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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Excel Fundamentals for Data Analysis by Macquarie University

3,933 ratings

About the Course

As data becomes the modern currency, so the ability to analyse the data quickly and accurately has become of paramount importance. Excel with its extraordinarily broad range of features and capabilities is one of the most widely used programs for doing this. In the first course of our Excel Skills for Data Analysis and Visualization Specialization, you will learn the fundamentals of Excel for data analysis. When you have completed the course, you will be able to use a range of Excel tools and functions to clean and prepare data for analysis; automate data analysis with the help of Named Ranges and Tables; and use logical and lookup functions to transform, link and categorise data. This course will enable you to build a strong foundation in the fundamentals, helping you to be more efficient in your day-to-day and developing the necessary skills to work with the more advanced techniques used in later courses. To make the content easy to relate to and to personalize the learning experience, we are going to follow Zara's journey through the course. Who is Zara? Well, she is no-one and everyone. You will find that Zara's trials and tribulations sound familiar, and together with Zara, you will develop your Excel skills along the way — and, importantly, have some fun doing it. The Excel Skills for Data Analytics and Visualization courses are the sequel to one of most successful specializations on Coursera, Excel Skills for Business, which has attracted hundreds of thousands of learners and top ratings. Transform your skills, your confidence, and your opportunities by adding this new set of skills to your repertoire....

Top reviews


Oct 6, 2022

Very comprehensive and clearly laid out course with loads of content. Great videos, well explained and loads of practice exercises. I feel as if I've learned a great deal, Very Valuable, thank you .


Dec 4, 2023

This is the best course I have seen in excel fundamentals on any platform. Easy to follow, many practice tests, spreadsheets and useful cheatsheets. Kudos to the instructors and Macquarie University.

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101 - 125 of 1,038 Reviews for Excel Fundamentals for Data Analysis

By Trang V


Jan 31, 2021

It is very helpful indeed. All the videos are clear and easy to comprehend as there are lots of practical situations. With few hours per week, this course is able to give learners a thorough view and fundamental Excel skills. Thank you!

By Pamella A


Sep 15, 2021

The course is quite useful to learn and practice excel functions for managing data. I hada much beter unsderstanding of formulas I had already been introduced to. INsutrctions are quite clear and practices are sufficiently challenging.

By Javed A


Dec 28, 2020

This is SImply the best course with amazing content to practice with. I am so delighted to finish this course. Hat's off to the instructors for producing such an entertaining course which kept me busy all the time in doing practicals.

By Asif Z


Nov 3, 2022

I thought I knew everything about MS Excel...until I took this course. I have realized, I have gaps in my knowledge. Learned a great deal from this course. This course will be beneficial in my career advancement into data analytics.

By Mehran A


May 17, 2022

It has been a great learning journey. The course is well designed for beginners and professionals alike. Learned a lot during the course. Just wanted to say thank you to the instructors and every other team member for this course.

By Shubham K


Nov 27, 2022

I suggest this course to every student/professional around the world.

Its a best excel course i had done it got so much of practical approach,

the course designed in very step by step and easy to understand manner yet challanging.

By Tyler J


Mar 29, 2021

This was a fun, yet challenging course. The information is presented very well. Week 5 information comes off as very easy as demonstrated by instructors. However, week 5 took multiple reviews to completely grasp the concepts.

By Deborah S


May 18, 2021

I take part to that course because I wanted to refresh my knowledge.

In fact it was worth it. And I'm glad that the course can attend at a fair price, because only two functions were new. All other was really just a refresher.

By Adrian M B


Apr 8, 2021

Excellent resources, and very useful test at the end of each section which ensure you meet a good standard before moving on. In terms of robustness of measurement of skills learnt, I would say this is a very thorough course.

By Anja I


Jan 25, 2023

Excellent course, the lectures are well-paced, there is a solid number of practice exercises and quizzes to ensure maximum retention. I would wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone wanting to learn beyond basics of Excel.

By Dmitrii C


Sep 18, 2022

This is one of the best courses on Coursera I have taken. Well and precisley explained, well structured and plenty of practice exercises and assignments that help concrete your knowledge and new adopted skills. Thanks!

By Lara G


Dec 6, 2023

I learned so much!! It has exactly what I was looking for-- good dataset examples to work on! Highly recommend taking this course if you'd like to POLISH up your Excel skills, but I bet it's beginner-friendly as well.

By Sam T


Jul 4, 2023

I have been using Excel for years and this course taught me new functions and helped me to better understand other functions. I have put several of the lessons to work already. I am very pleased with this course.

By Partha S B


Feb 24, 2021

Great learning experience. Content is very nice and is also explained beautifully. Assignments are really good. Overall I would say a wonderful course to help make excel fundamentals more strong. Thank you so much.

By Christina B


Feb 11, 2023

I really enjoyed the course! I've learn so much new formulas and tips during this course.

Explanations are clear, challenges and assessments really help and push to practice and review what you learn.

Thanks a lot!

By Roberto S


Oct 6, 2022

There are minors errors in the assesments but holistically is way better than anothers topics cover on Excel Business Specialization. I'd say that is more updated and explain in detail compared than the old one.



Jul 23, 2020

Muy completo el curso. Solamente que en los cuestionarios sugeriría que dieran una mejor retroalimentación en caso de estar mal y redactar un poco mejor las preguntas para saber qué es lo que se pide exactamente.

By Tom T


Jan 31, 2023

Very strong course. A few minor glitches, but nothing related to the actual content. A definite winner if you are looking to ramp up your Excel skills. Looking forward to the other courses in the specialization!

By Catherine R M


Aug 1, 2022

The course material is up to date and everything is explained in details. I couldn't ask for more, great instructors, thumbs up to Nicky Bull and Dr. Prashan. Thank you for sharing the knowledge and experience.

By Md A K


Jul 25, 2020

This course was very informative and structured so that the students can understand and grasp it easily.

I have learned a lot of new tricks and hope to use them when ever i can.

Thank you coursera for this course.

By Minh T T


Jun 23, 2022

This course is amazing. At first, I underestimated about the content when I still had embark the course. However, it turned out to be more diffcult than I expected. It brought my skill to a whole new level

By Thu M N


Aug 4, 2021

Very clear guide; Useful quizzes and tests to allow me to practice. Providing solution files are also useful for me to check in case I got stuck while practicing. Thank you very much for a very useful course

By Deleted A


Sep 16, 2022

Nice and structured beginner course on Excel. Explanation by teacher was clear to follow. At times a bit slow and not everything so relevant but after completion a good and thorough refresher of the basics.

By Julieth R


May 31, 2021

This Course is a Summary of the Excell Skills for businesses, and I loved to practise again with new cases the previous lessons, it is always good to have a guided refresher after months without practise.

By Mohamed A M M


Feb 27, 2021

Amazing course

The course is very informative and easy to understand, devided in just the right amount to feel light and digestible.

Thank you so mauch for offering valuable information like these for free