(331 Reviews)
(104 Reviews)
May 13, 2020
Simply amazing. Loved every single minute of it. I feel myself a much better teacher, I’ve learnt how to see resources to give a better class as well as offer my students better practices of learning.
Mar 13, 2021
I had fun enrolling on this course and it's very insightful. And Keep the great work, Dr Shane Dixon. I can't wait to complete the rest of the courses so that I get my professional certificate. Thanks
By Khaled L
•Mar 14, 2021
Love it! I have learned many new things and Sir Dixon really knows how to make an impact
•Dec 5, 2020
Hello!Thank you a lo! I learned from this course a lo of techniques that help my lessons
By Simone m r
•Aug 26, 2020
Estou aprendendo muito com este curso e os professores são divertidos e muito didáticos!
By Saad G
•Jul 28, 2020
one of the best instructor DR.Shane really inspired helped a lot in learning new skills.
By Kate V
•May 28, 2020
Great course! Very clear simple instructions that contain all teh necessaru information!
By Rachel C
•Jun 17, 2019
Very simple, to the point, and teaches you the basic knowledge of what you need to know.
By Israa I M E G
•Sep 20, 2018
Great course with great and useful information! I really love it , it is amazing course.
By Selman O
•Jan 14, 2018
So far so good. It`s very informative and easy to practice with down-to-earth techniques
By Robert M
•Mar 7, 2016
This course gave me the knowledge I lacked to teach basic English to my Russian students
By Misato S
•Mar 2, 2025
The instructors were engaging and their lectures were filled with compelling metaphors.
By Jan K E S
•Oct 3, 2024
All of the teachers are very interactive and I learned so much! Thank you to Dr. Shane!
By Michael
•Jan 21, 2024
This course was very informative and I found the video lessons very easy to understand.
By Nuri T
•Sep 14, 2023
It was really enjoyable to watch the tutors and remember some of the basic information.
By Akash J
•Nov 26, 2022
Was a fun-to-learn course and it has given me quite a few ideas to improve my teaching.
By Deleted A
•Oct 26, 2022
I really enjoy that course, it gives me a deeper understanding of teaching principles.
•Sep 14, 2022
It was a fruitful journey during which I picked up a lot of skills. Thank you so much.
By Ulkar A
•Sep 3, 2022
this course gave me a lot of new infos to apply in my profession,you should enroll now!
By Star. j
•Aug 14, 2022
Such an amazing opportunity for me to learn how to teach like a professional. Thank you
By Hina A
•Jun 30, 2022
It Was A Wonderful experince .Its Nice Learning place with a Devoted team of teachers.
By Ayten A
•May 17, 2022
Thanks to all members of your team. It was one of the best courses I have ever joined.
By ghezala w
•Nov 14, 2021
its agreat and well produced course that helps. me alot to improve my way of teaching
By Lê T H N
•Aug 24, 2021
The course gives me useful knowledge about foundational principles in teaching language
By Christian F
•Jul 14, 2021
it was a great opportunity to learn something new to become one of the best ESL teacher
By Nodira K
•Dec 29, 2020
I'm happy to take this course! Thank you for your support, ideas and sharing knowledge.
By Suraj1308
•Dec 9, 2020
The course is very good and you get to learn of lot of techniques to be a good teacher.