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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Convolutional Neural Networks by DeepLearning.AI

42,419 ratings

About the Course

In the fourth course of the Deep Learning Specialization, you will understand how computer vision has evolved and become familiar with its exciting applications such as autonomous driving, face recognition, reading radiology images, and more. By the end, you will be able to build a convolutional neural network, including recent variations such as residual networks; apply convolutional networks to visual detection and recognition tasks; and use neural style transfer to generate art and apply these algorithms to a variety of image, video, and other 2D or 3D data. The Deep Learning Specialization is our foundational program that will help you understand the capabilities, challenges, and consequences of deep learning and prepare you to participate in the development of leading-edge AI technology. It provides a pathway for you to gain the knowledge and skills to apply machine learning to your work, level up your technical career, and take the definitive step in the world of AI....

Top reviews


Jul 12, 2020

I really enjoyed this course, it would be awesome to see al least one training example using GPU (maybe in Google Colab since not everyone owns one) so we could train the deepest networks from scratch


Apr 7, 2021

Very good introduction to programming convolutional neural networks. Although the models and functions needed are complicated ,this course takes you by the hand and introduces to all these wild ideas

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5501 - 5525 of 5,625 Reviews for Convolutional Neural Networks

By Sai D S

Jan 17, 2019

Little bit hard programming Excercise

By Xirui Z

Apr 7, 2021

Too hard for someone new to tf.

By Sanskar j

Jun 18, 2020

Assignments can be made better

By Jisheng L

Jun 15, 2018

Need improvement on assignment

By Amzad H R 1

Feb 2, 2023

good for basic understanding

By Pedro C

Jun 10, 2018

notebook were not functional

By Modassir A

May 12, 2020

need improvement of content

By Olatunji O

Feb 12, 2019

Notebooks are a bit buggy

By Yi-Hao K

Jan 20, 2018

Serious bug in assignment

By Yide Z

Jan 13, 2018

too many errors in test

By akshat

Jun 25, 2021

Labs should be tougher

By KevinZhou

May 8, 2018


By Kenneth C V

Dec 4, 2020

Very complex Subject

By zz

Mar 5, 2018

没有翻译 tenserflow也讲得不好

By Pavao S

Mar 2, 2018

Not enough theory

By Neda M

Jun 22, 2020

too theoretical

By Volker H

Dec 16, 2017

too many bugs

By Shimaa

Aug 30, 2021

so hard :(

By Ryan W

Aug 28, 2020

It was okay. Andrew is obviously very knowledgeable, and there is a wealth of knowledge here. I could go through it a couple more times and still pick up new stuff.

That being said, I've heard him mention he did these videos at like 1 or 2 in the morning after work, and it's very obvious from the videos. He makes so many mistakes that every other lecture (it seems like) has a **CORRECTION** notification next to it. I mean it's great they give this additional correction information, but it would be even better if you just redid the video.

Furthermore, he like stops in the middle of the videos and then repeats the last sentence he said, because he made another mistake. I get it, Andrew is very successful, he's very busy, and I am definitely grateful for the knowledge he's provided in this course. But this makes for a very poor learning experience, because I'm taking notes, and I have to go back and redo them, plus the general angst you get when you're learning something and someone's like "oh wait nope that's not right, forget that." Well for God's sake I already learned it.

Finally, the submission assignments are the most annoying things I have ever come across. They are riddled with errors and misguided information where they literally tell you to use the wrong parameters, and then they never fix it. You have to go into the discussions to find out why your code is wrong, even though you're doing it right.

Then, you'll get everything right on your code for the test cases, and when you go to submit it fails you. And when I say it fails you, it gives you a literally 0 out of like 30 points. And the grader output just says "your submission was incorrect" like no way, I had no idea. Thank you for that very **cough** helpful piece of info.

If you go to the discussions, you find out this is actually a problem with how the grader is built, because if you don't format your code exactly the right way, it fails you, even if your solution is correct. I don't understand why it can be right when you run test cases, but submitting it fails.

Overall, I give it 3 stars before the poor grading, but because of the poor grading performance I have to bring it down to 2. I can't tell you how much time I wasted trying to figure out why my code was wrong just to realize it was right, but they screwed up their implementation.

In conclusion, this reminded me of a college course, where the professor has a ton of knowledge and is in high demand, and doesn't really care whether you get anything out of the course or not. It's sloppy, doesn't seem to be maintained very well, and most of the mentor's responses are literally "did you look at your colleagues similar questions?" Like no I didn't, that's why I'm asking. Why am I paying you so I can spend more time debugging your screw ups? Or maybe I did and I still don't get it because your explanations are ridiculously unclear.

I have one more course in this specialization and I absolutely can't wait for it to get over with so i can move on to more productive (and immersive, since these exercises are just one off "do this then do that" instructions, I still don't know how to set up a Deep Learning project from scratch) ways to learn Deep Learning. If Andrew wasn't so knowledgeable about this topic, I wouldn't even take it because it's that bad. But really you can't get this type of knowledge in such a condensed form anywhere else.

By Daniel V

Apr 5, 2023

Hi! First of all, I love the specialization and these courses might be the best out there in DL (insane knowledge and Andrew is the best explaining, to be honest). Now, I have to give this 2/5 simply because of Coursera's side this last 7 days.

1. Last thursday, the 'Permission Denied' error -which affected hundreds of users- took over the Jupyter notebooks.

2. On friday, mentors told us that you were aware of the issue and they offered us some 'hacks' or workarounds to actually progress while you solved the error. We were told to wait.

3. On the weekend -not a single official communication on Coursera's side yet (an email or something, the kind of thing a service does when their own product doesn't work, you know)- the mentors told us that you have already solved the issue (?). Of course it was not, and hundreds of users reported it again on the forums. We were told to wait.

4. The workarounds -given to us by the mentors- actually worked for some of the notebooks, but not for all. We were told to wait again.

5. After maybe a whole day inside the forums, we were told again that Coursera has solved the issue and the mentors told us that we needed to refresh the lab. Yeah, that worked... this is monday / tuesday by the way.

6. The issue was apparently solved, but yesterday -after following all instructions- i got a 0/100 grader (?). I contacted support (no solution). Solved by myself. On to the next assignment - Worked. On to the next... dead kernel... I contacted support two times (no solution and i was told to -AGAIN- go to the forums so another person could contact Coursera's support (?). Basically a black hole.

7. I've spent two hours now trying to submit my last assignment of Convolutional NN (yeah, dead kernel)

8. These past 6 days have been a waste of time, straight up. 6 days copying and pasting in an external text editor, 6 days with our attention on the blogs because, you know, 0 transparency on Coursera's side (yeah, its crazy to me that no official message was released).

Honestly, I was thinking of dropping out of the specialization if i couldn't submit the assignment today. Very disappointed with Coursera's communication and support

By Juan R

Feb 15, 2018

I found it very easy to go through the assignments and the quizzes were great, but I do have 2 complaints: -- I didn't get quiz feedbacks (they seem to be disabled), so, this is a huge let down and I wasn't able to completely grasp the concepts. -- For example the Gram matrix I had to accept it was true when they said "if the filters are quite similar then the dot product will be high". Show this please? #mastery #selfcontained. -- Another example, on the programming assignment, on Neural Style transfer, it is POORLY explained how the framework works when it comes to setting a_G and a_C. Then it is said "this will be covered (explained) in the "model" function, which wasn't. -- I have printed most of the mentioned papers and I am starting to read them, I loved the fact you recommended papers on this lesson, and the rest of the programming assignments were great, especially when you would provide "Hint" to go to the docs and lookup the method, etc.

By Jeff N

Apr 12, 2018

I feel this is by far the weakest of the first 4 courses in the series. The information is really valuable and the homework offers almost no opportunities to actually explore CNN architectures. The homework is more about implementing a few parts of a dictated network where all of the critical information is provided. The only exercises are in more vector manipulation and knowledge of frameworks that are never talked about in the actual course material. I'd love real framework material and real opportunities to practice using them, but the limited exposure here does not cut it.

Basically, I listened to the videos talk about CNNs, answered quiz questions about minor foot notes in the lectures, and then messed with vectors again. Oh, and the video editing was pretty choppy in this course compared to the others. Disappointed.

By Thomas D

Oct 10, 2020

The material covered in the course is very good but the instructors really need to go back over the course materials (particularly the homeworks) and clean them up. Many of the links to the TensorFlow documents are out of date and link to missing information. These aren't necessarily updated in the forums either, which do not seem to have much of a TA presence anymore. It would be nice if the lectures & slides could be updated to incorporate the errata in the syllabus but I understand that could be a lot of work. However, it seems like it would be better to present the errata before the lectures in the syllabus. Admittedly its a small complaint but it seems like an easy fix and the fact that it hasn't been done says something about the amount of care put into maintaining the course.

By Alexandre E

Dec 5, 2017

Course is great, but there were several bug in the homework, including misleading tests.

In one, getting the right value (triplet loss) results in a failing grade, getting the wrong values (using help from the forum) get you to pass the test. In another test, there were corrupted files; one has to add a print statement in a helper function, learn what file is corrupted, rename it, reload the exercise, and voila, it works.

Clearly, graders should survey the forum more closely to address these issues. Hopefully it will be addressed soon, and these comments will become moot.

That aside, the quality of the videos and the insight provided by Andrew Ng are second to none, thanks for the outstanding instruction

By Jacob T

Nov 29, 2017

Felt compelled to review this particular course to voice my dissatisfaction. The course, as it stands right now, is rather poor in quality. The lectures contain several errors that are lazily corrected. Sections of video are incorrectly spliced together that chops up the flow. The programming assignments drop sharply drop in quality from the previous courses; they're pretty close to "type the stuff we tell you to type" at this point. Even at that, there's several errors in those assignments that require digging into the forums because the course instructors seem to lack quality control.

I quite enjoyed this specialization in courses 1-3, but this course has left quite a bad taste in my mouth.