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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Animal Behaviour and Welfare by The University of Edinburgh

5,249 ratings

About the Course

Animal welfare has been described as a complex, multi-faceted public policy issue which includes important scientific, ethical, and other dimensions. Improving our understanding of animal welfare, involves the fascinating study of animal behavior as well as the challenge of accessing the emotions of animals. This is the On-Demand version of this course, which means you can start the course at any time and work through the course materials at your own pace. The materials and quizzes will always be available to you. You can come and talk about the course on Twitter using the hashtag #EdAniWelf...

Top reviews


Apr 28, 2020

Its a nicely designed course. It sheds light on many animal care practices and welfare. Very well instructions and quiz sessions are arranged. Many important learnings and takeaways from the course.


Jun 22, 2020

This course was very informative and interesting! I enjoyed the lectures as well as the instructors and also loved that it focused on many different kinds animal welfare issues. Definitely recommend!

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101 - 125 of 1,319 Reviews for Animal Behaviour and Welfare

By Vishrutha R


Apr 1, 2020

I found the course quite informative and engaging in terms of understanding the stress factors that apply to animals with human interaction. However, I wanted to know more about how QBA is quantified and how enrichment planning can be evaluated. I particularly was looking forward to understanding the welfare of captive cetaceans and how they can be improved which wasn't part of the syllabus but I shall try to extrapolate. Thank you for the enjoyable course.



Oct 8, 2020

The course has a very good mode of use, the topics covered are of great help to understand and refresh knowledge, in my position as a professional zootechnician, human being, vegetarian, and caregiver of the environment, the neutral position seems very good to many topics that can generate susceptibility, I am very grateful for this opportunity to take this course and from all that I have learned, I know it will serve me a lot, a hug and thank you again

By Gonçalo G M D V


Nov 8, 2020

It was a fantastic course for the small amount of time provided to fit all the information in. The one constructive comment I leave and hope is taken seriously, is in week 5 (Farm animals) to change the hen's videos as they are extremely hard to concentrate and even listen to the person speaking, with all the background noise of the hundreds of hens. All in all, it's a fantastic course and a great start to animal behavior. Thank you for the experience.

By Awais A K


Sep 7, 2021

The course has been beneficial in terms of my understanding of animal behaviour and welfare from my own perspective and to a large degree from the perspective of animals. We, as humans, are still not able to fully comprehend the animals' welfare seen through their lens. However, the material in this course has made a sincere effort to guage the welfare requirements from animals' perspective. I hope the research in animal welfare will go a long way.

By Lara M


Dec 18, 2023

Aprendi muito com esse curso, as aulas sao otimas, tem que ser levado a sério! Os profissionais sao responsáveis excelentes , os materiais te dão suporte para um apredizado mais extenso, as provas são necessárias, temos que estudar e evoluir. Fico feliz em ampliar meus conhecimentos no bem estar animal e numa instituição internacional e de qualidade. Obrigado e que sejamos sempre o fator de mudança para mudar a vida dos animais com todo amor !

By Riya S S


Oct 15, 2020

I have enjoyed this course so much..i enjoy studying animal behavior, ,mainly their natural behavior and how all we can improve their welfare according to which environment they are living in. I got to know a lot more about pets , captive animals, which I thought I knew earlier which was actually nothing compared to the information that I got through this course. I thank all my Teachers who taught and visually represented everything in detail.

By liuyuxi


Sep 10, 2017

This is a very good course, but unless u have some background or work in animal fields, u will find it's a little bit difficult to understand or hard to have a true feeling about what's it talking about. Actually animal welfare is a very big subject and needs long term improvement. This course needs u spend more time after class to learn and read, hope everybody enjoy it! Thank you to the trainer team to bring us such a wonderful course!

By Kylee S


Jun 30, 2020

I'm about to start studying biology with an emphasis in zoology and this course was a great start! The professors were all incredibly helpful and explained everything very well. The quizzes were challenging without being stressful. I live in the States, so taking a class on animal welfare from another country really helped to expand my perspective, since I'll most likely be learning from a very US-centric perspective from here on out.

By Elyse R


Mar 7, 2016

Wonderful course about animal welfare issues today and how to improve our their well-being. I have always been interested in animals and I thought I knew a lot about them. This course provided a lot of objective information about the experiences of all different species. There's still a lot to learn, but I will be recommending this course to anyone interested in understanding a little more than the basics about the welfare of animals.

By Maria C S d S


Feb 18, 2024

Curso maravilhoso, aborda temas muito importantes a cerca de toda vida animal, a importância de se reconhecer que independente da espécie todo tipo de vida merece ter um Bem-Estar garantido e que forneça uma vida digna, mostra muitos valores que são enraizados pelo comportamento humano, demonstra estudos e vídeos de muita significância para a área da Medicina Veterinária para melhor compreender os comportamentos dos animais.

By Dhany K


Apr 29, 2022

I must say that this is a very interesting and compelling mini course about the introduction of animal welfare problems. I had a very good time studying issues and little bit of insight regarding not just companion animals, but also farm/production animals, and even zoo/wild animal's needs. I'm looking forward if there's another course that offers more in-depth regarding animal behaviour and welfare from this university.

By Jeff J


Jan 13, 2022

Hello everyone, Im Jeff Joseph and I'm proud to say that i've been a part of this wondeful team. I cannot thank you enough for giving me an opportunity to complete this course and sharp my knowledge.

I highly recommend this couse for each animal lover and those who have a keen interest in animals. Believe me this couse will give you new ways of approach animals and keeping the animals interest over your judgement.

By Stephanie H


Apr 6, 2021

Thank you for providing this affordable course, it has inspired me to do further work in the animal behaviour and welfare field, especially in connection with production animals! I recently obtained a BSc in Animal Science, but was feeling rather confused as to where I wanted to go with this qualification. This course has been refreshing and I'm excited to see what can be done in the future.

Warm regards

By Aliyah B


Apr 28, 2024

This course taught me a lot and gave me so many things to think about. Some of the videos weren't the easiest to watch, however, I appreciate the professors putting them out there as it is a thing I believe was needed to see in order to get the full view of how some things are. I would love to stop by the university and meet them in person. Definitely a course that was well worth my time. Thank you!

By Caroline C


Apr 26, 2020

I enjoyed this course greatly because it was content dense, delivered at a great pace, slides were uncluttered and easy to follow. additional information was provided that was relevant and informative. Some aspects were hard to watch [little bear calling for mum] but that is the nature of the topic. Identifying stressors and how to reduce them. Would be great if all MOOC's were as well put together.

By Han H Z


Apr 30, 2020

This course is exceptionally well-created and covered many different aspects of this topic. The content was easy to understand, the instructors and interviewees were knowledgeable in their respective fields and gave many insights, and the quizzes were sufficiently challenging. Many additional readings are also available for those who want to learn more in-depth. I thoroughly enjoyed this course!

By Vanille


Apr 24, 2020

Very grateful for this course and all the information that I learnt. Animal welfare is a difficult subject since I'm vegan and an animal advocate, but it was very important to learn all these things to be a better voice for the animals. I really enjoyed weekly hangouts even though they weren't live - still a lot of insignts and useful information. I love all the teachers, thank you so much!

By Lucy W


Nov 17, 2016

I can't explain how much I enjoyed this course. It's content and resources were so easily accessible and easy to understand. I am just new into the Animal industry so this was a perfect way into it. The passion the lecturers had was so plain to see and I loved that. I makes me want more.

I am so happy I did this. So happy, I want to enrol on another MOOC :)




Jun 22, 2020

Its a very very very interesting and most eager to watch every single video about what will be the next and then. Thank you so much for the Edinburgh University for taking much efforts to make understand the learners who are interested in this subject like me!. !THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN!

By Annisa H


Jan 7, 2021

Hello to all lecturer and person that are in this animal behaviour and welfore course

I am Annisa Helmi from Indonesia, I am so Interest to Animal Welfare and my research now are Animal Behaviour

It's an honor for me to finish this course

The material are so easy to understand, it's also fun I can learn so much news knowledge

I am gonna try another course ^^

Thank You So Much

By Sara S


Nov 11, 2017

This course was very interesting, insightful and often surprising. It was fascinating to learn how much the welfare challenges depend on the species and the individual circumstances and to see how different research approaches are used to identify those challenges and improve animal's living conditions. Thanks to the team for this engaging introduction to a complex topic!

By Mangon D


Mar 29, 2021

Cours très intéressants. J'ai appris énormément de choses sur le bien-être animal tant au niveau des animaux de compagnie, que des animaux sauvages élevés en captivité ou des animaux élevés pour la nourriture. Bien que les cours soient sous-titrés en français, les questionnaires sont en anglais, il peut donc être difficile de répondre correctement à toutes les questions.

By Wesley W


May 28, 2020

Thank you so for such an informative, enlightening, and thought provoking Animal Behavior and Welfare course. All the instructors are very engaging in their respective modules. I have gained what I feel is a great and encouraging starting point to continue learning about the scientific study of animal behavior and welfare, the findings, and positive results produced.

By Katya P


May 26, 2022

Very interesting, I came here hoping to know more about companion animals, now I even have more awareness about animals that are for human consumption and the ethical handling of their slaughter. Now I can assure you that this is a career that I would like to study and contribute to animal welfare in the future. Thank you to all the wonderful teachers in this course.



May 7, 2020

I am very grateful, with all the teachers who gave their time to teach this course, I loved it and I have learned a lot, I would have liked all the videos to have subtitles in Spanish, but the rest everything was excellent, I thank the teachers And to the university that I hope to attend one day of my life, I would love it to be to study or simply to dress. Thank you