Dec 6, 2020
Foods and us have a relationship, and this course defines that relationship. Personally, this course provides positive experience for me in regards of food, meal preparation, and eating in moderation.
Jun 22, 2018
It was an amazing course that allowed for me to be much more conscious of what I was eating and pushed me to strive to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Overall, it was very entertaining and informative!
By Elizabeth L
•Jul 15, 2022
Gracias infinitas, fue una experiencia maravillosa poder estudiar con ustedes, el curso es muy instructivo, ME ENCANTO, aprendi mucho y reafirme conocimientos que ya poseia. las clases son sencillas y de facil comprension. Gracias por ayudar a quienes no tenemos recursos a poder tener un aprendizaje de calidad. Que Dios les bendiga y les compense con creces la bondad de sus corazones.
Les Bendigo siempre
By Oyinlola A O
•Mar 1, 2023
Introduction to food and heath opened my eyes to underlining issues on food and health pertaining to human nutrition, shopping, cooking and relationship with food. I was able to understand that while sensitizing humans on food, nutrients should not be the only phenomenon to capitalize on because humans tend to focus on nutrients and leave a lot of important factors out which lead to bad eating habits.
Thank you.
By Marzieh A
•Jul 18, 2019
i really enjoyed this course. even though we don't have nearly as many processed foods as the regular american, i felt i still learnt a lot about ingredient labels and it definitely got me thinking about making more healthy choices. i really liked the visuals and some of the images just stuck, like the idea of smaller plates and first thinking about the vege component rather than the protein component of a meal
By Jimmy F G c
•May 28, 2020
Muchas gracias por darnos la oportunidad de aprender nuevas cosas sobre nutrición mas haya de conocer lo esencial, mirar con otra perspectiva el tem,a de alimentarse saludable y sin necesidad de invertir mucho dinero, que algunos caemos en el error que comer saludable es invertir dinero, sabiendo esto ya podemos mejorar en muchos aspectos..altamente agradecido con la universidad de STANFORD..
By Shannon S
•Jun 14, 2019
This course was thoroughly enlightening on so many levels. The concise and engaging videos, easy-to-digest material, and highly applicable and, dare I say, life-saving dietary health tips have made a huge impact on how I will proceed in my relationship with food. Kudos to both Dr. Adams and Dr. Pollen for their joyful and inspiring dissemination of information. I will highly recommend this course to others!
By Gaurav M
•Nov 5, 2021
Looking for a no fuss advice/intuition about nutrition and healthy eating ? This is the course, it's quite enjoyable, informative sort of like coffee table books. I did it in a few hours and learned a lot. Instructor has given an astonishingly succinct maxim for healthy eating.
Eat Food(real food not processed)
Not too much(don't stuff until full, leave some room)
Mostly Plants(vegetables, fruits heavy diet)
By Jyotsna B
•Aug 28, 2020
I really enjoyed doing the course I love nutrition and want to make a career fin this field .
It is very beneficial course for anyone interested to improve his life and his family's health. It is very user friendly and with all the transcripts. The quizzes really covered the course content.
The recipes were nice and simple and as I am a vegetarian , I will try to make them with the vegetarian alternatives.
By Stephanie P
•Aug 5, 2020
The course itself was easy and simple, but what I am taking away is so so valuable. I recommend this course to anyone who recognizes that their current relationship with food needs to change, because it will show you that the key to a healthy diet can be incredibly easy. I feel inspired and motivated to take what I learned and incorporate it into my own life and share what I've learned with others as well.
By Muhammad U K
•Feb 12, 2022
This course is very informative and encourageing. I will suggest this to my friends who are having bad food habits and their health is not well from number of years. After studing this course I came to know that people having majority of health problems because of eating wrong and packed food massively. I also appreciate the hardwork behind the research of these cources of Professor Maya Adam, Thank You.
By luisa p
•May 11, 2020
Este curso realmente es muy práctico, la manera en la que explican los diferentes temas utilizando ejemplos que faciliten la comprensión de este. Me ayudo mucho ahora que estoy en proceso de dejar de consumir alimentos de origen animal, ya que antes no lo hacÃa por completo porque creÃa que esta fuente animal era fundamental para nosotros cuando en realidad no lo es, también organicé mucho mejor mi dieta.
By Yana J
•Apr 14, 2020
This was an amazing and easy course. I enjoyed it partially because it was very quick and simple. I learned a lot, but I didn't have to spend much of my time. If you are someone who doesn't have a lot of time and is interested in taking a course, I would totally recommend this one. This course can be used by anyone who is interested in improving their diet or someone who just wants to learn something new.
By Jimin k
•Mar 26, 2021
This lecture absolutely encouraged me to live a healthier life. Each video is short but contained enough nutritious contents so I really learned a lot during 5 weeks. As it used great animations and nice interviews, it wasn't boring at all rather interesting throughout the whole lectures. Thank you for offering this awesome lecture for free. I hope more people enroll it and start enjoying healthier days.
By Souravi D
•Oct 11, 2020
Absolutely amazing ! To learn about the fundamental basics of Food and Health is the ultimate true knowledge one can attain. Even if one is a mindful eater or curious about the subject of Food and Health, in many ways their habits can go wrong if they are not informed regarding the crucial aspects dealing with food. This course will guide you to the truth of "what healthful eating habits actually mean".
By John G
•May 12, 2020
Excellent, innovating, and fun! Since food is a very important factor in everyday living, having the knowledge now as to choosing healthy and nutritious foods wisely, preparing and selecting the right foods, and becoming more conscious of healthy eating habits, a better understanding of food in general will create and develop a new lifestyle in better food choices. Thank you for offering this course.
By Alessandra E
•Sep 14, 2019
I have been interested in food science since I was a preteen, I really wanted to take a quick intro into healthy eating before jumping into a college level class. This was a wonderful introduction! I learned several things I didn't know. This is a great course to take if you are confused as how to help yourself and others. I'd recommend this to anyone needing a quick intro to mindful eating practices.
By Adrián L F
•Feb 22, 2018
It is a necessary course that we all need to understand. Health is not only based on getting sick and healed, it is also about prevention and prevention often involves the way we think, the way we move and the way we eat. It has been an enlightening and interesting experience. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in study Nutrition, Medicine, Pharmacy or any other Health Science related.
By Nguyen T H
•Apr 8, 2020
Thank you for creating such great content. I understand more about food and health. I have to say that the information you give is so so helpful to me. At least, I am confident to go to grocery and choose the better food for me and my family.
Thank you again, what you do is so meaningful and easy to follow. This is my first complete course at Coursera and I will never reget registering it.
Thank you <3
By houda m
•Jun 9, 2019
En suivant votre mooc je n'ai pas pu seulement bénéficier des innombrables informations mais aussi j'ai eu l'envie de partager ceci avec mon entourage. Merci pour vous, maintenant la cuisine n'a plus de mystère pour moi, j'ai décidé de mieux manger (la vraie alimentation) au lieu de moins manger :)
Merci pour vos efforts cela apparait que vous avez fait ceci avec beaucoup d'amour . Merci merci merci
By Abigail B
•Oct 10, 2023
As a 17 who dreams of attending Culinary School one day, this course sparked my interest even more! I've loved cooking from a young age, and have hours of fun kitchen experience. All the information was captivating and I loved the interviews and home cooking videos. Being able to have 10 free and healthy recipes at the end of the course was such a great treat. I can't believe this course was free!
By Robert B
•Oct 2, 2020
The first unit was a bit challenging but I had not taken a course for a long time and failed to take notes. The authoritative speakers were able to skillfully encourage and demonstrate how to buy and prepare healthy foods. The quality of the videos are superb, with wonderful production values. I have my notes and I am motivated to shun processed foods and amp up my cooking skills. Thank you.
By Jean L
•Feb 1, 2020
Loved this course! As a nurse, I sometimes get so into the "science" of food and nutrition, that I forget the basics. This course helped me to not only "reset" my own eating habits, but also gave me the education to reinforce diet and health with my patients. Dr. Maya Adam is extremely engaging...I also loved that she added videos/recipes that she incorporates at home to reinforce her teaching.
By Aquilla W
•Aug 19, 2021
This course was very informative about the things that are being put into our foods today. It is also frightening! But thanks to this course, it will help me make much better choices when shopping and preparing meals. Both instructors were great, well spoken, and easy to understand the importance of eating smart and eating well! Maya, your radiant skin tells that you eat a very healthy diet!
By parastoo J
•Aug 2, 2022
This course was wonderful. It had useful lessons and a very knowledgeable instructor. I learned a lot from this course.Now i know the nutrients and I know what a healthy diet consists of. I also know the importance of informing communities to prevent overconsumption of fast foods.And I try to share the information I learned with those around me.
I am very grateful to the producers of this course
By Aftab R
•May 25, 2023
This is very great work of Stanford university to serving knowledge all over the world through this plate form. This course in not only important for student but also its important for everyone. World is facing soo many problems regarding food and health. Now a days obesity and diabetes are main issues are seeming everywhere this course is important about awareness regarding foods and health.
By Marnille U
•Apr 30, 2021
I absolutely enjoyed this course for three main reasons. First, the author/instructor was so knowledgeable of the topics and she made the learning so engaging. Secondly, I learned about food and nutrition facts that I have never heard of and cared about before. Lastly, the healthy recipes and cooking videos that were shared were such a delight. I can't wait to enroll in another similar course.