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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Aboriginal Worldviews and Education by University of Toronto

481 ratings

About the Course

Intended for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal learners, this course will explore indigenous ways of knowing and how they can benefit all students. Topics include historical, social, and political issues in Aboriginal education; terminology; cultural, spiritual and philosophical themes in Aboriginal worldviews; and how Aboriginal worldviews can inform professional programs and practices, including but not limited to the field of education....

Top reviews


Mar 26, 2021

I really enjoyed this course and I learned a lot. Thank you so much for the time and energy you put into creating it and providing it in this way so people from all over can enhance their learning.


Nov 7, 2021

​I found this course informative and enlightening as the truth was shared by the instructor and Indiginous guests. This has been a valuable experience to add to my personal reconcilliation journey.

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176 - 200 of 232 Reviews for Aboriginal Worldviews and Education

By Bobby Q


Jun 11, 2022

By Cheryl D


Dec 2, 2020

I found the course very informative - especially the interviews and links to extra resources such as the 8th Fire videos - and I will definitely be doing more reading as there is so much to learn in this area. The importance of understanding that different peoples have different worldviews is vital to being able to work together and learn from one another.

An updated course would be nice as it was first offered in 2013, and there have been a lot of things going on since then.

My only critical comment is that I found it hard to find the additional resources that were mentioned - they don't seem to be linked to the lectures. And I discovered that Week 5 and Week 6 are actually where a lot of these things are located. If the course is updated, perhaps an update to where these resources can be found could be included.

By Michael O A


Mar 1, 2023

I should have paid more attention to the technical aspect. I had a lot of questions but could not find anyone to talk to. Some key information that I did not have was in Week 6 on the forum requirements and replies. I also struggled with uploading my first assignment. A notice should be emailed when it is received. Also, there was a notice about a missed assignment but it never stated the assignment or requirement. It was difficult to keep track of my forum and reply input as the course seems to span over a few years.

In any event, it was a challenge and a very good course well worth the time and effort. Thank you for allowing me to participate in the course.

Mike O. Alexander

By Ciara L


Aug 8, 2022

Fascinating course! A couple of broken links though and it was difficult to find some of the suggested resources. Some were at the end of the videos. Others were buried in the forums. One of the weeks directed people to leave their answers in the wrong week's forum. Could do with a clean up and updated links. Would help to have a separate folder where each week's resources are placed in folders titled by week. Otherwise I'm so glad to have learned what I did! I moved to Canada 6 years ago from Ireland and should have taken this course years ago.

By Martin O


Dec 8, 2020

This course could perhaps use a refresh, of its links especially, but also to give comparative historical stats on access to aboriginal education access and graduation, and to include current advances in aboriginal colleges, curriculum and teacher training. This course, at over eight years old, is actually a history. It presents events and our past state of worldview discord, how far we've come since, and how slowly we have moved. As Canada's rehabilitation drags on, the course becomes a sad commentary.

By Irene Y


Feb 14, 2022

The course was very interesting and helped me understand a lot more about the challenges of the residential schools and how limiting the Inidan Act is to indigenous peoples.

I did not realize that the week 6 materials were related to the earlier weeks of the course. I watched them after completing all of the work. It would have been good to see the screenside chats right after each week. Adding a link to to the chat after the weekly videos would have been helpful.

By Theodore B


Jun 6, 2024

Overall, an informative and thought-provoking course. I would consider it necessary for every Canadian. One gripe is the materials in the final chapter were hard to find / access, and I had to search around a bit to find them. For people not as tech savvy, this would be impossible. Part of decolonizing the curriculum is making it barrier-free. so I would love to see Coursera revise and reorganize the materials in a more user-friendly format.

By Kyle T


Jan 7, 2019

Some missing or broken links made accessing some of the material more difficult. While a quick google search was usually sufficient to find what was missing there was one exception, where a free copy of the chapter reading was not readily accessible.

The information in the course was quite interesting and I enjoyed the interviews/special guests. I hope you keep up the great work making this kind if education accessible for more Canadians.

By asith. c


Jul 26, 2021

Very insightful. It is an eye opener to learn about indigenous world views. There is lot to learn and integrate about the learning approaches (Education) by indigenous people of early and pre-contact. To name a few would be to learn from nature and to care for it, personal connection between the teacher (elder, parent..) and learner, to look within for the answers, to learn through experiences, non-interference (to an extent) and so on

By Stuart R


Jan 22, 2024

A very interesting course, well presented by the teacher in short video segments, and supported by interesting and accessible online resources. The course includes some academic perspectives and this aspect could have been a bit more developed. However, on the whole, the course provides an excellent introduction to indigenous worldviews and this is reflected in both content and delivery.

By Nora S


Jul 13, 2023

Excellent! Although this course has some years and some of the content may not be totally relevant today (some statistics, for example) or doesn’t account for more recent frameworks (the Calls to Action, for example), I found a large part of the course to be very meaningful and helpful to advance my understanding on how I can embed Indigenous content and perspectives in our curriculum.

By Steven F


Apr 23, 2019

An excellent approach to aboriginal worlviews that provided context and importantly the imapact of intergenerational damage done by the educational policies to aboriginals and the current state of affairs. Thoroughly enjoyed the first assignment and the requirement for peer assessment. Created accountablility in the course and engagement opportunities. Well done.

By Topalian


Sep 11, 2021

The course was very informative. The instructor very knowledgeable on the subjects covered. I had trouble accessing some of supplemental materials as I was unsure where to find certain articles and websites. Regardless of this, I will recommend the course to any teachers ready to acquire the knowledge needed to assert their vision. Thank you

By michael p


Nov 28, 2022

This is a very good course containing an abundance of interesting material. Unfortunately many of the links don't seem to work anymore---also the organization of material and placement of tests and assignment have become confused over time. The lecturer can be a bit long-winded but is very well spoken and clearly dedicated to this project.

By Nicole S


Aug 6, 2023

I loved everything about this course except that it would be beneficial to update some areas. Overall, everything is still relevanat and sadly little progress in reconcilliation has been made. But it would make the course more current if there was some comment on what has happened since 2012.

By Courtney M


Feb 11, 2019

Really great introductory course for individuals who are largely unfamiliar with Indigenous Worldview in Canada. For those who have some prior knowledge, it may be too basic but it's always helpful and important to review previous knowledge, so it's a good course for everyone!

By Brenna C


Apr 15, 2020

Some of the video's he told us to watch after the intro videos did not appear after the intro video ended. I would rework the order of the video's so that people can watch the video's he talks about right after he introduces them. Otherwise, very informative course!

By Sheena P


May 5, 2021

This course provided a solid overview of Indigenous Worldviews and how they are related to education. It is a very good introductory course. There are a lot of videos to watch, but little in terms of actual coursework/submissions so it is still manageable.

By Nikki B


Jul 24, 2020

Really good course, a lot of great content. Instead of multiple videos, a summary worksheet would be beneficial as well as check-ins to see that you are understanding all the material. Overall, I enjoyed and have recommended to colleagues and friends.

By Jon D


Mar 8, 2022

Excellent content. Definitely coming out of the learnings better informed. Access to video resources during the course was challenging at times with dead links. Independant internet searches were needed as a work around to locate video resources.

By Annabelle M


Feb 18, 2022

Brilliant! Would have given 5 stars had there not been some reference difficulties. Thank you. Would love you to do a continuation, maybe in more depth. I've done the Unit at Alberta Uni. It was brilliant too. Need more.

By Maria T


May 19, 2020

I loved all the learnings and teachings in this course! I recommend it. It is really a 5-star course, but I am giving it 4 because of the missing links. Otherwise a great course, I am happy I took it!

By Ron B


May 10, 2022

The course was okay, but I'm glad I completed Indigenous Canada first to assist with some background information. I look forward to more Indigenous courses being offered.

By Cat C


Nov 19, 2024

This course has greatly increased my understanding of world relations and history. I can draw many parallels between my county's colonial history and that of Canada's.

By Bob B


Jun 22, 2021

The course is presented in a non-judgmental fashion and is packaged to allow learners to gain a much deeper understanding of the country's history.