Sep 19, 2022
Good course with proper instructors and information. The thing to improve is the volumn in each clip. I found that some are pretty loud and some are low which provides a not-so-good user experience.
Aug 11, 2023
This course was by far my favorite as it challenged my knowledge from the previous two courses and it really got fun with the digital wire framing and prototyping. I am excited as ever to learn more!
By Aditi H
•Jul 26, 2023
The preserntor was cool! The course was a bit boring. But informative nonetheless.
By Thea J
•Feb 7, 2024
I would have liked feedback on my material, I have to seek feedback from outside.
By Chris B
•Nov 21, 2022
Do not prefer doing the portfolio projects. Would prefer exams.
By Nguyễn M P
•Jan 26, 2022
I want to see other people's comments and reviews about my test
By Zahra S
•Apr 14, 2024
why i cant submit my quiz ? i have a problem
By Jack R
•Oct 25, 2022
dry lecture, very useful digital work...
By Swanzy, P C
•Feb 25, 2023
Figma is annoying
By Sarra H
•Sep 24, 2021
Figma is a terrible program. I am a graphic designer that uses a lot of the adobe applications, and for me, Figma was not user friendly. It took me a very long time to complete simple wireframes for the prototype. I don't understand why Figma has multiple unecessary steps for something that should be one step. For example: When you click on the make a square button, you would think after creating a square it would stay on that button, well no it doesn't. It went back to the cursor. I was clicking so many times through out making my project, it was mind numbing. Please use a different program, anything else.
By Hannes D
•Nov 1, 2021
learned a lot, content is great but there are some huge problems with synchronisation of the app on mobile and desktop, I completed the third course of wireframing but I can't see my certificate, frustrating, a dealbreaker for me if problems persist
By Lalu T N
•Nov 1, 2021
I don't get the low-fidelity design tutorial, this course just a repetition. And why persona, user story etc should in this course? I think the course should focus on how to craft a low-fidelity design.
By Emilia S
•Apr 26, 2023
Not clear on submissions, there should be a option
in a list format that links you to your assignments that are not completed.
By Tushar B
•Dec 2, 2021
I am not able to reset the course, please help. I click on this by mistake but now it shows deadline to complete.
By Nikos V
•Mar 28, 2023
Outdated. The tools you provide don't work as they should making peer graded assignments a hassle
By Irina B
•Jan 3, 2023
Wish we learned more about Figma and what we can do in it.
By Ourami A
•Mar 28, 2022
How will be get my certificate of the last two models.
By a
•Nov 15, 2022
nama saya di sertfikat ada dua itu gimana edit nya
By Rebecca T
•Dec 15, 2022
Someone stole my work and passed it as their own. I logged back into figma and saw someone who had the link renamed the project and submitted it as their own work! Not happy at all - might be worth telling people to restrict access to their Low-fi designs after they've been graded. Really shocked and upset..
By Tanja L
•Oct 18, 2022
I do not know how to proceed.
Figma i got (via your instructions) looks completly different than Figma in your video. There is no chance i can continue with course, since it looks loke to different programs.
There is no help or contact where i could turn to with this problem.
By Sudarsan K
•Jan 21, 2022
Google course is good but the interface of coursera is oure scam.. they approve you and grab your money and lock the course half way through after you put in all the hard work... COURSERA IS PURE SCAM ..AND YOU YOU DONT GET ANY HELP WHAT SOEVER
By Akangsha G
•Feb 27, 2023
I'm not able to get my certificate of this course. It is showing "your grade has been overridden" after submitting the assignment several times in several times. I need my certificate if this course. Please help me.
By Leah O
•Dec 6, 2023
The estimated completion time is not even close to correct. This quiz should be broken down into several smaller assignments.
By Ksenia G
•Feb 29, 2024
I accidentally started a course at the same time as another, I want to leave to complete course two first
By Dayyanah F
•Mar 10, 2022
all videos in this course do not load. there seems to be a problem
By Mahmoud R
•Jul 16, 2022
I have completed this course and can't get my certificate
By Balla S D B
•Apr 9, 2022
ive completed my course but unable to get certificate