May 14, 2019
This is a proper course which will make you to understand each and every stage of Data science methodology. Lectures are well enough to make you think as a data scientist. Thank you fr this course :)
Feb 27, 2020
Very informative step-by-step guide of how to create a data science project. Course presents concepts in an engaging way and the quizzes and assignments helped in understanding the overall material.
By Narayana P G
•Sep 21, 2020
A sublime introduction to all technical and business terms related to the methodology could help beginners like Me.
By David C
•Mar 8, 2020
A very good approach to iniciate in Data Science, the steps in CRISP - DM gave us the methodology to work with data
By man m s
•Jun 28, 2019
brilliant course, recomanded for every one, not inly deals with data science but also for any kind of office report
By Tomas M
•Nov 22, 2021
Basic, but excellent course, I would recommend it to anybody that looking to further their education in any field.
By Muhammad S
•Apr 11, 2020
Excellent course. Excellent jobs by the instructors to summarize all the techniques in a short package. Well done!
By Jeff S
•Feb 4, 2020
Good course. Its important to understand the methodology behind any science. This does a good job covering that.
By Naveenchandra M S
•Jul 9, 2019
In this course you will get insights on the all the stages which helps in applying these methodology in your work.
By Avinash S
•Dec 23, 2018
The topics covered in this course are really good. Without this course, the training in data science is incomplete
By Cristian Y S C
•May 9, 2024
The contents are well developed. Maybe other types of case studies should be presented to cover different topics.
By Satyender K M
•Apr 28, 2021
learned the concept very nicely by attempting the quizzes multiple times.
Thank You, IBM for creating this course.
By Eliza G
•Sep 30, 2020
a very structural sound and informative course which gives a beginner like me a chance to learn the subject well.
By Amit L
•Jan 23, 2020
Excellent course to understand the Data Science Methodology to be used for any new data science project to begin.
By Emmanuel B
•Aug 2, 2019
Really good course in terms of helping data scientist tell a story that gives meaningful insight to the business.
By Vigneshwari R
•Apr 30, 2019
It was an interesting course which helped me to understand the best practices to be a professional Data Scientist
By Charles O
•Apr 27, 2019
Data science methodology on coursera is well packed with lots information and easy to understand.
Great job y'all.
By Tiago P F
•Mar 3, 2019
Very clear and practical explanations of Data Science Methodology, with a very good example of the whole process.
By Diego C
•Mar 11, 2024
Excellent way to explain the methodology! Great understanding derived from it. Thank you, keep up the good work!
By Kunal J
•Oct 22, 2019
Really tells us about the Data science problem approach . Every aspiring data scientist should try this course .
By Андрей Л
•Jun 24, 2019
I think it is very significant course that is helpful not only for data scientists, but also for any researcher.
By mohamed y
•Feb 27, 2021
this course was easy and strongly illustrates the data science process and define every process with case study
By Shaista A
•Dec 18, 2020
Very informative and very easy to understand. Loved the example they used to explain METHODOLOGY. Great course!
By Harsh B
•Jul 4, 2020
It's great way to teach data science methodology.
Thanks IBM & Coursera for making available such useful course.
By ayush s
•May 18, 2020
It is simple and very descriptive about the materials. Gives you a proper workflow of data science methodology.
By Isha C
•Oct 11, 2019
Very detailed overview of the methodology/process. Contains core fundamentals for future projects and learning.
By Riya B
•May 20, 2019
It was comprehensive ! I understood all topics due to the detailed videos and could correlate due to case study