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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Econometrics: Methods and Applications by Erasmus University Rotterdam

1,207 ratings

About the Course

Welcome! Do you wish to know how to analyze and solve business and economic questions with data analysis tools? Then Econometrics by Erasmus University Rotterdam is the right course for you, as you learn how to translate data into models to make forecasts and to support decision making. * What do I learn? When you know econometrics, you are able to translate data into models to make forecasts and to support decision making in a wide variety of fields, ranging from macroeconomics to finance and marketing. Our course starts with introductory lectures on simple and multiple regression, followed by topics of special interest to deal with model specification, endogenous variables, binary choice data, and time series data. You learn these key topics in econometrics by watching the videos with in-video quizzes and by making post-video training exercises. * Do I need prior knowledge? The course is suitable for (advanced undergraduate) students in economics, finance, business, engineering, and data analysis, as well as for those who work in these fields. The course requires some basics of matrices, probability, and statistics, which are reviewed in the Building Blocks module. If you are searching for a MOOC on econometrics of a more introductory nature that needs less background in mathematics, you may be interested in the Coursera course “Enjoyable Econometrics” that is also from Erasmus University Rotterdam. * What literature can I consult to support my studies? You can follow the MOOC without studying additional sources. Further reading of the discussed topics (including the Building Blocks) is provided in the textbook that we wrote and on which the MOOC is based: Econometric Methods with Applications in Business and Economics, Oxford University Press. The connection between the MOOC modules and the book chapters is shown in the Course Guide – Further Information – How can I continue my studies. * Will there be teaching assistants active to guide me through the course? Staff and PhD students of our Econometric Institute will provide guidance in January and February of each year. In other periods, we provide only elementary guidance. We always advise you to connect with fellow learners of this course to discuss topics and exercises. * How will I get a certificate? To gain the certificate of this course, you are asked to make six Test Exercises (one per module) and a Case Project. Further, you perform peer-reviewing activities of the work of three of your fellow learners of this MOOC. You gain the certificate if you pass all seven assignments. Have a nice journey into the world of Econometrics! The Econometrics team...

Top reviews


Feb 14, 2020

Course was very well structured, pacing was very pleasant (albeit a little fast for the chapter about time series). Teachers were top notch! I had lots of fun while learning . Thank you!


Nov 16, 2015

The design of the course is very Helpful and efficient. The course is well explained. The instructors are very clear and master the subject. They very detailed and well organized.

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26 - 50 of 263 Reviews for Econometrics: Methods and Applications

By Graham T

Oct 23, 2018

Rigorous condensed econometrics course with clear instruction. Great for my review of the subject, and most likely for anyone new to it who has the prerequisite skills.

By Danilo C

Apr 24, 2016


By Christian K

Jan 9, 2019

Depending on what you are looking for, this course might be too theoretic or mot theoretic enough:) IMHO it strikes the balamce quite nicely, although the forced theoretical parts in the tests kept me from buying the certificate. I simply want to be able to perform the analysis.

By Juan J M A

Aug 14, 2016

Excelente diseño. Felicito sinceramente a todo el equipo de profesores y administradores que hicieron posible que se ofrezca este curso en línea. Sé que hay MUCHÍSIMO trabajo detrás de este curso que a veces pareciera no se valora. Creanmelo, han logrado un curso de muy buen nivel que seguramente se irá perfeccionando con las aportaciones de todos. Es perfectible. En lo particular, me ha permitido moverme de mi zona de confort para no perder de vista la importancia de la enseñanza de las demostraciones en el campo de la Econometría. Muy buen precio. Seguiré participando.


Juan José Mendoza Alvarado

Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit


Jul 1, 2017

This is an excellent course.

There are two things that I really hope to get in the future:

I would appreciate if there is a guide for solving all problem with Mathlab or R or any Statistics package

And, I would like to see Econometrics 2 (which is more about pannel data)

Thank you for all of your effort

Best wishes for you

PHAN Truong Quoc

By Ajith V V

Oct 16, 2024

Painstakingly prepared course material. Good place to learn the topic. Thank you all!

By Alesia N

Jan 6, 2019

it's a very deep course

By Sergio G

Apr 21, 2020

Overall, it was a good project. The use of real datasets made the learning experience so much rich.

Pros: it is very rigurous. If one pays enough attention, it will provide the necessary knowledge to perform robust analysis. Linear regressions ara a basic algortithm. Still, most of the time people do not know how to use them properly.

Cons: the explanations are poor. The slides are sometimes quite unclear. This course would benefit a lot if it had guided implementations. Also, something that I really disliked was that the solutions for the tests (which you use to review others in peer activities) were extremely simple and vague. It seems as if they were made carelessly. From test 1, the course should instill the importance of the analysis, rather than getting the calculations correct.

Having said so, the course is great. I do recommend it for enhancing the intuition for model specification and robust analysis.

By Mooraha U

Feb 21, 2020

With this course, I have definitely expanded my horizon of knowledge. Having completed it, I feel accomplished. At the same time, looking back, there was not clue that more than probability and statistics knowledge is needed - one has to be already familiar with econometrics and modeling. The learning curve is very steep and lectures are describing on the high-level scope of the further reading to be done to be able to solve assignments. Having technical background, I felt very much behind - just until the time when I found some relevant information in the lecture notes on Advanced Econometrics for PhD students. There should be a warning about such prerequisites!

By Chen S

Jul 26, 2017

This course is giving us useful insights, however, what it is talking about is not beginner-friendly. If there would be reading materials talking about what we can be using, it would be much better. As a beginner, it is just too hard to continue even for the first week.

By David O

May 22, 2018

Good course but too challenging unless you have a background in maths. Should go slower with clearer examples.

By Matsvei Y

Jul 26, 2024

Even though the program and the assignments themselves were interesting and useful there was absolutely zero willingness whatsoever from the professors' side to teach you something new and guide the student through these complex topics. For the teachers it was 99% just reading from the paper without even trying to explain something in simpler terms or in a way that would be engaging to listen. Particularly horrible was the explanation of those "homework" assignments, I can't even call that an explanation, reading from the paper writing down some doodles. My handwriting is also poor, I don't complain about that, but if you see such a problem exists, you can at least announce the stuff you're writing down. 2 stars for useful materials and -3 for a course where it's more of a self-taught learning than learning from the professors. Thank you.

By Filipe F

May 18, 2021

Wasn't great. the content was loosely and poorly explained. The suggested textbook isn't spectacular either. The assignment solutions have awful handwritten slides.

By gregio d

Feb 4, 2021

the explanations are not clear.

The solution of assignments almost absent.

It is fine only if you already know the matter and need to obtain a certification

By Haneen A

Jun 1, 2021

I've never been this bored in my life. ever. at least they can put some effort into making this interesting. for non economists, the material is complex and hard to grasp already without some boring dude making life harder for us. I'm disappointed.

By Qingda W

Sep 6, 2022

Very hard to follow and lecture lacks examples. It is particularly bad for lecture 6 on time series.

By hu c

Sep 7, 2022

instructors are simply reading off the slides. The lecture on time series is particularly bad..

By Serge d V

Apr 24, 2016

Very useful course for those who want to learn what is behind econometric tools and what their limitations are. The combination between practice and theory makes it an exciting learning experience that is worth the time investment. For those, like myself, that were not 100% up to speed at the start, a significant time investment is needed. To finish the course I had to spend in excess of 20 hours a week to satisfactorily understand the material and be able to reproduce the main takeaways. I am sure the course can be successfully completed with less effort, but grasping the essence of the material made sense to me as I am trying to get a better idea of how to use econometric tools. Conclusion: it is completely worth your time, but if you are not sufficiently well versed in math and statistics, basic college level, you will need to make a significant time investment to make full use of the material.

By Ke-Chung " L

Mar 14, 2017

This course is great and satisfying. It's also challenging and demanding. It teaches you how to apply regression and time series to build model for forecasting real world events. It also requires you to have certain level of calculus, linear algebra and statistics to understand the underlying theory. Besides, statistics tools, like R, SPSS or Excel (of your choice), is a must for you to do exercises and projects. Studying all those videos, slides and exercise would take you many hours a week, but you will be very satisfying with modeling skills and working knowledge of time series learned from the course. Studying this course is a wonderful and unforgettable experience for me. I strongly recommend it to those who want to build a solid foundation of modeling data (not only economical data).

By Emanuel M

Mar 8, 2021

In top three best courses on Coursera that I have taken and have gone through quite a few. It has the best exercise sheets I have seen, with actual both math and programming tasks to do and base own reports on, which are afterwards peer reviewed. The course is both theoretically and practically complete and sound for the topic, giving really good background in it. I have checked courses on this topic on other platforms and this one covers pretty much all of it and into a math debt that is enough to get a good grasp of what is going on. From then on, you have the sufficient background to continue on your own.

I can't think of a course that I would recommend more.

By Khiem N T

Feb 23, 2016

I like the structure of the course that different professor is in charge of different chapter but the contents of each chapter are linked to the others. Each chapter offers different topic (of course) but the style and structure are the same. In detail, there are always theoretical and practical part as well as small quizzes in each chapter. In addition, the guideline and syllabus provide students with great details. On top of that, chapter assignments are provided with solution which are necessary for students to check their knowledge.

I would love to participate in follow up course which might deal with more advanced topics after this basic one.

By Felix C

Aug 3, 2020

Great course! Theoretical material is well explained, and practical exercises are nicely tied with the theory. Optional homeworks are well-designed interesting to solve, and they too are quite helpful for the respective final assignment of each week. The time series material was a little disappointing -only passing references to ARMA model theory in full and MLE estimation for such models, but the explanation of ADL models was very good. I was very satisfied in general with the course and the work of the Instructors and the TA's who provided solutions for the homework. Recommended!

By Qianyue D

Jan 14, 2025

Econometrics: Methods and Applications" has deepened my understanding of how to apply quantitative techniques to analyze economic phenomena. The book offers a clear blend of theory and practical application, especially in areas like regression analysis, time-series, and panel data models. I've realized that econometrics is not just about using statistical tools but about understanding and testing economic relationships. Learning how to handle issues like hypothesis testing and error terms has sharpened my ability to critically assess real-world economic problems.

By Swapan K P

Nov 3, 2019

The course is well-designed with daily exercises for practice, and weekly tests (7) incl. Case Study in the last week. The course indeed helped me a lot to refresh theoretical knowledge that I learned nearly 2.5 decades ago during graduation/ master degree in Statistics. It's worth trying if you are interested and comfortable with statistical software (Stata, SAS, R) or Excel with add-ins (eg RealStats). Although I use Stata on a daily basis, I solved all problems in Excel Data Analysis and RealStats add-in in order to understand each steps clearly.

By Alok K j

Apr 11, 2020

This Course is really well communicated the important Methods and Applications. It has aspired to go in depth of Econometric, to really understand the mechanism behind the models and mathematics. Instructors are highly involved while delivering the lectures. My Best wishes to all on path of learning this course.

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