Feb 24, 2021
This course was amazing and helped me understand so much more about networking, things I never thought I would know or understand. Very fulfilling and I can't wait to use this knowledge going forward.
Feb 19, 2021
This was really time-consuming but it was really worth learning. Although in the end, it seems to be very basic things, they would be essential through whatever you want to accomplish in the IT field.
•May 18, 2023
Impressed by how the course flowed from one topic to the next to aid in understanding the various systems, connections, and processes to manipulate a system.
By Sherif A
•May 23, 2022
Overall I really like this class because all lectures, assignments, and tests are straight forward. A couple things I dislike about the class are that there.
By Shaun M
•Sep 7, 2021
It's a tough subject for me, but I don't believe it to be the fault of the presentation. The presenter was great and I enjoyed his enthusiasm for networking.
By Md K
•Aug 14, 2021
It is an excellent course. I have learnt many things in this course from networking protocols like TCP/IP, OSI to IPV4, IPV6 addresses and their compression.
By Assia Z
•Jun 5, 2021
Great course and great instructor. Thank you Victor and many thanks to Coursera and Google for giving me such a fantastic opportunity to learn more and more!
By Dakota A P
•Apr 14, 2021
An extremely fun course that contains just about everything you need to know when it come to networking. I thoroughly enjoyed my time completing this course!
By Ben E
•Jan 15, 2021
Really great introduction to computer networking. The quizzes & assessments are well done and help the students practice and solidify what the class teaches.
By Mitul P
•Jun 23, 2020
very interesting course. stuck at many places but learnt a lot. Thank you google for such a nice explanation of each and every point from scratch to the top.
By Anant S
•May 6, 2020
The course was excellent, Loved the teaching style of the Instructor. All the basics of networking were covered and I would recommend his course to everyone.
By Petrus v J
•Mar 24, 2020
A very broad overview of everything that is essential knowledge throughout the field it seems. I look forward to the next parts and thing this was well done.
By shannon r
•Nov 30, 2019
difficult, wordy, and informative. This is how a course on networking should be. More animation regarding how the network works would have been great also!
By Gemini J
•Jul 21, 2019
Lots of important information to absorb and learn from, pretty useful one to learn to help diagnostics or fix your common problems. I learned a lot from this
By Sadiq S H G
•Apr 18, 2019
A very wonderful course filled with interesting information. I would like to thank Google as well as the Coursera platform as well as the course Instructors.
By Cara B
•Feb 15, 2019
Alex is an excellent instructor. So many perspectives and techniques were covered in the course.
I especially liked working with router hops and data tables.
By Deleted A
•Jan 10, 2019
I love the interaction of the course and the useful real life scenarios that are given. More challenging then course one but still a lot of fun and knowledge
By Dylan
•Jul 17, 2018
It would be beneficial to provide additional quizzes during the videos to test the material that was taught. the three questions at the end are a nice touch.
By Vitalii U
•May 3, 2018
Very clear explanations and good involving presentations. The video "All Layers working in Unison" is the best I ever seen showing dynamics of TCP connection
By Christy G
•Feb 11, 2022
I learned so much from this course. I had very little experiece with networking, but now I am more confident in my ability to work troubleshooting networks.
By Brian S
•Oct 6, 2021
Very in-depth! I will need to continue to review this. There is no way to process this much info. Take good notes! I have 14 pages of notes on this segment!
By Adeyemi S A
•Apr 29, 2021
It was an interesting lecture, from the google staff and i really learn and refresh my memory again.
Thank you for providing this in depth knowledge for me..
By Robert B
•Mar 31, 2021
Lots of interesting stuff. I understand the concepts very well, and I guess that was the point. I'm not very confident I could actually fix anything though.
By J S V G K
•Apr 30, 2020
This is an excellent course.Learner can easily understand course videos and can answer questions easily.This course helps to gain good knowledge and skills.
By Robert
•Apr 9, 2020
PHENOMINAL COURSE!! I learned so much about the in-depth functions behind networking and how it all pulls together on a base-level. 10/10 totally recommend.
By alimayu m
•Jun 8, 2018
I think you all should go more in detail with the IPv6 and possibly how to apply it in windows and Linux; or at least verify where the settings are to do so
By Fernando
•Apr 7, 2018
This course was very challenging I have learned many useful things about Computer Networking that I will apply in my future job as an IT Support Specialist.