Jan 14, 2020
Provides a comprehensive introduction to cryptographic history, current technology, best practices and known attacker techniques. A great deal of material is covered in a relatively compact program.
Dec 16, 2017
This course gives is perfect to start learning cryptography, explanations are detailed, topics carefully selected combining theory with real world examples and making emphasis in important details.
By Adrian D A
•Apr 6, 2021
By Tanmay S
•Dec 15, 2019
By Ovchinnikov E M
•Mar 24, 2019
By Amit S
•Dec 26, 2017
By QiangqiangNiu
•Nov 20, 2017
By Rishav C
•Dec 30, 2016
By Deleted A
•Apr 30, 2016
By Adriano A
•May 7, 2019
By Rahmat
•Aug 20, 2023
By Prachi M
•Jun 9, 2022
By Steven X
•Mar 16, 2017
•Dec 13, 2021
By Rob A
•Mar 7, 2020
This must be an incredibly difficult course to try to teach in six/seven weeks. There's a ton of material to cover and I appreciate that the course touches on all of the basics of crypto that are actually in use.
My only complaint is that some of the questions on the quizzes were really repetitive week-to-week. In particular, every week features a question (usually #3, if I remember correctly) that had you choose which constructions out of five choices were "secure" as per the definition of security for that week's topic. The problem was that the correct and incorrect answers were always similar, even though the security concept for each week was different! In other words, there are some things that will NEVER be secure for any crypto system. Every version of the question had several choices that fell into this category. It got to the point that I usually got the question correct on the first or second attempt without even trying that hard. In reality, that question should have required a lot more brain power from me because those security challenges are actually sometimes very subtle and difficult.
But that's truly my only criticism. I loved the course and the programming assignments. I'll be keeping an eye out for any more courses taught by Dr. Boneh.
By David A R
•Jun 1, 2020
The theoretical part of the course, though dense and fast paced, was very informative. Being recorded it had the advantage for the student of being pausable and repeatable. The great disappointment was the programming part of the course, which I was very much looking forward to, in which the problems were great and have great potential to help the student learn something, but help was minimal (rather tautological, unrevealing, or plain condescending). Fortunately, the programming assignments were option and did not count towards the final grade. But I repeat, they do seem immensely valuable in their topic and difficulty as a learning experience, but guidance in a programming part of the course would be welcome for a change.
•Dec 6, 2017
Overall, a great course! There's always room for improvement. Certain complex and critical concepts were glossed over way too fast in the lectures (with speech compression in the recordings to boot), while other introductory material was gone over too slowly. There is an answer string evaluation problem in the Q's & A's where the required answer must contain a bullet dot to represent multiplication (an 'x' is not accepted) but the standard computer keyboard does not contain a bullet symbol, you have to be in a word processor to create that. Also, there are correct alternative answers for Q#'s 6,9, &12 in the Week 5 Quiz that need to be re-evaluated.
By Владимир М
•Aug 20, 2023
4 stars not because the course is somehow bad, no! It's really good but... It's not for complete beginners: you'll need bits, bytes, some maths and computer science knowledge. Second: it's more theoretical than practical and you really have to learn definitions of some terms. Third: questions during the videos sometimes want an answer in TeX notation, but I never seen information about it! And programming tasks: you can't just copy and paste data you're working with. This is a problem. Despite that - a good course. Learned a lot of new things, crypto algorithms and schemes are well explained. Now thinking about Crypto II...
By Owen L
•Jun 12, 2020
Good course, covers pretty interesting material. The level is quite high and technical though, so I wouldn't call it introductory - you definitely need a basis in CS/algebra and a basic understanding of computer security in general.
Quizzes and videos are good but the course could use a better emphasis on coding (the programming assignments provided very little guidance and there's essentially no code in the lectures - probably by design but that can leave you hanging if you're looking for a practical rather than purely theoretical understanding of the topic).
By Therese L
•Jun 17, 2023
This class is hardly a beginners class and requires quite a bit more time than indicated. Especially if it has been 25 years since collage... Other reviews asked about an beginners course in Cryptography. I took Coursera's "Introduction to Applied Cryptography from University of London" before this one, which was helpful regarding concepts, nomenclature etc. That said I really enjoyed the problem solving required to pass the Quizzes. I appreciate that all of the material was easily downloaded from the very beginning and I learned a lot. Thank you.
By Dan P
•Jun 20, 2020
Fast dialog made it so I had to watch the videos multiple times, copy of the discussion in text form helped.
The in the lesson questions, didn't know how to format the responses to make them work. Also when the session when to the question reply mode, it showed the question but covered up the graphic part of the question so you lost that context. Possible because I was full screen mode.
Well done all in all.
By Abhisek D
•Jan 19, 2022
This course is great for people who already have a grip on discrete math. For others it may seem fast paced and unintuitive. But if you put in the work to understand the mathematical concepts from the ground up, this course can get easier. The instructor could have emphasized more on the intuition behind the concepts rather than symbolic representation. Overall a good course on introductory cryptography
By Tim H
•Mar 6, 2018
A very good course. The pace is quite high and the material is challenging. I think to get the best out of it you need to spend considerably more time than the course suggests each week and I was not able to do this. However, I have come out of the course with a good understanding of the basic concepts of cryptography and my interest in the subject has been piqued sufficiently to want to find out more!
By Jon L
•Apr 30, 2021
The teacher is really an expert on the topic and I learned a lot from the course. The only criticism I'd offer is that some of the lectures make it hard to see the forest from the trees early on -- e.g., a lot of information might be provided early on in a lecture and the point is not really clear till the end. That said, I'm glad to have taken it and am considering taking the next part.
By Anatoliy K
•Jun 23, 2019
I really enjoyed this course! Symetric security was quite easy for me. But when it came to public key security I felt so lost because of all that deep math. Maybe it may have better and more detailed explanation, but maybe it just my problem with math (which I'm aware and aknowledge even without this course :D).But definitely worth time spent. Waiting for Cryptography II now.
•Jun 4, 2019
It would be really amazing if Dan tries to go lot more abstract in each video; and not explain the same concepts over and over again. I feel that it becomes particularly boring to keep hearing the recaps over and over again. In general, the course was a tough one for me! But the instructor, with his immense knowledge and great way of explaining things did create an impact!
By Lazaros M
•Nov 20, 2020
I found the course far too difficult to be honest, it requires a lot of reading time to finish the quizes, and I had trouble completing it. That of course can also be perceived as agood thing for students who want to specialize on the subject.
I wanted this course to learn some basics of encryption for my research, but I felt a bit swamped.