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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Basic Statistics by University of Amsterdam

4,525 ratings

About the Course

Understanding statistics is essential to understand research in the social and behavioral sciences. In this course you will learn the basics of statistics; not just how to calculate them, but also how to evaluate them. This course will also prepare you for the next course in the specialization - the course Inferential Statistics. In the first part of the course we will discuss methods of descriptive statistics. You will learn what cases and variables are and how you can compute measures of central tendency (mean, median and mode) and dispersion (standard deviation and variance). Next, we discuss how to assess relationships between variables, and we introduce the concepts correlation and regression. The second part of the course is concerned with the basics of probability: calculating probabilities, probability distributions and sampling distributions. You need to know about these things in order to understand how inferential statistics work. The third part of the course consists of an introduction to methods of inferential statistics - methods that help us decide whether the patterns we see in our data are strong enough to draw conclusions about the underlying population we are interested in. We will discuss confidence intervals and significance tests. You will not only learn about all these statistical concepts, you will also be trained to calculate and generate these statistics yourself using freely available statistical software....

Top reviews


Jun 28, 2022

Instructors have provided concise explanations of the concepts. There are many examples considered that make statistics easier to understand! Also, the illustrations are fancy. I enjoyed every video!


Jan 29, 2021

great course with good videos and examples. Very good course for learning the basic statistics. Unfortunately the week 3 is the most misunderstanding module, nevertheless very good and understanding

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126 - 150 of 1,099 Reviews for Basic Statistics

By Sunil R K

Jun 10, 2017

Very good course! I especially found the lab exercises very helpful to reinforce the concepts taught in the video lectures via R programming. Thank you very much for the team of Basis Statistic of University of Amsterdam and the Coursera to offer such a wonderful course.

By Khaliqur R A

Jun 2, 2020

Very informative and effective course to enhance your statistical skills. I am really thankful to COURSERA and University of Amsterdam for providing such an opportunity to me, to improve my statistical skills and also to learn some basics of R programming. Thanks a lot

By erik S

Feb 1, 2016

Now working on week 5 of this course. First four weeks were VERY well taught. Clear examples AND above all the datacamp R tutorials make it more than worth your while.

This course rises FAR above the many Coursera MOOC's that i took. It is very complete and do-able.

By Tayseer A A A

Dec 20, 2017

Great lectures, great examples. I struggled with this course at my university and felt that I didn't understand most of it at times. Thanks to the lecturers from Amsterdam University things felt much more simple and I feel I have learned a lot from this course.

By Nguyen T H

Nov 27, 2017

Such a good course! Very easy to understand (although I have to say I didn't well understand a few parts and needed to review them again and again :-))). The professors presented in a way that was simple enough for beginners. Sincere thanks to the Professors!

By Pito S

Aug 13, 2016

I am almost done with this course and I want to recommend it very highly. I came to this with a lapsed and sporadic understanding of probability and statistics. I followed all the lectures, did all the tests and homeworks and feel like I have learned a lot.

By Jordan F

Mar 1, 2018

Wonderful course! Content is well organized and conveyed such that they address all of the 'basics' about each section of statistics that are covered. Easily one of the best, self-guided courses I've taken. Will definitely keep this course as a resource.

By M. M

Jan 14, 2017

Whenever I read and try to understanding about statistic, I feel it's very difficult and confusing. But with the simple method of this video to teach me about statistic, now I feel that my love parameter about statistic is increased. Thank you very much.

By Amy G

Apr 11, 2016

The instructors are awesome to convey the concepts using examples. They actually made learning statistics to be fun which is unexpected and unseen elsewhere (e.g. Universities, other stats courses). I have been enjoying myself in learning. Thank you!

By Arman B K

Oct 31, 2018

Great course for beginners or those like myself who just wanted a quick revision over the material before going on to the more advanced stuff. You get a very good start with R which is a very valuable software to learn both for academia and industry.

By Chiranya D

Jul 14, 2023

I was a complete beginner to Statistics when I started this course. Thanks to this course, I was able to understand basic concepts of Statistics in a picturesque way. It was really interactive. I enjoyed it a lot. Thank you for creating this course.

By Avipsa A

May 18, 2020

I am planning to get my Masters in Data Science, and taking this course does make me feel a lot more confident in Statistics. I had no background on Statistics but the videos and assignments made it easy yet challenging enough to help me learn more.

By Xi C

Aug 13, 2020

A great course. Very clear illustration of all the basic and useful statistic knowledge. All the contents are fun and close to our lives, thus easy to comprehend. I have learnt a lot from this course. Many thanks to the people who made this course.

By Hakim G

Apr 28, 2020

Very good course and good teachers. The overall pace is gradual, yet sustained. Week 4 is a bit less clear and accessible, otherwise everything is well taught. I have finally managed to overcome my fear and traumas around statistics, thanks to you!

By Isuru M

Aug 6, 2021

I've learned the statistics in university before this course. But not understand the theories and concepts properly. I was amazing how this course delivers things very softly. Thank You for everyone to made this exemplary great course. Thank you!

By Agnes T

Mar 11, 2021

Great course, really helped me set a good foundation for the inferential statistics course! The only part that was a bit harder to grasp was the probabilites one. But overall, I loved the course and it was extremely useful and pleasant to follow!

By Claude C

Mar 6, 2016

Very good introductory course to statistics and probability. This course is both entertaining and rigorous. I recommend this course without any hesitation to beginners and people who want to refresh their knowledge and skills in basic statistics.

By Rajeev S

Sep 19, 2021

One of the best stats courses. My work need to complete a few stats courses and this was the first one, took my time with this and blazed through other courses as this course covered everything required and in fact in more dept than the others.

By shengxun y

Jul 17, 2019

The lecturers explain basic statistics concepts very clearly, and very interestingly. The Datacamp quizes are very helpful for me to further understand the concepts, methods etc and give me some hands-on on using R to solve statistics problems.

By Özge Ç

Jan 19, 2017

I've first time attended an online course. Basic statistic is great for specialization both students and employers. Syllabus of lessons become simple to complex, so it get easier learning. 1st week of the course about to finish. Thanks for all.

By Tomasz H

Dec 29, 2016

Very clear, very good visuals, easy to follow. Highly recommended. I only wished the DataCamp examples were in Python, not R, but I understand R is a more natural choice for non-programmers. The lab and the presented theory are well synced.

By Aaron B

Aug 18, 2016

A very engaging approach to online teaching, that is very effective at keeping you from zoning out while staring at boring slides of text with someone speaking over top of it. I wish more online learning courses would follow this example.

By Miguel C

May 21, 2020

Exceptional course. While concepts may be introductory, it was superb plus having the opportunity of getting familiarized with programming in R studio. Overall, great introduction to basic statistical concepts and programming languages.

By Saurabh G

Aug 28, 2019

This is one of the best designed MOOC. The kind of effort that has gone into making this and taking care of the its usability is just commendable. This will go a long way in influencing me to see University of Amsterdam as my new home.

By aurelio m

Mar 7, 2021

The course is well developed. The evaluations have the expected difficulty.

It has been very gratifying to successfully complete the course, but the satisfaction of having learned from great teachers is greater. You inspire me.
