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Learner Reviews & Feedback for New Models of Business in Society by University of Virginia

4,036 ratings

About the Course

In this course, developed at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia and taught by top-ranked faculty, we will be discussing the emergence of a new story about business. This new story locates business within a societal framework. Almost every business creates or destroys value for customers, suppliers, employees, communities and society, in addition to shareholders and other financiers. A number of new models of business can be built on this idea such as corporate responsibility, philanthropy, shared value and sustainability. Profits and stakeholder value go together, and this course explains how. The final session explores the idea of how to become a stakeholder entrepreneur and create a business that makes money and makes the world a better place....

Top reviews


May 5, 2020

Nice Course..The way of delivering and passion of the professor for inspiring students is helps me to think in a better way about business & Got lot of Insights ...Thank u Professor


May 8, 2020

It was nice to know different ways through which a potential entrepreneur can contribute to the society. I really liked the way Prof. Edward Freeman explained by giving numerous examples. Thank you!

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1 - 25 of 1,128 Reviews for New Models of Business in Society

By shivam b


Apr 24, 2020

this course helped me to understand various new models of business in society ,and i got motivate from this course now i will put my first step towards business,thanks to professor R.Edward Freeman



Sep 20, 2017

Are you for serious! You must be very smart to have built a career around such lame research. It seems surprising that you are teaching this to Darden MBA students. The course is more for high school students who may clap each time you ask them to 'do good and amazing things' in life, and that too every 10 minutes. The entire stakeholder theory can be covered in one 10-minute lecture - and this theory doesn't come across as insightful research anyway. No need for a 4-week course on pep talk on doing good things in life. And I think you know it too - that there is little content in these lectures!

By Joseph O


Dec 28, 2017

We had always wanted to kick start something here in Nigeria but needed a core training on what to do and how to go about it. I am excited because the course stated core practical examples .

By Praveen t


Apr 22, 2020

i am very much thankful to coursera that they provided this course free of charge . this course provide deep analysis of types of business model emerged in last two decades and focuses on pratical approach for application of business priciples in market . im requesting coursera to provide more valuable courses certificate free ,that will be great help of yours.

By Harlee Q


May 10, 2020

I loved the last part! It probably had the most impact to me. It was a powerful end to this incredible course. I've been educated in an environment where business people are often villified. It is undeniable that there are businesses out there that are all about money, but this course has shown that there's a new story emerging: stakeholder entrepreneurship which entails both traditional and social entrepreneurship. It inspired me especially with the idea that we have to the businesses that will make this world a better place. I took this course looking for something new (to be honest particularly in the technical side of running a business such as building business models, inventory, etc.), but this course has given me something much more valuable than that! I also took to heart the discussion on the concept of passion. I've always wanted to run my own business, so I can run my own advocacies but never really had the courage to go through due to the absence of money. I'm not born with rich parents, but the part where it takes not mulling too much over risks is meaningful! Now, this is the best course in business I've come across so far!! Incredible!

By Andrea


Apr 20, 2020

Inspirational, with great real life example but very much abstract - I'd have prefered to have some concrete tools. As for the teaching method, I'd have prefered if it was more multi-dimensional, taking advantage of the online platform, not just recorded lectures and suggestions for form discussions.

By Jawad S


Apr 25, 2020

I really enjoyed this course very much. These courses are encouraging young business entrepreneurs motivated. Although challenges are there, a lot of the countries business environment is highly politicized and political leaders who think business for self-gain, actually destroys young entrepreneurs vision and motivation. For example, one of my friend wanted to develop a bio-plant for recycling and instead of support, he was asked a huge commission by local leaders and mafia groups. So, later he dropped the project and move on day jobs. So, for me, it was really a good experience to see how the academic world is encouraging conscious capitalism and hopefully conscious leadership will be addressed in future too.

By Dev S


May 13, 2020

The course examines the emergence of a new story about business. This new story locates business within a societal framework. Almost every business creates or destroys value for customers, suppliers, employees, communities and society, in addition to shareholders and other financiers. A number of new models of business can be built on this idea such as corporate responsibility, philanthropy, shared value and sustainability. Profits and stakeholder value go together, and this course explains how. The final session explores the idea of how to become a stakeholder entrepreneur and create a business that makes money and makes the world a better place.

By Nishant P


May 15, 2020

On a dead serious note, I am absolutely thrilled at everything that I studied. I just completed this course that was supposed to be 4-week long in 2 days, and that's not something that I usually do.

Forget enriching, informative, extremely knowledgeable and those adjectives, the course was damn cool! Every single model of it. Ed has this amazing quality of engaging the viewer-listener, and everything he says makes you think.

One of the best courses I have taken till date. Will certainly apply all that I learned and set up a legacy pretty soon.

Kudos to the team and Kudos to Coursera!



Apr 25, 2020

Thank you for the course and contains of this course .

This is a great course to get to know more knowledge to better under the new model of business in society . This course give me a very good understanding of that the models areavailable in the society . This course give me better to understand use all the techniques and available tools to better use for business to make good profit margin giving a good return to stakeholders , with this course I understand that we have to take care of environment , our surrounding taking care of all .

By Aigerim


Apr 30, 2020

It was my first experience of participating in Coursera. I am really thankful to get knowledge from great professor. I srtongly recommend to young generartion to be active in such forums, listen and write priceless summaries as I did.

There I got so many real tools and inspiration to continue businees in industry that I have already chosen.

I really loved all lectures and stories from experienced businessman. If i will be asked: Can one person make a difference? I know the answer exactly. Will follow my heart, will follow my passions.

By Gaurav S


Mar 5, 2016

I truly appreciate this course and the thought process that was imparted from this course to me. The best part was that the course was a reminder that we can impart our part to the society by not just becoming an entrepreneur but also as an empoyer of any organization and also as a citizen towards the society. It all depends on what the purpose of doing what we do into our daily lives. If we do embed our part into the society in a best possible way irrespective of which field we are into we can make this world a better place to live.

By Maria C P A


Apr 27, 2020

Excelente agregar nuevos conceptos y nuevas ideas a mi carrera de negocios, es una guía de actualización y necesaria para muchos; pues es una soluciona estructurada a la falta de solidaridad de empresas que consumen la mayor cantidad de recursos sin retribuir a la tierra que nos sostiene. Gracias por guiarme en la apertura de mi visión. Me siento satisfecha e identificada con este curso, el cual replicare con mis acciones como cliente, empleada , persona, ciudadana y emprendedora.

By Lotus Q


Feb 4, 2017

It was a very informative course that opened my eyes to the many approaches businesses can choose to operate in. I love the idea of a company that both takes on social responsibility while also making a profit. I also enjoyed the complexity of the issues at hand from unwittingly causing harm through a nice gesture to the positive image social awareness can bring a company.

By Rehab B


Sep 2, 2016

I enjoyed this course very much and I love the message behind it. It does influence the way I see business positively. No matter how idealistic the morality of business might seem, it is still realistic. I appreciated the philosophical approach as well. I recommend anyone who is interested in both, business and making the world a better place to take a look at it.

By Carlos H I S


Nov 13, 2015

One of the most intriguing and thought-provoking courses I have ever done. I'm really pleased of finding and doing this course. It responds to my desire of doing good to society through business.

By Valentin C


Oct 21, 2015

This course is very interesting, and everything is there should be known to start a business.

But basically, it just says to respect everyone and everything. This course lacks some content. It repeats itself. It says the same things over and over again, just in different words.

It's still a very good course, and it motivates you doing to do something with great values.

By Cade P


Apr 7, 2020

Honestly, I wasn't that impressed. Basic content with no real depth. Cant complain as it was free.

By Nadia B


May 1, 2016

Elementary content, unfortunately.

By Massimiliano M


Apr 12, 2020

I've found this course and classes by Professor Freeman absolutely very interesting, particularly in the light of our current times, in which the tackled topics are ever more important and demand some urgence resolution in the interest of the humanity and its future survival and thriving.

I had the pleasure to attend some years ago, in 2014, the very profound, detailed interesting and inspiring lecture held in Milan by Professor Freeman on the occasion of Tenth Politeia Forum on Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility in a Global Economy, where he also hinted and illustated his famous Stakeholder theory. And this is also one of the reason why I had no doubt in attending this course by Professor Freeman.

By Kullawan S


Apr 20, 2020

This class is awesome. I have learned something new that has never been before. Really great instructor. I feel very honoured to have the opportunity to study this subject. I am really lucky For example, the story of conscious capitalism. I understand that capitalism is a very delicate study in each country. In my opinion. Also, countries have a different point of views on marketing. Sometimes we may meet instructors with different ideas. That is both pros and cons. But in the video, I like this idea very much Thank wholeheartedly.

By Cauan V M S


Apr 6, 2020

Muito bom o curso, bastante aprendizado para levar tanto pros negócios como pra vida também. Traz uma visão renovado e muito boa do capitalismo, que de fato é o melhor sistema já inventado para se criar valor para todos, só precisa de fato ser melhor aproveitado nesse sentido.

A really good course, learned a lot from it for business and life as well. It brings a renewed vision concerning capitalism, which is in fact the best system ever created to create value for everybody, it just needs to be better used through this path.



Dec 9, 2015

This is a course that teaches good intentions and careful planning can change the world, starting with you. The University of Virginia offers valuable knowledge in this course and anyone with an interest in business would benefit from the philosophical arguments presented in this course about ways of thinking about individuals, communities and societies to make a positive difference in the world utilizing philanthropy and social responsibility, as two concepts of many, to improve financial and cultural well-being.



Apr 24, 2020

First I will like to appreciate the tutor for such am amazing piece. This is a course I will recommend for everyone. It shouldn't only be restricted to prospective or existing entrepreneurs, Customers, Employees, Environmental Activists, Shareholders, Community leaders, Individuals among every other stakeholders involved weather directly or indirectly in the business world should take this wonderful course. It is enlightening and impacting, with a whole of examples from expert sharing their views.

By Victor C


Mar 4, 2021

This is an enterprising course which touches on real life business situations. Prof is excellent and understand his stuff well including the company Presidents and CEOs who shared their experiences