Feb 19, 2021
This was really time-consuming but it was really worth learning. Although in the end, it seems to be very basic things, they would be essential through whatever you want to accomplish in the IT field.
Apr 19, 2020
the course was really helpful in understanding the basics of networking and the practical knowledge that was provided through the videos and the assignments is good. thank you for such a good course
By Prathamesh S L
•Oct 19, 2020
This course was really good. It helped me a lot in understanding Networking and how computer communication works.
By Dirk M
•Oct 16, 2020
Great insights into the nuts and bolts of networking. Enough information to make you interested in learning more.
By Josue R
•Aug 29, 2020
This course was not easy, I had to watch the videos several times in order to get it. It was way worth it though.
By Daniel E (
•Aug 22, 2020
Very information heavy so it's best to take your time with this one but you get a LOT of useful information here.
By Sajjad
•Jul 25, 2020
Best course I have ever taken ever taken in networking.Best theoretical explanation and practical implementation.
By Zachary D
•Apr 13, 2020
Despite having a thorough hatred for networking. I learned quite a bit that hopefully will help me in the future.
By Chris F
•Feb 1, 2020
This course is great. I've learned so much about the network. I'm really impressed with all the details provided.
By Jerey B
•Aug 26, 2019
These courses seem very well made, but there are some error's in the course like one of the answers for a course.
By Amina M
•Apr 11, 2019
Great courses that everyone need to know about since we are in middle of technology development .Thank you Google
By Aiden O
•Mar 31, 2019
Very well put together, make sure to take time on the parts that are a bit more dense. Overall, learned so much.
By Abhijit M
•May 18, 2018
Learnt a lot about the basics of networking. Enjoyed the course because it was challenging but not intimidating.
By Zach W
•Apr 9, 2018
This course pushed me to learn a ton about computer networking and how the internet works. I highly recommend it.
By Clayton B
•Oct 10, 2023
There's a lot to learn here but it is all very important to thoroughly understand and comprehend. Thanks Victor!
By Konstantin
•Oct 25, 2022
Amazing course! Thank you very much! It provides strong fundamental knowledge about modern computer networking.
By Joseph G
•Jun 3, 2022
A good course for a general overview. There is a lot of information here, so make sure to have a notebook ready!
By Haider S
•Jan 7, 2022
Its great opportunity for me to learn at this platform, I have no words to express my feelings and to thank you.
•Nov 17, 2021
This really introduced me to networking concepts in an orderly manner.I really understood the information well.
By youness a r
•Jul 2, 2021
thank you google and thank you all the team who went with me through this course it is really a great experience
By Bradley B
•Jun 4, 2021
It taught me a lot about networking. definitly a spike in difficulty from the first course but totally worth it.
By Sean B
•May 20, 2021
Really tough course at times, but it prepares you for things later in the course that will seem easy afterwards.
By Salman N A
•Apr 11, 2021
its a good experience learning about the networking ,WIFI , IP addresses and mac addresses and trouble shooting.
By marcellus c
•Mar 31, 2021
Great. I like how the facilitators explained each concept. This was an interesting course. Challenging, but fun.
By Brandon K
•Mar 30, 2021
The class is awesome! The instructors spoke very clear and were very knowledgeable and patient. Good curriculum!
By Septian A R
•Jan 16, 2021
It's Quite Difficult for Me To Learn Networking, But it was a challenge and I was quite successful in solving it
•Oct 27, 2020
Conteúdo de ponta, impossivel não se interessar pela matéria com o jeito que é transmitido a didática das aulas!