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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Child Nutrition and Cooking by Stanford University

10,307 ratings

About the Course

Eating patterns that begin in childhood affect health and well-being across the lifespan. The culture of eating has changed significantly in recent decades, especially in parts of the world where processed foods dominate our dietary intake. This course examines contemporary child nutrition and the impact of the individual decisions made by each family. The health risks associated with obesity in childhood are also discussed. Participants will learn what constitutes a healthy diet for children and adults and how to prepare simple, delicious foods aimed at inspiring a lifelong celebration of easy home-cooked meals. This course will help prepare participants to be the leading health providers, teachers and parents of the present and future.The text and other material in this course may include the opinion of the specific instructor and are not statements of advice, endorsement, opinion, or information of Stanford University....

Top reviews


Sep 17, 2017

very useful and practical course.. it boosts my positive energy to cook more and more in healthy way for my baby coz much love=much healthy.. It inspired me, it's very simple , easy and very healthy..


May 26, 2023

Finished it in 3 days. I particularly enjoyed the recipes. I highly recommend this course for busy moms who still want to make the effort to prepare simple and quick home-cooked meals for their kids.

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251 - 275 of 3,047 Reviews for Child Nutrition and Cooking

By Talia K


Apr 15, 2016

Maya is an inspiring teacher and mother. I also consider her an artist for the wonderful animations that accompany the course. Thank you for inviting me into your home and kitchen, and reinforcing my choices as a mother and a consumer. It was a fun and interesting experience!

By aisha d


Sep 2, 2015

I really enjoyed the passe and the visual stimulation. I appreciate that Dr. Maya Adam made the lecture personal by sharing her experiences and including her family in the videos. Thank you and I look forward to completing more courses especially if Dr. Adam is the presenter.

By Priti G


Aug 29, 2015

The course has completely changed my approach in cooking food for my kids and family. Kids are much more satisfied after each food and they don't reach out for junk food. Thanks for giving valuable information about food and this is going to stay with me for rest of my life.

By Holly P


Nov 24, 2015

This course gives you practical knowledge with regards to nutrition and cooking, its hard to tell if you fully completed the course and if its only completed after you've had 3 peer reviews done on your final project. There is no definite statement saying course completed.

By paulina p


Aug 31, 2015

Very very interesting, and practical in home cooking for working mothers, , give important tips of nutrition about mixing food o all types, speaking of technical issues, video is very good quality, the teacher is clear, and production is very attractive and well created.

By Natza B


Aug 27, 2017

Basico pero muy interesante el curso. Maya Adams transmite este afecto enseñando, y el compartir con sus hijos ha sido muy especial.

Basic but very interesting the course. Maya Adams conveys this affection by teaching, and sharing with her children has been very special.

By Deleted A


Nov 16, 2015

Awesome and easy to follow for parents and people interested in food and nutrition. I recommend this course to people who are not even parents but just struggling with weight or nutrition issues as it´s well made, easy to follow and not too time consuming or deep. Thanks.

By Deleted A


Aug 31, 2017

One of the best certificate programs I have invested my money into. The video tutorials helped me learn best. The lecture materials is easy to follow with the written notes on the screen. I would recommend this course for anyone interested in child nutrition and cooking!

By Alaa c


Jul 27, 2024

I like this course, gove me important information about the nutrition and health and good things to do so i can save my sociaty my environment and the whole world, i really recommend it not only for moms but although to everyone care about himself and people around him

By Vy T


Jan 23, 2025

This course is very informative but too complicated to acquire the knowledge. I've learned a lot of useful information from it. I love it and I'm sure that these good understanding will support me much in being able to do more for children in the future. <3 Thank you!

By Lara M


Dec 3, 2015

This course is not only good and complete but necessary for all humans to watch, listen, learn and practice it in their day a day life. Kid's health is in our hands, and this course contains all the information we need to do the right thing with them. Thanks a lot!

By Mingyu L


Mar 10, 2021

This course is very interesting and helps me to understand so much more about everyday eating routines. It uses a very clear and straightforward way to explain nutritions in a more understandable way - food. It has helped me a lot to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

By Mariela L


Oct 28, 2019

I loved the simple videos to watch and the simple language so it made it super easy to follow and understand, the recipes are also a great way to apply what we learned and I love all the good ideas to do with the kids! Thanks so much, I really enjoyed the course!!

By Yomna E


Sep 26, 2019

Very very helpful and useful course, i have tried almost all the recipes and we lovvvve it so much.

I knew things i have never think about it.

I recommend this course for every one who want to learn about what he eat and for the benefit of his children and family.

By Evagelia P


Feb 8, 2019

I fulfilled the first 4 weeks, I still have one ahead, but I feel like putting a comment now! I found the course very interesting and highly motivating! I will try to practice more as a mother and I will also try to advise better as a Nutritionist. Thank you Maya

By Estefania V


Aug 1, 2024

GREAT COURSE!! Very informative and well-organized. I really enjoyed how they broke down complex concepts and explained them in a way that people who have no nutritional knowledge could understand! Very interesting course and the instructor was very charismatic!

By Darryl V


Feb 25, 2018

This was a great learning opportunity! It really helped me be more aware of what my child is eating. Easy to understand and great recipes. Although I think that more animal proteins would be appropriate for a child, I would totally recommend this course! Thanks!

By Mina J


Aug 30, 2017

I found the course very helpful, easy to follow and pleasant to learn. I would definitely like to expand my knowledge in child nutrition and child development by taking more courses, and think that this course was an excellent start to my new learning adventure.

By Maryam H


Dec 22, 2016

I passed this course 3 or 4 years ago. After completing the course I feel significant changes in my diet, grocery shopping , my kids food and their healthy snacks. This course gave me a good opportunity to restart cooking and shopping much more healthier. Thanks



Sep 7, 2024

kursus ini akan membekali saya dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan untuk memberikan nutrisi terbaik bagi anak. Saya akan menjadi lebih percaya diri dalam memilih makanan, memasak makanan sehat, dan menanamkan kebiasaan makan yang baik pada anak.

By princess y


Mar 31, 2024

Best course ever. I have learnt so many things which I didn't know they exist, and I believe I'm going to use this skill to live healthy and eat nutritious food every day and also cook them for my future family. Thank you, Mary Adams, for this insightful skill.

By A P


Jan 30, 2021

The course has been very enlightening. It's not just educative but also going to change the food choices of me and family forever. That, I believe, would lead us towards better health and hence more happiness. Thanks Maya Adams.

Best Regards,

Anabadya Patnaik

By Shreya S


Jun 10, 2020

It was a really great course. Got to learn a lot about the nutritional content in the food and how it affects your health as well as a child's health. This course will not only help me professionally but also personally in choosing a healthy diet alternative.

By Maria B


Dec 5, 2018

Incredible and easy to understand content. I would recommend this highly recommend this course to parents/caregivers. Most content could apply to adults without children as well. It gave me to confidence and courage to provide well balanced and mindful meals.