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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Business Analytics with Excel: Elementary to Advanced by Johns Hopkins University

3,554 ratings

About the Course

A leader in a data driven world requires the knowledge of both data-related (statistical) methods and of appropriate models to use that data. This Business Analytics class focuses on the latter: it introduces students to analytical frameworks used for decision making though Excel modeling. These include Linear and Integer Optimization, Decision Analysis, and Risk modeling. For each methodology students are first exposed to the basic mechanics, and then apply the methodology to real-world business problems using Excel. Emphasis will be not on the "how-to" of Excel, but rather on formulating problems, translating those formulations into useful models, optimizing and/or displaying the models, and interpreting results. The course will prepare managers who are comfortable with translating trade-offs into models, understanding the output of the software, and who are appreciative of quantitative approaches to decision making. Business analytics makes extensive use of data and modeling to drive decision making in organizations. This class focuses on introducing students to analytical frameworks used for decision making to make sense of the data, starting from the basics of Excel and working up to advanced modeling techniques....

Top reviews


Oct 1, 2023

Well guided course with gradually increasing difficulty level, yet explained in a lucid way. Next level (advanced) level courses are awaited from the faculty whose has immense knowledge of subject.


Jul 24, 2024

Good course to follow if you are interested in expand your knowledge in excel data analysis, especially focusing on business analytics. Lectures and resource materials are very clear and helpful.

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726 - 750 of 880 Reviews for Business Analytics with Excel: Elementary to Advanced

By Junior G

Nov 25, 2024


By Kevin A

Jan 28, 2024


By Juan R

Dec 20, 2024

Si bien es bastante bueno y ocupa fórmulas o racionamientos bastante útiles en la vida cotidiana, al momento de decir AVANZADO en el título (por mi parte y como una apreciación super personal) se esperaba un repaso o algo referente a las tablas dinámicas o a las macros que también se ocupa bastante. Reitero el hecho de que el curso en si es bastante bueno y si uno se dedica puede terminar antes de tiempo. La tarea o proyecto final es bastante interesante y sumamente entretenido aunque la complidad es alta también por el hecho de que las instrucciones (según yo) no están del todo claro. Cuesta agarrar el ritmo de esa última tarea pero cuando ya sabes a lo que se refiere sale relativamente más rápido.

By Scott G

Oct 30, 2023

Really great course and I learned a lot. Good production value and the work gets more challenging from problem set to problem set. I'll be better at Excel from having taken this course. The only drawback is I wish that I'd have known the last couple of weeks require the "Solver" add-in. I used the solver add-in, but somewhere in the process the version of solver changed in my excel installation....and it was REALLY buggy. Basically, solver was nearly unusable on my Excel, which made doing the work really more frustrating and distracting. Other than that, great course - hope Solver gets better!

By Kongpak P

Nov 11, 2023

Good for beginners to intermediate, some questions jump from being easy to hard in too short of a time, such as modeling complex questions like the midterms and finals, took me a long time to figure out with much guidance. But overall, if you are a beginner, it gives quite a clear outlook on the basics of excel formulas and functions. would definitely recommend, but can be some improvements. Good for refereshing your memory after college as well. But might need to dive into more important real world formulas like xlookup, hlookup, and the pivot table etc.

By Omar D V A

Jun 29, 2023

It is a great course; I learned a lot. However, I need to mention some exercises and quizzes seem to lack some background and, in some occasions, we do didn't have any idea of how to solve them (including the final project which required the inclusion of many constraints and conditions which we did not see as a complete exercise before). I did not receive any feed-back from faculty during the course, so it is more like self-paced and self-solving course, taking the advantages of videos and written material which were very helpful and well explained.

By Noelle S

Aug 4, 2023

Not bad! I'm a former high school math teacher. This was my first ever "business class," and while the instructor did a great job explaining everything going on in the spreadsheets, I felt a little behind in the business lingo. I had to do a lot of my own research to learn what NPV, ROI, etc. is. Which is not a problem, but it may be helpful to future learners to know they may need to get a little background knowledge on all the lingo here. Overall though, I learned a lot, and it was fun!

By Marcos T K

Jul 17, 2023

A very interesting and useful course. The best part is that you have practices applicable to real situations from the first module. The professor explains very well. On the negative side, the final project stands out, as there is a solution with a higher objective than the one presented as corrected... despite the fact that in the discussion forums this doubt was raised, no one from the university learning team responded.

By Antonio M

Feb 13, 2025

The course starts by helping you set up "clean" excel sheets, and then half-way, shifts to helping you use linear programming, and non-linear programming. This is done using the solver component in excel. The course is great on what it teaches, but I don't give it five starts because I believe it only focuses on a specific case of Business Analytics (linear programming and quipping excel sheets understandable).

By Mohamed N

May 30, 2023

it's very good course in terms from beginner to good usage of business analytics in Excel , also I like that it teaches you though practical cases , the only problem is the final project quiz the two questions are not matching with each other first one you exclude some projects from approval then the second one every thing changes , anyway it's very powerful course

By Sheeba K

Apr 18, 2024

The quizzes were easy except for the Mid term Project and the Final Project. I think, they were purposely done and were made harder than the rest. I did complete the course in the first attempt of the final project, however, I am not happy with the final project performance and would revisit the solution provided at the end to analyze where I went wrong.

By Lieke L

Aug 28, 2024

It was a great course, learned some nice skills which will come in handy at uni & later at work. Sometimes it was a bit unclear what to do, especially with the quizes, it felt as if too little information was given. However, I enjoyed finding out how to do it and to really actively engaged in it and find out myself how to do it.

By Leonardo B

Jun 29, 2023

I'm satisfied with this course and I recommended completely. It is an excellent course to improve skill in excel. The videos and explanations are very useful.

My feedback would be that ,after completing the final exam, the students have the possibility to access a video about how to adequately solve the final test

By Quique C

Jan 24, 2024

Un curso muy recomendable si vas a trabajar sobre Excel, si bien es cierto que los conocimientos aprendidos no se extienden a todas las posibilidades que ofrece la plataforma, profundiza de manera extensa en las metodologías de trabajo que enseñan, dando claridad a como usar dichas fórmulas/metodologías.

By Mayank K

Sep 27, 2024

The overall course was good; But there were two issues. 1st - the course had very little exposer to VLOOKUP; 2nd - it didn't introduced me pivot table (It was not thought in this course). Excluding these two point the course was very good. Its an excellent choice for beginners.

By Eileen F

Dec 7, 2024

Very helpful for Linear Programming concepts. But could have used some more clarification on Solver's limitations. I ran into issues in the Final Project where constraints made sense logically and built off the techniques taught, but did not fit with Solver's requirements.

By Francesca B

Oct 3, 2023

The course was very interesting and allowed me to acquire new skills and and an analytical eye.

The lessons are very detailed and well explained

Only downside for me - it sometime assumed a previous knowledge of mathematics that non all students might posses.

By Nguyen N

Jun 15, 2023

This course provided knowledge of Excel, Finance, and setting an analytical decision-making model. It has helped me improve my decision-making skills in real business situations at the company. I appreciate Coursera for offering this beneficial course.

By Anchana B

Aug 21, 2024

As a beginner in this advanced course, I'm finding all the functions new and challenging. However, the instructor's excellent teaching and valuable techniques as well as the ability to rewatch the learning VDO are making the learning process easier.

By Stephan P

May 18, 2024

I'm working every day with Excel. Allmost all the application used in this course where new for me. I really appreciate to lear this skilly. What I dislike where the Midtherm and the final Exame. Very difficult compared to the other test/quiz.

By Valerie C

Apr 27, 2024

The instructor was very easy to understand. his examples and step by step process really made following along quite easy. I did find that various formulas/solutions were not matching up to what I had and so there were some difficulties.

By Matheus P

Apr 26, 2024

A lot of good information condenced, the only thing i haven't enjoyed this much was that in most of the cases the explanation of the subject came after the videos/ tasks. But i've learned a lot with this course, I really recommend it.

By Payal P

Jun 25, 2024

The explanations are clear and the test are helpful for applying the learned skills. However there are cases when there are doubts and different results received with same approach, need a channel to get these resolved

By Nabina K

Jun 24, 2024

It was very helpful, but the free add-in for Solver was not available in my windows...May be I was unable to do it correctly. Nonetheless, if I there were any other free alternatives, their mention would be helpful.

By Pratik M

May 15, 2023

Great learning insights.

However, the course focusses on few selected themes and formulas linked to decision making. Certain other aspects from business analytics can be introduced such as data analytics.