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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Convolutional Neural Networks by DeepLearning.AI

42,419 ratings

About the Course

In the fourth course of the Deep Learning Specialization, you will understand how computer vision has evolved and become familiar with its exciting applications such as autonomous driving, face recognition, reading radiology images, and more. By the end, you will be able to build a convolutional neural network, including recent variations such as residual networks; apply convolutional networks to visual detection and recognition tasks; and use neural style transfer to generate art and apply these algorithms to a variety of image, video, and other 2D or 3D data. The Deep Learning Specialization is our foundational program that will help you understand the capabilities, challenges, and consequences of deep learning and prepare you to participate in the development of leading-edge AI technology. It provides a pathway for you to gain the knowledge and skills to apply machine learning to your work, level up your technical career, and take the definitive step in the world of AI....

Top reviews


Jul 12, 2020

I really enjoyed this course, it would be awesome to see al least one training example using GPU (maybe in Google Colab since not everyone owns one) so we could train the deepest networks from scratch


Apr 7, 2021

Very good introduction to programming convolutional neural networks. Although the models and functions needed are complicated ,this course takes you by the hand and introduces to all these wild ideas

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4526 - 4550 of 5,626 Reviews for Convolutional Neural Networks

By Roudy E


Nov 20, 2020

Very in-depth explanation of how Convolutional Neural Networks work. You will pretty much learn all the theory behind them and all the theory behind several systems like face recognition and neural style transfer. You will even get to implement an object detector! Although the object detector part is mostly done behind the scenes but it still teaches you the basic building blocks of the state-of-the-art algorithms in this field.

By Basel A


Aug 25, 2018

An exceptional course with a great deal of useful architectures and design ideas. Before this course, I had no idea what residual and inception networks are, however, the course gave me a relatively-deep look inside these networks. 1X1 convolution (network in network), convolutional implementation of sliding window and lots more are used efficiently. Face recognition and verification is one of the lovely topics that was covered.

By Adam S A


Jun 17, 2018

I enjoy the content and assignments. Andrew is a great teacher. My one complaint is with the assignment notebooks. I find them very glitchy. On the final happy house assignment, I think I spent more time trying to load and reload the notebook (when I get the "method not allowed" warning) than actually finishing the assignment. And I often had to copy my solutions into a text editor so that I would't lose them on the reloads.

By Romina s


Feb 8, 2018

A very good course overall and i learnt lots.. But I felt there were too many details to be covered and hence lots of it was not presented in enough depth.. this would lead to a bit of confusion at times- at some places, i would find myself getting a bit lost on how this happened or where this came from., or what the outcome of such operation/convolution would look like in high dimensions or a different scenario..etc...

By Gideon M


Nov 30, 2017

I generally liked the course very well. However, one could tell that this was the first time the course was given as there were a couple of bugs in the programming-assignments. These were often not easy to understand, not least because the grader-feedback was usually not very helpful. I expect that these bugs are fixed in the next iteration of the class in which case I would give 5 stars. As always very insightful and en

By Sergio L


Nov 20, 2017

Great teacher and material. Sadly it seems like that team is rushing the later parts of the course and it has quite a few errors and issues. The issues in the programming assignments are specially aggravating since they are intended to validate the knowledge acquired and it's frustrating to have to resort to trial and error to fiend the solution that the grader likes and not the solution that is appropriate or correct.

By Yini Y


Feb 12, 2020

Everything else is perfect, except the W3 assignment submission took me 3 extra hours to be correctly graded (my results match the expected results, and I didn't violate any rule that FAQ mentioned, but grader just gives 0. I read through the forum threads, tried all approaches, and finally get it passed after having Coursera helpdesk load a fresh notebook for me and type in all over again, a little bit frustrating).

By Nicolai H


Jul 19, 2018

Very interesting and well structured course. Great lectures and content.

Only critics: The actual tasks to be computed/coded in the assignments did not include the "interesting"-ML issues. A lot of linear algebra coding was asked for (i.e. compute loss-function several-times), but which did not help me to understand the underlying ML / CNN principles. A little bit more effort could be done there!

Thx for the course!

By Favio A C


Dec 26, 2017

Very interesting course , not as the same level of the first two courses BUT it is an excellent resource to get in the Deep learning world. I did not like that they don't teach you how to use tensorflow and keras in a more concise way. And sometimes the content doesn't seem as usefull as the first two courses and more in the deep learning world where computer vision techniques become obsolete so fast...

solid 3.75/5

By Amit P


Nov 12, 2017

This course was perfect! I finally understood convolutional neural networks and its popular architectures. Implementing CNNs in numpy was a useful exercise as well. Andrew once again proves to be the best teacher of ML. The reason for four and not five stars is the number of technical glitches throughout the course especially in the final programming assignment. I'm sure they can be improved upon for future classes.

By 刘宇轩


Dec 4, 2017

The material is meaningful and instructive.

I did well in a capstone project of image recognition in school with the knowledge from the whole specialization (especially skills on Conv-net in this course).

However, it would be better if we could have access to more computational power and really play with large data set and complicated algorithms instead of just doing simple maths and loading models to see the result.

By Andrei S


Sep 5, 2023

This course is useful for getting acquainted with the terminology and main ideas that are used in building and training convolutional neural networks, as well as learning the names of a few most well-known existing networks. However, I didn't find the practical exercises to be very useful or relevant -- at least, in comparison with exercises in first two's courses in the same specialization.

By Antonio S


Jan 21, 2018

A very complete and diverse course with several applications of deep networks. Only problem was the assignments which had a lot of problems in the grader, and created a lot of frustration and lost time figuring out where the problems were. Otherwise it would have undoubtedly been a 5 star course :-)

Keep up the amazing work you're doing, especially for Course 5 where I have great expectations!



By sujith


Nov 1, 2018

Great course to understand the fundamentals of CNNs and various CNN architectures currently used in the field. Would have liked to get a little better implementation wise by doing this course in terms of some architectures, but probably it will take a lot of time and is infeasible in the course. All in all, this is a great course to learn some of the best techniques in Deep Learning for Computer Vision.

By Glib D


Jul 4, 2019

The course material is very good by itself, but the issues with programming assignments spoiled the overall impression. Discussion forums are full of messages about people struggling with the grader or with functions provided by the course and no assistance from teaching staff. You should pay more attention to supporting one of the top courses on Coursera.

Aside from that - Andrew was great as usual :)

By Gonzalo C


May 12, 2021

There is a feeling of doing some dark magic on every exercise around images. Maybe putting more emphasis on how to load/process images would be great for people like me that don't know about this world. Also, the part of using a pre-trained model could be improved as well: maybe pointing students about how to search/download it from the right place, and providing more detail about what you download.

By Alja I


Jun 6, 2019

The content is interesting, practical and relevant to anyone interested in how CNNs are used in computer vision. Unfortunately, the course materials still have a couple of bugs such as videos that aren't edited well and buggy programming assignments. Luckily, the Discussion Forums offer hints on how to resolve these issues, but I'd expect the course creators to address these ongoing issues faster.

By Joao C M


Sep 29, 2023

Good course but some parts lack clarity and require too much second guessing. This is particularly true for week 1 assignments, where we are supposed to move from the TensorFlow Sequential to the more flexible API (the way it describes how to add layers to a model is short of clarity about adding arguments at the end, as typically you observe layers successively applied to (x) in most examples).

By Anant V


Jun 21, 2018

I think the course videos and lectures are awesome and very informative. But the quizzes and programming exercises are very simple and not involving enough. I think the instructors have to make it a little more rigorous to challenge students as they prepare for the real-world tasks. In my opinion the hand-holding is great but the instructors should have students code for some simple dataset.

By Molly Z


Apr 25, 2019

It's a really great course covering important concepts in CNN such as residual network, face recognition, neural style transfer and other very captivating topics. The only complaints I have about this course is that the programming assignments are a little too simple, most of it is already done and we are only required to do a very small part. I would have enjoyed more challenging homework.

By Saravanakumaar J


Dec 9, 2017

Course is good. Much thanks for Angrew Ng, to explaining CNN in simpler way. However, the practical assignments are not properly configured to load. In Week2 & Week4 the practical assignments did not load properly. Hence it took longer time for me.

Also, couple functions' expected output and my implementation output did not match however, I got the full score. This again misleads us.

By Michael B


Aug 4, 2018

The lectures are what you would expect from Andrew Ng. Excellent.

Some of the assignments make unreasonable jumps in expectations regarding understanding of TensorFlow and Keras operations. An overview of exactly what is being used would be helpful as some of it is very nonintuitive.

Additionally, some of the assignments have known grading issues. Be sure to check the discussions.

By Muhammad Y


Oct 9, 2018

Overall the course is solid and covers many important topics ranging in complexity from simple to advanced and state of the art (NST). However, Videos are sometimes not properly edited. There is repetition of dialogue. Also, I think practice questions can be made a bit more challenging. I also noticed that in this course there aren't any explanations for right or wrong answers.

By Daniel Z


Aug 15, 2018

Excellent lecture content.

Some of the programming assignments are quite poor. Sometimes there are minor mistakes in function descriptions, and other times the whole assignment architecture/plan is not well thought out. If the staff doesn't have resources to improve this, then allow the community to create branches and submit merge requests :)

Overall, I'm happy with this course.