Mar 23, 2018
A great journey! Lots of information and bonus material! I'm very thankful for the course. It might be that the professor's speech is sometimes a bit difficult to follow, but it's a minor drawback
Jan 3, 2021
Thank you so much for offering this course for free. It was a great way to learn and understand the complicated history of my faith as it maneuvered the world around it that I was never aware of.
By thomas c
•Feb 27, 2021
Excellent course for those who want to gain foundational knowledge on spread of christianity between 200AD and early 17th century, and from where one can compound on this knowledge.will definitely recommend it to friends and colleagues.
By German C
•May 12, 2020
Best one I have taken in this platform. Content was well researched and presented in an engaging manner. I was surprised by the number of things I did not understand or appreciated of my faith eventhough I have been a Xtian for 40 years.
By Dylan H
•Mar 10, 2023
Highly engaging hosts, invaluable information and historical context into how Christianity rose from a persecuted, relatively small faith to the world's largest, was especially fun to study my favourite area, the English Reformation!
By Agustin R
•Jun 13, 2020
Un agradecimiento para los que hicieron posible que pueda disfrutar de este curso, que me brindó una visión amplia del desarrollo y crecimiento del cristianismo a lo largo de la historia, con sus aciertos y errores. Muchas gracias!
By Zacarias G
•Aug 4, 2020
Excelente curso, muy didáctico e instructivo, Mr. Gordon es un extraordinario instructor con mucho dominio del tema y muy didáctico. Lo recomiendo para todo aquel que le guste la historia antigua y los temas del la religión.
By Pinco P
•Jun 13, 2020
This course was great, perhaps one of the most interesting I've taken here on Coursera. Thank you professor Gordon and your assistants. Too bad it stops at 1650, I'd love to listen to more of the Christianity history.
By Sylvia M
•Nov 7, 2018
I enjoyed the notes, the references the videos and professor. I learned a great deal about a subject I had some awareness of. A subject I am keenly interested in, as I pursue a career as a minister. Thank you.
By Adrian B
•Jan 3, 2021
Thank you so much for offering this course for free. It was a great way to learn and understand the complicated history of my faith as it maneuvered the world around it that I was never aware of.
By Ruth P
•Mar 12, 2018
This is a really good course. While the readings were occasionally overwhelming (and dull), the content was generally interesting. I found the main lecturer to be particularly engaging.
By Alma W
•Jun 20, 2017
Well developed and presented course.. It'll be good to have it continued from 1650 to where the Christian faith is today. I'll be very interested to be part of it if it is developed.
By Candice T
•Aug 4, 2020
Loved the content as I am a woman of faith but also teach in a public school so learning the religious side of these events paired with the historical facts I teach was pretty cool.
By Ana P C R
•Dec 5, 2023
Maravilloso viaje por la Historia del Cristianismo hasta nuestro días.Un curso muy completo que ilustra claramente la educación del mundo occidental y su influencia en el mundo.
By Kate S
•Jan 4, 2018
Very informative and engaging! The content of this course has helped me understand more of European history and will provide a good background for my upcoming travels.
By Hendra A
•Oct 11, 2017
Interested course. I learned a lot fro this course. I will recommend this course to my friends. So they will have a better understanding in history of Christianity.
By Giusi F
•Mar 24, 2018
Thank you for this course. I appreciated in particular the teaching of Prof. Gordon. Very clear also for a non English mother tongue and very expert of the theme.
By Pablo M
•Jun 28, 2020
I enjoyed very much learning about the history of my faith teached with such knowledge and passion.
Tranks Bruce and team!
A big hug from Buenos Aires
By Madera & E D B
•Oct 3, 2022
Excellent course, a lot of relevant and crucial information on Western Christianity, I really congratulate the teachers for the immense quality of the classes.
By Mary E
•Dec 12, 2020
Course presentation by Dr. Gordon was above-average. Highly recommend for those who seek to improve knowledge of how Christianity developed over centuries.
By Adler S
•Sep 17, 2020
A must take course for Christians who want to learn more about our illustrious history or non-Christians who want to learn some history for the heck of it.
By erich n
•Mar 26, 2018
This is a well thought out course, that offers real insight into the rise and growth of Christianity. It is well done, and offers great content.
By Patricia N (
•Oct 4, 2018
The presentation is superb and attention holding. I'm enjoying this class so very much. I would love more by this University and this Professor.
By Gerard K R
•Jan 26, 2018
I thoroughly enjoyed it! Liked its independent, no denominational leanings. Well paced. And good estimates of time commitments for the student.
By Joseph C
•Jun 22, 2023
An excellent beginner's overview of the history of Western Christianity. One caution is that it is nicer to the religion than some may prefer.
By Syed A
•Feb 5, 2018
It was a good course! It really gave insight into early Christianity and the relationship amongst different groups in Western Europe as well.