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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Responsive Website Basics: Code with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript by University of London

6,117 ratings

About the Course

In this course you will learn three key website programming and design languages: HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You will create a web page using basic elements to control layout and style. Additionally, your web page will support interactivity. At the end of the course, you will be able to: 1. Define the purpose of HTML, CSS and JavaScript 2. Make a simple web page using HTML 3. Use CSS to control text styles and layout 4. Use CSS libraries such as Bootstrap to create responsive layouts 5. Use JavaScript variables and functions 6. Manipulate web page content using JavaScript 7. Respond to user input using JavaScript In this course, you will complete: 2 assignments writing HTML, CSS and JavaScript, each taking ~1 hour to complete 4 quizzes, each taking ~20 minutes to complete 1 programming exercise~30 minutes to complete multiple practice quizzes, each taking ~5 minutes to complete Participation in or completion of this online course will not confer academic credit for University of London programmes....

Top reviews


Feb 14, 2016

Bright instructors delivering succinct and interesting content, with quick-paced videos and quizzes make a great learning experience. I am really impressed! Thank you, University of London people!


Nov 11, 2020

A great introductory course in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery & Bootstrap. It doesn't goes very deep into each of these technologies but it gives you enough foundations for you to pursue further.

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201 - 225 of 1,636 Reviews for Responsive Website Basics: Code with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

By Cal C


Feb 1, 2016

Really awesome snapshot of what it takes to build a responsive website. I definitely picked up some skills from this class that I will be using. I also enjoyed the professors in the videos.

By Rajat P


Feb 11, 2020

This course was really helpful for beginners all the things that are taught are in a well-structured manner

The best part of this course is that its assignment you will get to more about it

By ishwari m


Feb 7, 2021

Good for beginners. Very easy to follow instructions. Although can include some youtube links to learn the latest changes in the languages. And for other tips & tricks while using editor.

By Satrajit C


May 26, 2017

Well planned curriculum; nicely executed through excellent teaching styles ensure a great launching ground for future studies in the 3 fields. Really appreciate the quality of the course.

By Matteo T


Feb 8, 2016

A very nice introduction to basic concepts and languages for building a website. I had previous knowledge on these topics and it's worked well to refresh and better organize my knowledge.

By Deleted A


Oct 15, 2015

Great class. Challenging and exciting. Great explanations, knowledgeable professors, high quality videos and challenging quizzes that force you to really understand the covered material.

By Daniel O M


Nov 2, 2015

Very informative and well taught. I've been playing with JavaScript for a few years and never quite getting it but this course has really helped cement some of the fundamental concepts.

By Abdulrahman A


Mar 2, 2017

Awesome Class. It did not add anything new to my experience because I am a computer science student; however it did refreshe my memory, I am super glad that I took this course though.

By Neeturaj S


Jul 28, 2019

Very good content and great assignments which let us think on a point and help us understanding it completely. Concepts got cleared easily. really nice course covered in lesser time.

By keelia


Sep 18, 2017

easy to understand, really basic and useful knowledge about ui design.It's just first step to learn front-end design, i'd like to learn further about related courses about this area.

By Luis R


Apr 8, 2018

Aunque es básico, es muy bueno el curso, hace referencia sobre css y javascript y da las bases para seguir aprendiendo por nuestra cuenta con unas excelentes bases aprendidas aquí

By Prem S


Sep 3, 2017

This course gives a good overview of the web technologies even if you are a programmer in different discipline. It was informative and cleared some of the basic confusions I had.

By Edwin M V


Jan 4, 2016

A great course teaching you the very beginnings of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Probably best for those with no prior knowledge in the fields, as it is on a very introductory level.

By J S


Jul 3, 2020

This course teaches you to create a basic website with HTML , CSS and JavaScript . They give us assignments and references which are more useful to us ,also they teach us well .

By Rebecca M


Apr 25, 2019

Great course that really helps you get started with the basics. A little bit more information how jquery works "behind the scenes" would be helpful to get a better understanding

By Jad M


Jan 2, 2017

I'm totally new to programming and it's something completely different from my major.

This course taught to make pretty cool things. Special thanks to my instructors and peers (:

By Erotokritos M


Feb 5, 2021

It's a good beginning for someone to start learning how to create responsive websites. I suggest this course for sure to anybody who wants to follow the web development career.

By Gary L


Sep 28, 2015

What I have seen so far I think it is a good introduction on the topic. The lecturers are lively and clear in their instructions. A casual yet professional feel to the program.

By Ryuma J N L


Jun 7, 2016

This module gives all the basics needed to understand the required skill set to work as a front end web developer. Each student is responsible for how deep he/she wants to go



Nov 30, 2021

personalmente me parece bueno ya que los conceptos son básicos y bastantes pacticos, y se prestan para poder continuar con el estudio de las diversas áreas trabajadas allí.

By Aditya V S


Nov 11, 2018

It was just awesome, everything explained so easily and i enjoyed the class, it was really very helpful to understand the basics of html, css and javascripts. Thanks a lot.

By Rabil M


Feb 27, 2021

Finally done with the certification by Dr. Matthew Yee-King, Dr. Marco Gillies, Dr. Kate Devlin. Great course to cover the basics in-depth! Though a bit long but worth it.

By Chencheng H


Sep 27, 2017

The courses are easy for beginners to achieve basic knowledges and methods for web development. It also provides materials, links and directions for further self learning.

By Karan J


Jun 11, 2020

Excellent Website Basics course for beginners and intermediates. JavaScript fundamentals and approach are quite appropriate to some of the students. Loved the experience!

By Jared


Jan 6, 2016

The content was simple and well organized out for a good introductory course. The first step is often the most difficult one to take, so it's nice that they kept it easy.