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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Write A Feature Length Screenplay For Film Or Television by Michigan State University

257 ratings

About the Course

Write a Full Length Feature Film Script In this course, you will write a complete, feature-length screenplay for film or television, be it a serious drama or romantic comedy or anything in between. You’ll learn to break down the creative process into components, and you’ll discover a structured process that allows you to produce a polished and pitch-ready script by the end of the course. Completing this project will increase your confidence in your ideas and abilities, and you’ll feel prepared to pitch your first script and get started on your next. This is a course designed to tap into your creativity and is based in "Active Learning". Most of the actual learning takes place within your own activities - that is, writing! You will learn by doing. Here is a link to a TRAILER for the course. To view the trailer, please copy and paste the link into your browser. Learner review: "Love the approach Professor Wheeler takes towards this course. It's to the point, easy to follow, and very informative! Would definitely recommend it to anyone who is interested in taking a Screenplay Writing course! The course curriculum is simple: We will adopt a professional writers room process in which you’ll write, post your work for peer review, share feedback with your peers and revise your work with the feedback you receive from your peers. That's how we do it in the real world. You will feel as if you were in a professional writers room yet no prior experience as a writer is required. I'm a proponent of Experiential Learning (Active Learning). My lectures are short (sometimes just two minutes long) and to the point, designed in a step-by-step process essential to your success as a script writer. I will guide you but I won’t "show" you how to write. I firmly believe that the only way to become a writer is to write, write, write. Learner Review: "I would like to thank this course instructor. It's an amazing course" What you’ll need to get started: As mentioned above, no prior script writing experience is required. To begin with, any basic word processor will do. During week two, you can choose to download some free scriptwriting software such as Celtx or Trelby or you may choose to purchase Final Draft, the industry standard, or you can continue to use your word processor and do your own script formatting. Learner Review: "Now I am a writer!" If you have any concerns regarding the protection of your original work, Coursera's privacy policy protects the learner's IP and you are indeed the sole owners of your work....

Top reviews


Oct 31, 2020

This course, its instructor and many peers keep you motivated to write with joy, meaning and structure, especially in these uniquely turbulent times of socio-political flux with a pandemic on top.


Oct 8, 2024

This course has been very helpful to me. I learned many new things and developed my writing further. The instructor explains everything really well. Overall, I loved this course!

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1 - 25 of 118 Reviews for Write A Feature Length Screenplay For Film Or Television

By Gregory K

Sep 18, 2020

An entertaining course, with serious deficiencies. The professor takes a minimalist approach to his lectures that borders on the lazy and is not to everyone's taste. (Personally, I found it refreshing to have a professor who did not like to hear himself talk.) For the most part though, the course depends upon peer interaction - and this is where the course fails miserably. Though you are encouraged to work in groups, the Coursera platform provides no functionality to support group formation or group interactions. Some who did form groups using other social media platforms did all their work on those other platforms and never posted anything back to Coursera, thus defeating the entire purpose of the course. It doesn't help that Coursera divides people into walled communities using some algorithm of its own so that we cannot see the work of all the learners, but only the learners in our community. There were also technical problems with the GUI that prevented learners from submitting their work to 4 of the 20 assignments. Although this problem had been flagged for more than six months it was never fixed. The one plus of this course is that unlike creative courses from Wesleyan and other universities, with the Michigan State course you can participate in all the peer review activities without buying a certificate - and the peer reviews you get in this course are no worse (but no better) than what you get elsewhere. In summary, if you pay attention to Professor Wheeler's lectures you will get a nice introduction to screenplay writing, but be prepared to put in a lot of work and don't expect too much help from the platform.

By Deleted A

Nov 12, 2020

this course will not let me advance to the first real lecture unless I join a group of 5 other students and do peer-review with them. I don't want to do that. I just enrolled yesterday, but the course won't let me unenroll, as the unenroll button does nothing. There is no live support available, and there is no way to submit a support request.

This is my first time trying to use Coursera, and I think I would be better off deleting my account, if that's even possible.

By John J M

Nov 3, 2020

I'd gladly give this course 3 stars, or 4, but the fact that there is zero contact with a proffesor, prevents that. This course helped me a LOT. I recomend it to anyone who needs help with structure, and motivation. But the peer review is not a great format. I only wish ONE time I got feedback from the teacher. Even One single time.

By Vianne

Oct 9, 2020

I am trying to unenrol from the class, and it won't let me. I don't find all these peer review elements useful, and they are just a big time issue. How do I unenrol and also delete my screenplay pitch? I liked the instructor in the video, but it just seems like it's not enough of him, and too much simplistic reviews from inexperienced students.

By Gus H

Aug 6, 2020

I enjoyed this course. I've always struggled to actually sit down, make time for myself, and use that time to productively write. This course gives its students an easy, and easily-replicated, schedule/formula to follow in order to actually create a feature-length screenplay. I have now written a feature-length script, something I had always wanted to do but had never actually done, and this course was the impetus for doing that. I will say, given how much importance the course places on collaboration, the effort some of my peers put in to the course was at times frustrating. An important part of the course is reviewing the work of your peers and receiving feedback from them on your own work. I frequently received feedback on large chunks of my screenplay that was literally one word: "good," "nice." It was incredibly frustrating, especially since the aim of the course should be to provide you with as much experience writing and reviewing screenplays as possible, rather than accumulating a grade value (honestly, your grade in this course does not affect any sort of grade point average, it does not count towards a degree, if you half-ass your way through this course, it negatively affects both you and your peers who are putting more into it and hoping to get more out of it). Additionally, it would be helpful to learn about screenplay formatting before going into this course. The instructor doesn't spend much time explaining the intricacies of the format, which makes it a little harder to adequately begin writing and reviewing a screenplay.

By Richard D

Feb 20, 2023

Worthless. All he tells you to do is write ten pages a week. There is zero insight into how to structure a story or develop a character. It's all peer-reviewed material which is basically the blind leading the blind. Go pick up a copy of Save the Cat and you will learn a lot more from that book than you do in this class.

By ReviewTech U

Jun 25, 2020

Great course well recommended i did the Transmedia writing course before taking Write A Feature Length Screenplay For Film Or Television and have enjoyed them both

By Milica D

Feb 22, 2022

The lessons are very short. All the assignments are peer-assignments, where other students review your work. I find these peer-assignment random, unreliable, and unprofessional. It does not help me learn and develop.

By Izaskun M

May 16, 2021

I expected more from the lessons, act two is completely fruitless, just "write 10 pages and upload for peer review" is not a lesson. However, I am thankfull for the peer reviews and I'm happy I was successful in finishing my full script.

By Colin H

Sep 27, 2020

A great course to provide the tools and techniques to help you write a screenplay. I will use them again. And hopefully again and again. You should try it too!

By Lizz C

May 10, 2023

It's difficult to learn anything through this course. The professor doesn't teach you how to write so you are reliant on others taking the course but only a few individuals are enrolled at the same time. You need to review your peers work but a lot of it is more than 2years old and it's difficult to navigate submissions. In 24hours I haven't received any feedback and it's required to progress in the course.

By Kannan V

Jun 6, 2020


Thank you so much!

But for your guidance, I wouldn’t feel as happy as I feel today. The way you taught to break down the components of my own writing will definitely help me in whatever I write from now on. I’m gonna’ recommend my friends who are aspiring to take screen writing as their career to take your course.

I don’t know how I’ve fared as a screenwriter as this is my maiden attempt. But I’m sure I’ve learnt the basic grammar of Screenwriting through a well structured course and from a fantastic Master.

Thank you David, my Master!


May 24, 2021

I am not taking further part in this course. I found the peer-reviewed process very helpful with the poetry course I took, but not here.

By Maria J d C M

Oct 31, 2020

This course, its instructor and many peers keep you motivated to write with joy, meaning and structure, especially in these uniquely turbulent times of socio-political flux with a pandemic on top.


Dec 8, 2020

A very well created course that allows us to explore the creativity within ourselves, while utilising the in depth knowledge provided to us by Professor Wheeler.

By Sanchit G

Jul 13, 2020

A wonderful and must course for every writer who wishes to write for television.

By Conor R

Jul 12, 2022

Not enough feedback from others on the couse.

By Michaelina D L H

Aug 5, 2021

Wonderful learning course with flexible space for the writer to generate a free flow storytelling writing pattern. Along the learning journey, I was able to self-explore and develop my writing style and also gained some necessary industry knowledge. In short, the course curriculum design is not too much nor little.

精彩的学习课程,灵活的空间让作家产生自由流畅的讲故事写作模式。 在学习过程中,我能够自我探索和发展我的写作风格,也获得了一些必要的行业知识。 总之,课程设计不多也不少不死板。

By Sahara Z F

Aug 16, 2020

I am very happy that I finally wrote an entire feature-length script! I've written scripts before but they had been for short films and I genuinely feel like the script I've written with the help of this class has helped me become a better writer and also inspired me to write even more! If you are interested in film making or screenwriting I definitely recommend this course!

By Shaunda

Jun 22, 2020

Love it... This is my second time taking his course. I look forward to the next.

By Rhl k

Dec 5, 2021

I have been filled with hope and lighting in my life. For about 20 years I wanted to write the screenplay and I achieve this goal with your course.I am really happy that I write my first screenplay for your course. with the most popular university. And it was so interesting to experience that I could read assignments of peers and they review mine. I didn't have this experience before. We read our assignment without any judgmental thoughts or rude behavior and get many good reviews. I hope one day in my country everyone writes everything that wants and gets feedback without any judgmental behavior or rude behaviors or humiliation. I only have some worried about the copyright law for my work, It was the only thing that I was worried about in this course. Thank you for all the good moments you have created for me.

By Carol C

Jun 19, 2023

I thoroughly enjoyed this class! Best thing I have done for yourself was get back into writing. I appreciated being able to take this very thorough course free of charge to see if I could really do it, it was hard, but kept me disciplined and writing almost every day. My only disappointment in it was the lack of commitment on the part of other students who reviewed my work with one or two words, not taking the time to even read it. Not sure what could be done about that but there were times I really needed advice, encouragement or a second opinion. I would have liked to know if anyone at all read it, especially Mr. Wheeler, that would have meant a lot to me.

But honestly, I loved it so much, sorry it is over! Again, thank you.

Carol Childs

The Other Side of the Mirror, Copyright 2023

By Faridul A S

Apr 22, 2020

At first, I would like to thank this course instructor. It's an amazing course I have ever completed. Yep, this course surely helps me in the near future when I will scripting my own fiction feature film. Now I know which areas should be focused while scripting. Of course, regular writing is necessary to improve my scriptwriting skills.

By Brigitta C

May 17, 2020

Love the approach Wheeler takes towards this course. It's to the point, easy to follow, and very informative! Overall, would definitely recommend it to anyone who is interested in taking a Screenplay Writing course!

By Kamil S M T

Jul 3, 2020

Writing is discipline, this is what you'll learn in this amazing course.