Oct 31, 2017
Thank you Andrew!! I know start to use Tensorflow, however, this tool is not well for a research goal. Maybe, pytorch could be considered in the future!! And let us know how to use pytorch in Windows.
Mar 29, 2020
I have done two courses under Andrew ng and I am grateful to Coursera for their highly optimised and easily learning course structure. It has greatly help me gain confidence in this field. Thank you.
By Laurent P
•Nov 27, 2021
Week 3 programming assignment required notions not touched in the training or mentioned in the instructions. Required lot of time to find information.
By Hair P
•May 18, 2020
This course has to be updated!!!!! TF 2.0 is what we are using now, and especially for new users, it is important to start from the newest frameworks.
By Isaac S
•Nov 27, 2019
I missed in the course an explanation and possibly a programming assignment of different tuning algorithms, such as random search and Bayesian search.
By Rajeev D
•May 25, 2020
The coverage on the subject was adequate but it will really help to make a pdf supporting document to highlight the hyper parameter tunning approach.
By James D B
•Jun 23, 2019
Probably a little too follow your nose at this point in the specialisation. But none-the-less very good. Would give 4.5 stars if that were an option.
By Christoph S
•Mar 3, 2019
Still some flaws + inaccuracies + video sequences that should be cut out. I think the organizers should really do it as people are now paying for it!
By Teodor C
•Dec 28, 2018
Last Tensorflow assignment has some output typos and bugs when using operators like @ and +. Course was ok, but that assignment took me way too long.
By HongZhang
•Jun 14, 2018
Great course to deepen my knowledge after first course. However, I would like to access more programming exercise for practice. That will be perfect!
By Daniel E B G
•Aug 26, 2019
I think this course would benefit from a little more explaining. There are a lot of new concepts and some explanations were too quick in my opinion.
By Amir V
•Jul 12, 2023
The introduction to TF felt rushed, but maybe that's to be expected given the goals of this Course, which didn't include a kickstart of learning TF
By Abhishek G
•Mar 25, 2023
A very good course but I had high hopes for a practical session (Assignment) with application of hyperparameter tuning, with Tensorflow or without.
By Latypov B
•Jan 3, 2021
Теория хорошая, но практики во первых мало, во вторых на устаревшей версии тензорфлоу. Но зато в теории все разжевали. Очень круто все объясняется.
By Stephen R
•Oct 26, 2018
Enjoyed this course, especially the material that goes a bit deeper (different optimization methods, parameter tuning) and the intro to TensorFlow.
By Chee H H
•Nov 24, 2017
Less exciting than the first course, but this course is important to understanding the parameters that could affect a neural network's performance.
By Sander L
•May 2, 2021
I feel like the course is a bit too easy. I would recommend making it more difficult by letting the end-user try more hyperparameter tuning tests.
By Youssouf B
•Apr 22, 2019
what I did recognize in the deeplearning specialization that there are now further reading suggestions or reading syllabus like the other courses.
By Harsh T
•Feb 26, 2019
This course is one of the best course for good understanding of hyperparameter tunning.
And also let you know the effect of various hyperparameter.
By Nicolás C
•Apr 10, 2019
Nice course, TensorFlow might need some more in-detail explanation because it's a different than programming with Python, but it was really nice.
By Vinicius J S
•Aug 8, 2018
Nice course and nice the Tensorflow introduction, but there are errors on the lecture and on the final test. Be aware to use the forum some times
By Daniel F (
•Feb 10, 2020
Course was awesome, but there is an error with the grader for one of the programming assignments that took some time to search for a workaround.
By Collin O
•Mar 15, 2019
Valuable lessons, but the tensorflow lesson + assignment at the end was a bit vague and hard to follow to the point of passing their test cases.
By Giuseppe N
•Jul 9, 2018
It's very good, but I would have spent more explaining the difference between adding layers and adding neurons, and how to decide the next move.
By Jeremy Z
•Dec 11, 2017
a few of the examples and expected output for the programming exercises seemed not to be correct. otherwise great course. highly recommended.
By David A S
•Sep 27, 2017
Good course. Kinda skips over hard bits which only leaves one with more questions. Hopefully these details are recovered in the later courses.
By 지혜성
•Apr 18, 2021
Very good class. Appreciate it.
However, the explanation for some theories is not enough.
More explanation needed for Adam optimizer, RMS prop.