Aug 11, 2022
The lessons were easy to follow through and the explanantions were easy to understand. The hands-on practices also helped improve hands-on skills with the data analysis tools introduced in this course
Nov 16, 2023
As a beginner, I really appreciated the ease and pace of the course. The videos were explanatory, the reads weren't over-whelming, and the hands-0n activities were very easy to follow and comprehend.
By Ripunjay D
•Oct 30, 2021
I have proceed Coursera for campus student plan with my institute mail id and also I have successfully graded this course but I can't get the certificate .Please reply me as soon as possible and I hope I will get my certificate of completion of this course .
And I really Gain some awesome knowledge from this course.
By Sailesh C
•Oct 9, 2021
I have completed my course Google Analytics Part 3 of 8, , but it is not sharing the certificate for course 3, I have submitted all the assignments but it still says the assignment is due, please help in this regard, having a look on completed certificate motivates and gives more pace in moving forward
By Michelle B
•Aug 19, 2023
truly, sometimes it was pretty upsetting due the challenge questions were pretty, encrypted for me, I have to review more than 3 times and make all my answers, and verify more than 3 times I mean I took this course 5 times, since last year cause the questions where very puzzled, form me some times
By Loretta S
•Oct 28, 2021
The course was good but it needs improvement especially in formatting there were many errors. The 0program also needs some better instructors although most of the instructors were good there was at least one that was unacceptable. Overall it was a good course with lots of compressed information.
By Michael T
•Mar 13, 2023
Decent intro but a lot of the application-specific instructions were outdated. For example, you'll need to explore BigQuery a bit to understand what the lesson is asking you to do and won't be able to follow the step by step instructions exactly.
By Mars T
•Feb 18, 2023
The remoting into another virtual computer that was not a great experience to say the least. there was a lot of glitch's if that was to be improved upon would be great especially if we dont have to remote into another computer would be great
By Jaden W
•Dec 29, 2023
While this was a learning course, it was in my opinion harder to follow along due to the instructors lack of personality. Compared to the others it was very obvious she was reading of a teleprompter, and it was hard to stay engaged.
•Apr 20, 2021
It's not cool that I had to take this course again, it was different, however, I was on my 4th week and now I am on my 4th week again. I am paying for this out of pocket and do not have a large budget. Is this going to happen again?
By Sarthak N
•Jan 12, 2022
feel something is missing is course. it is like going in dark room where you don't know what you get at end lean few new thing hope so in future there is no guidance that is the major problem who will solve the doubt and question?
By Aisha P
•May 19, 2022
You should update week 3 of the module, Working with Large Data Sets in SQL. The instructions are outdated and it makes it very difficult to complete the indicated tasks, which slows down my study pace and causes me frustration.
By Edina K
•Jun 16, 2023
I found the technical bits quite difficult to follow, and not just because the interface is outdated of the material. As someone new to bigQuery, Kaggle, and SQL, the learning journey was not as smooth as it could have been
By Theresa H (
•Dec 18, 2024
It wasn't organized efficiently. I was doing an assignment and then a few assignments later I was learning how to do what I ended up searching the internet for to finish the first time. The videos were informative though.
By Richard G E
•Jul 29, 2022
Generally, its a great course but the big query aspects were not beginner friendly at all. What is shown as example in the course has a different user interface from what is on the google sandbox or bigquery console
By Susan M
•Apr 6, 2023
This course was challenging especially the weeks where we explored BigQuery. I was unable to cut/paste from the learning templates. BigQuery was difficult to navigate through the pages when doing the examples.
By Mohammad Y I
•Sep 26, 2022
the course was not according to the coursera standards, as we experienced already in the previous certificates. there were no synchronization between videos and the actual "tough" and difficult envoirnmnt .
By Greg L
•Jul 27, 2024
this and the other modules in the suite that I have taken so far, are simple talking-head courses with very little student input or activity and very low-level challenge. Only stubbornness make me persist.
By oliver a
•Oct 25, 2023
A few modules were really hard to understand. There were many variations between the platforms and the course material. It would be easier to have video guides than written instructions.
By Shady A
•Apr 17, 2023
i failed to do many things on the consul of google cloud so i was enforced to spread the dataset to an excel sheets to can resolve the test it wasn't easy at all for some one beginner
By Samridhya M
•Jun 23, 2022
The lectures were too monotnous compared to the previous two courses. I wish the SQL and Kaggle parts were shown and demonstrated step by step in gretaer detail in the video lectures.
By VÃctor A P F
•May 14, 2023
Los videos explicativos de SQL estan muy desactualizados y por ende al momento de interacturar con Bitquery se hace un poco dificil encontrar las opciones que indica la profesora.
By Marco V
•Feb 5, 2023
i learned alot with the videos and readings.
I don't like that i have to go to the discussion page. It would be way more convenient for there to be a "common questions asked " area
By Maria
•Aug 1, 2024
I was experiencing some issues with Module 4 - Follow along video. I could not duplicate what the instructor was doing in his video. I was getting an error message on my screen.
By Amanda P
•Jul 21, 2023
Super fast instructor. Not most of people doing the course will have English as first language. It was hard to keep up, and I couldn't understand that easy some of the concepts.
By Kwan H C C
•Aug 14, 2022
It is hard for me to follow the SQL exercise on mac, maybe it is due to os system issue. Overall, I don't have a great comment on this course compare with the previous two.
By Jonathan S
•Dec 23, 2022
Good practice with SQL and filtering and sorting practices. The directions to use BiqQuery are out of date, and required datasets do not pin to project as easily as said.