Nov 26, 2021
A comprehensive course with various techniques of visualizations and presentation. It introduced me to the world of Tableau, and its possibilities to prepare interactive visualizations and dashboards.
Dec 12, 2021
This course taught me a lot about data visualisations, dashboarding and presenting to an audience in an extremely insightful way. I was well presented and well worth the time and effort I put into it.
By Evan C
•Oct 2, 2023
The course was okay. But out of the courses so far, this one felt like the weakest. There was a lot of subjectivity baked into the quizzes. "Where would you put the labels for this chart" "what would you do if a stakeholder had this objection." It really depends on the situation what I would do. The course gives best practices yes, but best practices aren't gospel. One size fits all, isn't always the best answer.
By Krisztián G
•May 18, 2024
I think this course is really good, but, but, but. Who is responsible this kind of hand gestures of the presenter? (true for the other part of this course as well) Very artificial, unnatural, disturbing and mostly ridiculous. Have you every seen a real person speaking? Unintentionally, this guy with those gestures really looks like a cult leader who is just sharing his thoughts about some near future cataclysm.
By Jamshyd V
•Aug 10, 2022
The instructor was very, very good - speaks clearly + uses good body language and hand gestures while speaking. This course also provides some very good tips on presenting skills. However, it falls short in its explanations of Tableau. It provides minimal info in its videos, and asks you to do a lot of research on your own - doing just the course would not make you comfortable with Tableau. Still, a good course.
By L
•Jul 5, 2021
If you have a background in graphic design and art, a lot of this is simply rehash or stuff you already know. Also, there is a lot of fluff. What is useful is the practice and run down on using TABLEAU (data viz web app) and the decision tree and application of it in selecting charts and dashboards. Sequential instructions have errors and many tasks and assignments are over-blown and extraneous.
By Tiff
•Apr 21, 2021
The pacing and structure between reading and video materials are not as interesting structured as other courses. There is also too much technical information packed in reading materials that I think should be spaced out also as video step-by-steps.
Still a good course but compares to other ones in the series it is leaning towards the dry side... and it is a course specialized in story telling...
By D T
•Aug 11, 2021
This review is entirely based on accessibility of the course for people with hearing problem. The sound of the of the tutor is very low and unlike other courses for this one have to use 100% volume to hear it properly. Typical example of accessibility issue. Otherwise the course content and the skill of the tutor are excellent unfortunately the sound let it down hence I only give 3 stars.
By Pablo
•May 27, 2022
Worst part of the course so far. The tools that were introduced (tableau) required much more time to introduce properly and the quizzes were pretty much just focused on one learning specific terms from the videos without really thinking about the ideas. The section on presentations was useful but far too much time was dedicated to it and not enough to other things.
By V
•Sep 5, 2021
This course offered a lot of insight into the use of Tableau and some good techniques for presenting material to audiences. I don't think that - despite the instructor's enthusiasm for David Mcandless; that the instructor taught from his own experiences enough.
More could be improved upon or try to find a different instructor whose teaching method isn't so biased.
By Siroros R
•Apr 18, 2021
I dont like the pie chart especially the 3d pie charts. Actually pie chart is not the best practice chart. To use this the course should provide the cautions of using this. Unfortunately, the pie chart was used a lot. What I love about this course is there is the link to Information is beautiful which is every useful for exploring the visualization community
By Arivoli E
•Jun 25, 2021
Course Material was good. This particular Course Presenter Pitch was not so interesting. There are no ups and downs. But still it is worth completing. In this same course I noticed Connor (another presenter) in 3 videos. His way of talking was so good. He was able to grasp the attention and easy to follow him. Google should use Connor in many videos.
By Virginia H
•Jul 25, 2022
This one started out engaging but I got sooooo bored at the end. The final evaluation had more questions about the order of your presentation slides and cute little vocab words about audience engagement than it did about using Tableau. I was really hoping to learn more about using Tableau and I don't feel like that was the point of this one at all.
By Marcelo A C
•Apr 18, 2022
I agree that presenting findings and results is a key part. In this part, my feeling is that this particular course is too long for the purpose. For example, to know details of an specific piece of software like Tableau (too much), is not so important as being focused on the steps and thinks to keep in mind for the presentation (adequate).
By Markus L
•Jul 12, 2021
While I liked the presenters of this course, I thougt it was way too theoretical.
I was especially disppointed by how little tableau was trained in this class, When comparing to the other classes, where loads of time and effort went into teaching sheets and SQL, this was barely a basic introduction.
My suggestion: Less theory, more Tableau!
By Tanichea B
•Jul 13, 2022
I really liked the instructor. It's clear that he has experience with presenting. I though that the course itself was a bit short and found myself wanting more practice with tableau. We've had so much practice with Excel and SQL, but I didn't think there was enough with Tableau. It kind of makes me nervous for the Capstone project.
By Vee N
•Aug 2, 2022
Just finished this course.
My thoughts: I guess all the background knowledge about visualization and presentation are important, but I expected more on the tool itself, i.e. Tableau. Having said that though, I am sure there are a lot of resources online one can find to practise the skill, I found a nice course on udemy. Thanks.
By Beth a
•Oct 20, 2022
2.5 Stars.
There was so little content compared to other modules that it was extra disappointing that the videos did not align with updates to Tableau. There could have been so many opportunites for case studies and examples of outstanding graphical data....the presenter was engaging but it was not my favorite module.
By Eric H
•Jun 14, 2023
Out of all the Google courses, this one was the weakest. I intentionally just blazed through the last two weeks because the content was just lacking. Learning about Tableau was interesting but it feels like all we walked about was "Take a deep breath before you present!".
Really wish we got more involved with Tableau.
By Jennie C
•Sep 12, 2022
This was definitely not my favorite course. It was virtually impossible to complete the lessons using Tableau. I watched the videos, and tried to learn as much as I could... but the interface just would not work without a subscription. As a result, I dont feel adequately prepared to use that platform.
By Mohamed N S F E
•Feb 20, 2022
In my opinion this course should focus more on Tableau rather than spending half the course talking about how to give presentations in Power Point. Tableau is a much more needed skill for a data analyst and this course barely scrateched the surface when it comes to what can be done with that software
By Richard O S
•Apr 19, 2022
This particular course in the GDA program is the least impressive in my opinion. Considering the fact that Tableau was the main tool it was not properly discussed. it was all theory and virtually no practical. Google will have to incorporate a standalone course for Tableau in this certification.
By Aya N
•Jul 18, 2021
Good course in everything except the part of Tableau, I didn't understand it well and it was a small part of the course. I expected that it will be the whole part of the course. But somehow it was a good course and I'm looking for complete the whole program.. Thanks Google, Thanks Coursera.
By Salvador G A
•Aug 12, 2024
I was expecting this level to be more dynamic and full of hands on different scenarios from gathering data and then importing it to tablueau I would've loved to see what are the differences between tableau paid and public. Maybe more emphasyse more on tableau itself and not presentations
By Sander v d B
•Aug 23, 2021
Definately the worst of the courses in this specialization so far. Lots of hollow phrases, little content and questions about theories that are very little explained or have, to me, little substance.
Still moving forward to get the certificate for the specialization.
By Zack L
•Jan 13, 2024
This section becomes very definition oriented. The quizzes focus too much on small details during the presentations. Not everything worked within Tableau. My personal learning needs are more about learning Tableau and I felt this was pretty good but not great.
•Feb 20, 2023
I have troubled in week 3 and I found that this course is difficult to take an exam because (In my poinion) It was an art rather than science, sometime I understand the context for just seeing a picture, but I can't derive it into an correct answer.