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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Circular Economy - Sustainable Materials Management by Lund University

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About the Course

This course looks at where important materials in products we use every day come from and how these materials can be used more efficiently, longer, and in closed loops. This is the aim of the Circular Economy, but it doesn’t happen on its own. It is the result of choices and strategies by suppliers, designers, businesses, policymakers and all of us as consumers. In addition to providing many cases of managing materials for sustainability, the course also teaches skills and tools for analyzing circular business models and promotes development of your own ideas to become more involved in the transition to a Circular Economy. You will learn from expert researchers and practitioners from around Europe as they explain core elements and challenges in the transition to a circular economy over the course of 5 modules: Module 1: Materials. This module explores where materials come from, and builds a rationale for why society needs more circularity. Module 2: Circular Business Models. In this module circular business models are explored in-depth and a range of ways for business to create economic and social value are discussed. Module 3: Circular Design, Innovation and Assessment. This module presents topics like functional materials and eco-design as well as methods to assess environmental impacts. Module 4: Policies and Networks. This module explores the role of governments and networks and how policies and sharing best practices can enable the circular economy. Module 5: Circular Societies. This module examines new norms, forms of engagement, social systems, and institutions, needed by the circular economy and how we, as individuals, can help society become more circular. This course is brought to you by: LUND UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS (IIIEE) EIT RAWMATERIALS VITO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF DENMARK AND GREENLAND NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS GHENT UNIVERSITY DELFT UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY...

Top reviews


May 8, 2020

A great, detailed and informative course that I enjoyed learning about. Lund University you can do no wrong, from my semester spent on exchange in Lund to engaging with this fantastic MOOC! Thank you!


Jul 30, 2023

As an Environmental engineer I recommend this course, this course was help me well for my job in mining and steel industry . Also this course changed my vision about waste management strategies.

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51 - 75 of 617 Reviews for Circular Economy - Sustainable Materials Management

By Mujtaba H S


Feb 13, 2022

The course maybe is okay, but I found it to be not relevant. examples should be given about what things like ports and warehouses do about circularity (or if they are even relevant to the discussion), what is the role of fossil fuels in the circular economy (or if they should all be abandoned)

By Julien R


Dec 14, 2022

Good content, maybe too much theory and "should be" orientation to be really implemented

By Yasser A


Mar 6, 2023

This course is useful for 45% of it. The main problem with it that is based on idealist ideals and not practical ones.

By Daniela M


Mar 4, 2022

This course was truly outstanding. The modules work very well one with another, and the information that you learn builds over the five weeks. The workload is very well structred and accessible, you can finish every module by working no longer that two days a week, and a couple of hours a day. The teachers featured in the videos are just lovely, you can easily understand almost any concept that they are explaining. At first it might feel hard because it may be a topic that many people aren't familiar with, but I adapted very easily. And finally, I feel that the skills and new information that I have acquired after this course is very valuable. I am a highschool student, looking for learning more about applied modules of the subjects that I learn in school, so this course is perfect for anyone who is a beginner and is looking for learning more about different areas and impacts of sustainable economy.

By Catia E


Nov 29, 2023

This is an excellent course. The tutors on the videos are real experts, and watching the videos reading the compendium manual plus the suggested readings on the modules really makes this course very complete, the best available at the moment, in particular for those operating in the Extractive Industry, it really opens your horizons, makes you more creative when it comes to circular matters, then the interviews with real business people also add an element of reality to the course, allows you to see things in practice, how the legal political technology social contexts impact your business! I loved it!!! and I am taking the "Working for Sustainable futures - Concepts and Approaches! The Coursera Team is also excellent, I have been having technical issues with my submissions and they really helped Lauren, Byron, Danny, thank you!

By Ravi K S


Dec 12, 2023

I highly recommend the 'Circular Economy - Sustainable Materials Management' course. The instructor's expertise and passion for the subject made the complex concepts accessible and engaging. The course seamlessly blends theory with practical insights, providing a well-rounded understanding of sustainable materials management. The interactive elements, including discussions and real-world case studies, enriched the learning experience. I feel equipped with valuable knowledge and a renewed commitment to sustainability. Kudos to the instructor for fostering an environment that encourages critical thinking and awareness in this crucial field. Truly a rewarding and enlightening course!



May 15, 2021

It's my first time to join an online course on Coursera and it's an amazing experience! The course mentions about many different aspects on circular economy, from chemistry, business models, policy making, environmental impact assessment, etc. I learn a lot from those diverse teaching materials. And I really got inspired by the case study this course provided every week! Through the examples that actually happened around the globe, I believe circular economy is feasible and promising! I really appreciate Lund University and all the other people and institutions who plan and form this course. The investment on this course is certainly worthwhile!

By Hang P


Feb 8, 2022

This course is designed in very well structure: from raw material extraction, to manufacturing process...with real examples, cases to make learner understand the topic from different angles/ perspectives. It ends by raising a lot of questions about how we can change this current fast consumerist culture and how to encourage sharing economy, how to get manufacturers get more responsibility to prolong product life, i.e. repair , upgrade, how to get government involve with the right legal frameworks...It's a challenging topic and pinpoint that we can not win the global challenges without global collaboration in many layers

By Manuel d C


Aug 15, 2022

Very good MOOC, I found it very useful and practical. THE trends that come from now on to maintain business models that are sustainable over time and a constant circular economy. The most important and which is a great challenge, is to transmit the acquired knowledge because not only the companies will have to adjust to these new models, but also the final consumers, we will have to make substantial changes in habits to help our plant, and secondly, innovate, to help reuse materials in the best possible way. Thank you very much and congratulations for providing excellent knowledge.

By Luciana M C


Nov 12, 2019

The course is awfull! We learn the key points about circular economy and how minerals, speacially the scarcer ones, need to be circularized to garantee the necessary stocks for modern life speacially for countries in developing. The chapter one seems a little confuse because it speaks about circular economy and extraction of metals in a separated way. But the other chapters make all expected links. Methodologies to embbed circularity to business model, and methods to assess the environmental gain in changes and even to pitchs.

By Lim X Z


Jun 19, 2020

In 2020, the world is expected to have 10 billion people. How can we ensure that there will be sufficient resources around for humanity to enjoy the standard of living we have right now? This is my first MOOC and I really enjoyed it- it shed light on the increasing burden on our ecosystems, but also the steps we can take for the development of circular economies, which can generate value to society by ushering in a new era of sustainable economic growth. The content covered is really relevant and interesting!

By Muhammed A T V


Nov 25, 2020

The course was accidently given by my Company, Saudi Aramco. First, i thought, it is not my field. But after hearing the videos, it is understood that it is highly a good requirement in the new world of destructions!. I have really enjoyed the topics and i have gained knowledge and got some confidence to do something in this direction of re-cycling. Thank a lot. I would like to interact with some of the technology entrepreneurs, who are doing the re-cycling of electronic products---

By Khalid A


Oct 12, 2020

I enrolled in this course to learn what circular economy means and how we can implement such concept in industrial areas as well as our daily lives. The course contents are enriching and the presenters are very good overall. I definitely learned a lot about circular economy, and this course has had a great impact on me in such a way that I have already adopted the the "circular economy" way of thinking. I highly recommend this course for anyone who is interested enough to catch up with the fats-evolving economy.

By Vinicius N


Sep 13, 2023

The course dives into the principles of circular economy using all sorts of types of information sources (text, videos, interviews). As a design engineer, the course gave me a very good insight about the concept of circular businesses and how to implement these concepts in real life. The information is detailed and updated, using real-world example of companies that went through the process of turning circular. I recommend the course for people that want to start learning about circular economy from scratch.

By Anabel U


Feb 3, 2021

I loved the topics. It was such a holistic view of a circular economy from the extraction of raw materials, to societal change needs to become increasingly circular. The case studies are great and the extra reading material were great references to continue learning about this topic. The fact that some of the research papers referenced came from Lund University, Leiden University, Delft University made me feel this course was very prestigious with the right information from the brightest minds.

By Rajesh D S


Oct 24, 2021

Excellent Course For Sustainable Materials Management. Course also looks at where important materials in products we use every day come from and how these materials can be used more efficiently, longer, and in closed loops. In addition to providing many cases of managing materials for sustainability, the course also teaches skills and tools for analyzing circular business models and promotes development of your own ideas to become more involved in the transition to a Circular Economy.

By Sowmya


Oct 13, 2020

The course provided a good base in different areas like materials, business models, government policies and keeps the student interested throughout. One suggestion is that this could be an 6 week course and have the student idea or project as a mandatory part of the course. I enjoyed doing the course and learnt a lot even though I am already reading a lot about circularity. The additional resources and reading material are very informative and interesting. Thank you !

By Giorgi K


Feb 23, 2021

This was my first experience with e-learning, which is to say I have not previously enrolled myself in any COURSERA course.

I am very satisfied since I have learnt far more than I would ever imagine to be possible.

I would like to thank all the mentors/teachers for great delivery, easy-to-follow structure, and invaluable pieces of information.

I am confident that I can put all the learnings from this course to great use throughout my future professional career.

By Helen P


Aug 19, 2021

Very detailed course content, and interesting because of variety of presenters, both from universities and industries

Course was well set out and easy to navigate

Suggestion: Video of interviews did NOT have the interviewer question listed in the text, the question was only shown at the start of each section of video. I suggest that the interview questions be added to the text, for those students that are reading the text rather than watching the video.

By Udit A


May 2, 2020

Though I was already familiar with the majority of the concepts, the course greatly helped me organise my thinking and I learnt new tools and methods of understanding and developing circular business models.

The course deploys an excellent panel of instructors who make it easy to learn as well as keep you engaged with good content.

I highly recommend the course to anyone interested in a career focused on sustainability and circular economy.

By Monica C


Nov 28, 2020

Excellent course, very well structured, with clear explanations and very relevant examples provided. Really insightful on the different aspects of circular business model. Recommended to everybody both having a professional interest in this field but not only, to all citizens as everybody has a responsibility to make circular economy really happen. Thanks a lot to all the course organiziers for this opportunity! I enjoyed it very much!!!

By Arantxa V


Aug 12, 2022

A Big and Nice surprise find this MOOC. Information, materials, processes, evolution of information delivery about Circular Economy is perfect. Many information, strict information and updated information about Circular Economy contains this MOOC, also articles, interviews and proposals to participation with ideas and exercises are offered. "Great MOOC to share, to know more and improve our society with Circular Economy". Thank You!

By Juliette T


Jul 11, 2022

Incredible and amazing awareness course. I strongly recommand it for anyone not knowing a thing on circular economy or even already trained people on the subject. Very conforting in the idea that there are some solutions to a more sustainable world and that we have the keys to put them in place together. The shifting transition has already started, be prepared it's coming, so make the choice to be part of it. It's worth it :)

By Joshua M Q


Aug 18, 2020

The course gives a broad overview of the sustainability efforts done globally and locally by industry experts. The course also highlights the importance of collaboration and cooperation of individuals to preserve resources, which will be used by the future generation. Finally, the peer-graded assignments train students how to strategically build a circular business model that can be used by both small and large companies.