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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Data Science Methodology by IBM

20,664 ratings

About the Course

If there is a shortcut to becoming a Data Scientist, then learning to think and work like a successful Data Scientist is it. In this course, you will learn and then apply this methodology that you can use to tackle any Data Science scenario. You’ll explore two notable data science methodologies, Foundational Data Science Methodology, and the six-stage CRISP-DM data science methodology, and learn how to apply these data science methodologies. Most established data scientists follow these or similar methodologies for solving data science problems. Begin by learning about forming the business/research problem Learn how data scientists obtain, prepare, and analyze data. Discover how applying data science methodology practices helps ensure that the data used for problem-solving is relevant and properly manipulated to address the question. Next, learn about building the data model, deploying that model, data storytelling, and obtaining feedback You’ll think like a data scientist and develop your data science methodology skills using a real-world inspired scenario through progressive labs hosted within Jupyter Notebooks and using Python....

Top reviews


May 14, 2019

This is a proper course which will make you to understand each and every stage of Data science methodology. Lectures are well enough to make you think as a data scientist. Thank you fr this course :)


Feb 27, 2020

Very informative step-by-step guide of how to create a data science project. Course presents concepts in an engaging way and the quizzes and assignments helped in understanding the overall material.

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2251 - 2275 of 2,605 Reviews for Data Science Methodology

By Haim D


May 5, 2019

The course is good and interesting, but I feel that it lacks the hands-on part, and that it could be more engaging. I feel that this course should be after the students have a tool that they can manage the data with, and that they can start dirty their hands with data.

The course as a stand alone course doesn't contribute a lot - it's interesting only as part of the whole certification, and should be linked to other tools in order to bring more value.

By Robert B


Apr 25, 2020

Lab exercise/further reading doesn't make sense to me since I'm new to data science. Got a headache following what happening with the codes. The methodology introduced here is an IBM methodology and its pretty easy follow. Some of the terminologies are not enunciated clearly and it's pretty hard to track and understand. Overall, this course is a basic understanding of Data Science approaches and the use of important use methodology.

By Alireza F


Jan 3, 2019

Overall l it is a very good course. but on the lab section, the instructor's english is not very good. He can not deliver his thinking very well. You have to translate it to your self everything you read on the lab. In the business understanding section, he can not deliver the problem. Readers can not understand what he wants and what the goal is. IBM should rewrite this section so make it easy for readers to understand it better.

By Brian C


Nov 5, 2019

A little wordy with the labs focused on shift-entering prewritten code as opposed to giving significant input. Also felt that one peer-grade being factored into final deliverable is a little sketchy. I had one peer completely fail my deliverable selecting lowest marks on each section of the schema yet when submitted a second time with no change (i was honestly happy that my deliverable met the requirements) i was awarded 100%.

By Nathan E


Feb 6, 2020

I think the content presented was okay, and was generally presented quite clearly. The labs were well structured and easy to follow, but I didn't feel that I was learning skills to understand when to use different methodologies, or what kinds of challenges I might face along the way. The example given was clear and easy to follow, but I don't feel that I learned a lot that prepared me to analyze other data science questions.

By Vincent Z


Jan 14, 2019

Very general and abstract presentation of what the Data Science recipe is. Still nothing practical three courses into the data science specialization... Had I followed the schedule, I would be 9 weeks in with nothing to show off. At least, this course gives a nice overview of what a data scientist will be doing, but I think this should have been presented in the first week of the first course, without necessarily testing it.

By Karel H


Mar 24, 2019

The exam for week 2 was terrible. The questions were way too tricky it was not necessary. Also I only was reviewed by one peer for my final assessment. This was bad because I deserved 100% and they gave me a only "Good" mark on one section probably because they figured out I gave them a "Good" mark on a section which they only did good on. More peer reviews should have been done than just one. I deserved a higher grade.

By Josephine C


Apr 15, 2020

An informative introduction to data science methodology, but the presentation of the material could use more work. The videos could use better production values, with perhaps a bit of music and more visual aides. There is also an annoying six seconds of silence at the beginning of each video which made me think there was something wrong with my audio. It would also be nice if some of the labs were a bit more interactive.

By Vimal O


Nov 9, 2021

On overall IBM data science professional certificate track: Pros: Content is just good enough, instructors are good. Cons: IBM watson and the platform given to practise on is awful and has terrible performance and reliability issues, most often doesnt work and had an impact on my test deliverables. I personally overcame those issues to some extent with kaggle's and google colab jupyter notebook environments.

By Jennifer B


Dec 31, 2019

While it is important to demonstrate that there is more to data science than simply applying a tool, this course did little more than name some steps in the methodological process and give a one or two sentence description. The main case study was fine for me as I have a health background, but were full of undefined clinical terminology. The description of what belonged in each step is somewhat inconsistent.

By Lynn L


Jun 6, 2022

The videos were really good and the content clear, and the final activity was good. The final exam had some confusing questions that could have more than one answer or that I didn't feel were really covered in the course (and I saved all the transcripts from the videos). I know most all of this information already from prior degree programs and years of experience but still got these questions incorrect.

By Saman R


Jul 22, 2019

The lecture videos are extremely verbose and monotonic. The features on the lecture slides have low resolution, and consequently, it's hard-to-impossible to read some of the contents on the charts and graphics. The lecturer talks non-stop without properly distinguishing between the steps. Lastly, the lecture slides are often redundant and have contents that don't really represent the step being lectured.

By Christian H


Jan 12, 2020

the course videos are sometimes not exactly to the point when describing what has to happen in the different stages of the provided methodology.

this makes doing the final peer-graded review somewhat difficult.

also the description of the final assessments objectives is super vague (especially compared to the very good descriptions of the final deliverables and assessments in the other courses!)

By Kevin B


Oct 19, 2022

Warning for those whose native language is NOT English: These IBM Data Science courses are in DESPERATE need of review by a native English speaker. If English wasn't my first language, I can only imagine how much I would have struggled. It is pretty unbelievable that they expect people to pay money for courses that have so many many grammar, syntax, and audio transcription errors.

By Avinash B


Nov 18, 2019

Videos are at a high pace and the hospital use case introduces lots of information without proper slides,

when there is different text or points in the slides compared to the audio, it is hard to focus.

My sincere recommendation is to first talk the point in the slides, then explain the details. Also animations can be used to hide content and keep the focus on one item at a time.

By Reid N


May 13, 2019

A fairly odd way to teach the process of data science. I think this should be combined with the introduction to data science course and perhaps simplified/clarified. The amount of jargon between this course and the other courses is significantly greater, and while the course did a decent job, I still leave the course thinking, "hmm, what *exactly* did I learn from that class?"

By Ra G


Jul 1, 2022

Very nice course, but I have a few points -

1. As this module is a part of a single course. It would be much more better if the python codes remain same in all the modules. for eg. in one module for splitting datasets we use sklearn train_test_split, but in another we use numpy.

2. As good we explain the methodology in this course, python codes are not explained properly.

By Morgane B


Aug 23, 2020

Ce cours présente quelques méthodes d'analyse, mais elles ne sont pas assez structurées. Une présentation plus exhaustive des méthodes avec des exemples, voire une nomenclature pourraient être plus utiles. Le cours gagnerait en qualité s'il donnait un schéma par type de données et méthodologie de traitement conseillée avec ensuite les outils techniques recommandés.

By Evgeniy A


May 22, 2022

This course need to be more informative and give more details about each step of the DS Methodology. Maybe more info on models - what models are there, how they can be classified. More info about types of the analysis. The corresponding literature recommendation would also be awesome. Overall - good course to give you an overiew on Data Science Methodology.

By Hadi A


Jun 27, 2019

Its an amazing course to give you an introduction to Data Science Methodology. But the case chosen was a hard case to understand specially if someone is a beginner in statistics and not into the medical field. I wasn't the only one who got confused while using the methodology on the case shown. Hopefully, a simpler case gets introduced in future.

By Dita A


Mar 4, 2019

The course is good but the way the example is explained is a bit confusing, especially the when jumping from study content/material to the example.

The peer to peer review for the final assignment is veeeerrryyy subjective. I had to submit 3 times (with little to no change on my answer) in order to pass. Good luck on getting a nice reviewer! :)

By Rahul G


Jun 11, 2024

The example in this course should not be a difficult one. Taking the example of the hospital was in my opinion a wrong choice as it distracts the student from learning the main objective of the course, Data Science. The second example used (of the cooking recipe) was a better choice and should've been used throughout this course.

By Brandon B


Apr 29, 2020

CONS: I would really prefer more interactive lectures. The lectures tended to be boring and monotone. Also the case study content many times was difficult to grasp because it is very specific to hospital field.

PROS: The material covered is quite beneficial in understanding the overall data science process. It is a nice summary.

By Tim P


Apr 23, 2020

I thought the course was pretty thorough. Differences between AI automation and data science problem solving is not really explored. Also the main case study was a little out of date and not very well explained. I thought it was a course worth taking as the material around the earlier parts of the methodology were really good.

By Abraham Z


Jan 3, 2020

IBM Developer Skills Network was have connection issues during the lessons. I worked on this course at several different locations on two different PC environments. One PC was a corporate controlled windows system, and the other was personal windows system. These connection issues distracted from the course content.