pdf of the content at hand would be helpful during class. Also, the course is 5 years old and most links do not work anymore

By Melville J F


May 9, 2020

The content was well delivered. But the additional resources links are expired or do not exist. They need to be updated. Final Exam questions quite a task

By alex s


Nov 29, 2015

Tests and quizzes don't really ask the right things and the answers given are hard to understand. Bad quizzes but lectures informative.

By Nicolas P


Mar 24, 2020

This MOOC is a little hard to understand, perhaps dedicating more time to explain and unerstand terminology could be a great idea.

By Daniele P


Jun 6, 2023

A lot of links and videos are old and not availaible anymore.

In generale the videos are clear and easy to understand

By Alan B


Nov 8, 2024

Good info but lots of the articles are no longer active and some of the information may be outdated as its from 2015

By Viktor M


Feb 15, 2020

Its a decentt course, but most of the additional readings have experied. Would not recommend to pay for this!

By Mohammad A A


Jun 23, 2020

complementary reading items are not available and the segmentation part is quite vague to understand.

By Gwenael C


Sep 23, 2019

Too many links and references are broken or out to date... should be properly updated

By andres p c


Jun 3, 2020

Almost 90% of the complementary readings and videos are no longer available.

By Romain G


May 17, 2020

Some complementary articles and videos links are unavailable

By Paula v O


May 5, 2018

I found a lot of the questions 'misleading' or confusing.

By Nagraj N


Jan 23, 2019

This section was not that impressive as the first one.

By Fabiola M


Apr 30, 2020

Creo que el curso es muy teórico y poco práctico.

By Abdel F B


Apr 2, 2020

des liens annexes ne marchent pas

By Kurt J


Oct 28, 2019

A lot of links are not working

By Kin M S


Feb 10, 2025


By Sandeep k


May 10, 2020


By Alexandra


Jan 30, 2020

The course is good for a very basic, very theoretical overview of what the revenue management steps are. The concepts can be presented in a biased form (by the sponsoring company), so take it with a grain of salt. The content is outdated (links and videos don't work; no engagement on forums). More details below.

What it does well: It's well structured; it uses industry specific terminology and topics; it touches on some issues that hotel managers deal with and summarizes some of the solutions.

Drawbacks: The university has partnered with different companies in the creation of this course, and the overall specialization. The companies are selling their products in a very subtle way, so they present some of the concept in a way that aligns with their agenda. As an example: Course 1 (not associated with any firm) equally highlighted the pros and cons of working with OTAs, while Course 2, sponsored by Duetto, mostly spoke about the negatives of OTA bookings.

95% of the articles don't exist anymore; 100% of the videos don't exist. There are too many typos in the practice tests, as well as the closed captions - unacceptable for a course published by a university. The course hasn't been updated in some years with current information or data. No current interaction in the forum.

Finally, the course is very theoretical. No practical examples of hotels, with quantitative exercises.

By Giorgio T


Jun 18, 2020

Io lavoro nel mondo dell F&b e ho scelto di partecipare a questo corso per imparare di più sull hotel management. Mi ha aiutato perché ho imparato un sacco di cose nuove riguardanti la gestione delle prenotazioni e come gestire diversi tipi di clientela.

Ho purtroppo trovato spesso il corso molto ripetitivo e non approfondito, sembra che i tutor rimandino sempre alle lezioni successive nelle quali in realtà non dicono nulla di nuovo.

L’esame finale è molto difficile e pratico; purtroppo non ti danno alcuna preparazione per affrontarlo con, per esempio, esercizi pratici.

L’80% dei links inoltre non funziona e penso che delle slides aiuterebbero molto chi appunto come me non lavora alla reception.

By Michelle R


Jun 6, 2023

The course material of this course felt lazy - the mid-course quizzes were very poorly written (tons of typos, pick multiple questions that did not say how many to pick, questions that were more about regurgitating the exact lecture words than any sort of comprehension of the course material) and I wish more had been similar to the final exam. The additional reading was at least 50% broken links due to the age of the course. Videos felt repetitive and while they introduced some key topics and really emphasized the importance of using them, they achieved very little depth or even examples of any of the topics.

By Sergei S


Jun 28, 2019

A lot of water. Too much of Duetto advertizing, editorials, articles, logos everywhere. Taking into account that I have paid for subscription - very disapointing. A lot of materials are out of date and links are broken. In fact you will listen for only Duetto's opinion all over the course. There should be some other options of supplemental materials and readings. And half of links leads to Duetto's White papers which is extremely boring. Just in case I sent a demo request to Duetto, but they declined it because they can not integrate with our Bookingsync CRS. Such a shame.