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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Creating Dashboards and Storytelling with Tableau by University of California, Davis

1,023 ratings

About the Course

Leveraging the visualizations you created in the previous course, Visual Analytics with Tableau, you will create dashboards that help you identify the story within your data, and you will discover how to use Storypoints to create a powerful story to leave a lasting impression with your audience. You will balance the goals of your stakeholders with the needs of your end-users, and be able to structure and organize your story for maximum impact. Throughout the course you will apply more advanced functions within Tableau, such as hierarchies, actions and parameters to guide user interactions. For your final project, you will create a compelling narrative to be delivered in a meeting, as a static report, or in an interactive display online....

Top reviews


Apr 30, 2018

This course completely changed the way I look at data visualization and story telling with data. The skill set that I developed can easily be applied to real life and improve my value as an analysts.


Aug 29, 2020

Really tangible and useful. I have been able to take what I've learned in this specialization so far to create dashboards at work. I'm really pleased with how much I've learned in such a short time!

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1 - 25 of 198 Reviews for Creating Dashboards and Storytelling with Tableau

By Mark A

Mar 23, 2018

Week 1 starts off where Course 1 & 2 left off... more lectures without course-directed opportunity to apply the lessons. Week 1 is lead by guest Instructor Hunter (who led some of the weeks in earlier courses). He's an expert academic in his field, but without more practical application of principles, limited benefit.

Week 2 offers some hands on Tableau practice, which is great. The Data Quality lecture is a waste and can be skipped, as the instructor just rambles for 18 minutes, and doesn't share any insights that weren't covered in an earlier course. In summary... make sure the data is clean or clean it up (before bringing it into Tableau). I thought there'd be some Tableau tips and tricks, but there aren't... (with the exception of maps/locations).

Week 3, probably one of the best weekly sessions so far (for those really looking to dig in to Tableau). The Instructor goes through creating multiple worksheet visualizations, and creating a Dashboard, along with interactive filtering (that has barely been touched on till now). The most hands on / application to date IMO. The quiz asks questions not covered in this weeks lecture (covered in Week 4). I felt like I wasn't quite ready to create the Dashboard (the assignment), especially after going through Week 4, where they go in more depth about Story-boarding. If you're ahead of the game, skip the assignment in Week 3 till you go through Week 4 (much more context and examples to leverage).

Week 4, starts out with Hunter sharing too much academia without practical application (as seen in most of my critiques, I find little value in this, but personal preference). When it switches back to the primary instructor, things improve greatly. Skip the last lecture... he spends 20 minutes telling you how to take a screen-capture and paste it into PowerPoint...? The assignment takes what was learned from week 3, and building a story-board, which is great. I mentioned in week 3 that I struggled with the assignment, as they're essentially asking you to cram a story into one dashboard, so week 4 I unpacked my too-crammed dashboard into different slides (story-points).

By Wojciech H

Dec 23, 2020

This course is literally hours of video nonsense. You can pretty much ignore everything Hunter says since its all fluff and theory that no one cares about. Explanation of visualization theory and fluff and almost no hands on experience into how it ties into Tableau, why are we learning from a consultant and an analyst? Talking about the art of story telling and data narratives, no one cares about that in the corporate world, just tell me how to use Tableau. Complete waste of time.

By Bruno F

Apr 11, 2018

The peer evaluation hold back on the progress of the course. I can't start the capstone project without the final evaluation from my peers

By Adam B

Apr 4, 2020

The content is fine, but the peer-reviewed assignments aren't adequately described. You're asked to score other students on things you haven't been asked to do in the assignment. Overall, the assignments don't seem well thought out.

By Mesum R H

Mar 16, 2017

Overall its a great course to be introduced with tableau's functionalities and its usage in Business analysis and then explaining stories, Discoveries via visuals,dashboards and story telling

By Annu P

Nov 27, 2020

This course gives a good understanding of Tableau and implementation in terms of worksheet, dashboard and story. This course helps to understand well the visualization concepts and incorporate all of them together to make a visually perfect dashboard for the viewers.

By Maksym M

May 24, 2018

Great course with amazing teachers and material! I especially liked the amount of technical tutorials that are given in this course. I would recommend this to anyone starting out in Tableau.

By Anna Z

Apr 26, 2020

It is a great course focusing on story telling and technical skills required to assemble it. Great assignments and a lot of practice along with a lot of advice on how to tell your story.

By Justin D F

Nov 29, 2017

This was one of the most indepth tableau courses in the series. It got into details and usable examples, just the thing you need to get creating on your own.

By Danyel S

Aug 27, 2017

Very well taught and straigh to the points. Also liked to have different speakers throughout the module: it is refreshing. Thanks and keep it up !

By Gina R R

Feb 16, 2019

I enjoyed the class; I didn't care for classmate assessments because it was subjective to their viewpoint, preference, and prior experience.

By Tim C

Mar 26, 2018

Hands on lessons are great.

By Gregory R G J

Jan 23, 2019

Thumbs Up!

By Lindsay J

Mar 11, 2019

Needs better step-by-step in Tableau. if wanted to figure it out myself, i would not have taken this certification. Also, formatting is drastically different from my version of Tableau.

By Susanne E

Aug 7, 2019

This course is very good - but it had too much pure storytelling and too little Tableau for my taste, thus doesn't get the full 5 stars.

By Todd T

Aug 2, 2017

At 3.5 stars, this course took a step back from prior courses in the series. The pace of the videos was a little slower, and they did not seem to add the value that prior videos did. In some cases, the information was redundant or the instructor's point seemed to be lost. That said, the discussion, external links and related references continue to add great value to the course!

By Chase S

Mar 16, 2020

Good for beginners but this course doesn't go into how you can leverage more of the features the tableau platform offers. There needs to be a subsequent 'advanced' course but as of this writing, that isn't on offer through Coursera

By Luca N

Aug 6, 2017

The course is well done and thought, it is not exceptional though.

It is well structured, the teachers are good, the content is good, and many tools and strategies are used to improve learning and increase retention of the contents, e.g. additional readings, in-video questions, external links, and video tutorials, in addition to the usual quizzes, assignments and peer-reviews.

I would have enjoyed more practice on the design topic.

Everything is in place, but something is missing to make the course exceptional.

For example, some of the screencasts are too short, and sometimes introduction and conclusions alone take a relevant fraction of the whole video itself. Sometimes the in-video questions are too trivial to be useful (mere repetitions of what has just appeared on the frame before).

A general comment on the Specialisation. This is last (4th) course (before the project) of the Specialisation on Data Visualisation on Tableau, I’d expected to see somewhere along the specialisation something deeper about creating complex calculated fields (e.g. explaining the usage of “fixed”, or “window” functions).

By Rohit B

Apr 24, 2020

This course builds up on the first 3 courses. The neuroscience and cognitive aspects of visualisation that are covered in courses 1 and 2 suddenly start making sense. Also, the in-depth overview of Tableau that Suk provided in course 3 builds a fine ground to tackle the challenge that this course provides.

Building a story really makes you think like an analyst. I felt that I learnt so much from the demonstrative videos, especially on the non-technical aspects of visualisation (and Tableau). You will learn subtle aspects of tweaking that make the visualisation from "good enough" to "inspiring".


1. Recommended background reading is aplenty. I would not recommend spending too much time on the research papers as many were far too abstract for my taste.

2. Recommended websites and readings from Tableau are good though, e.g. have a try at Brainpickings.

3. I have not read any of the recommended books, but will consider buying at least one as a reference.

4. Do not attempt this course before completing the first 3. Else you'd be up for a very steep learning curve.

By José A R N

Dec 6, 2017

My name is Jose Antonio. I am looking for a new Data Scientist career (

I did this course to get new knowledge about Data Visualization and better understand the technology and your practical applications.

The course was excellent and the classes well taught by the Teachers.

Congratulations to Coursera team and UCLA Davis for the organization, clear thinkings, excellent presentations and domain of the contents.


By Janet L

Nov 14, 2019

I used to design and code BI user interfaces using an IDE and Native Java. Using Tableau and quality training videos from Coursera and Tableau, I am able to create insightful and beautiful visualizations with 3-4 times less time and zero coding. I did invest many hours watching the training videos several times because Tableau is packed with so many useful features - it allows me to find the best design options for my dashboards.

By Diego M

Nov 13, 2023

Me complace haber completado el curso "Creación de cuadros de mando y narración de historias con Tableau". Sin embargo, considero que la experiencia habría sido más enriquecedora con la presencia de un profesor en vivo para facilitar la interacción y abordar preguntas en tiempo real. A pesar de esto, valoro las habilidades que he desarrollado y estoy emocionado por el proyecto final de la especialización.

By Aurea G

Sep 24, 2017

I think this course is worth the time and investment. Lectures give good information and working examples give you the right amount of practicing to create your own dashboards. The storytelling principles are informative and help you understand how to make and target presentations in a better way. I personally learned a lot and planning to apply the learning to all my future presentations.

By Komal G

Jun 26, 2022

This course is very insightful and can make one skillful in using tableau in the visualisation world. One can learn the most about tableau from this course and create very interactive and accessible visualisations. This course has ofcourse helped me gain a lot of knowledge about tableau and now I am confident that my visualisations would be great.

By Machfudz A N

Jan 3, 2022

It's a good course about creating dashboard and storytelling with Tableau. We are assisted step by step to make a good understanding of it. After completing it, it seems like I can make the same dashboard and story points with some developments and adjustments on my own project. Thank you for the knowledge!