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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Think Again I: How to Understand Arguments by Duke University

2,988 ratings

About the Course

In this course, you will learn what an argument is. The definition of argument will enable you to identify when speakers are giving arguments
and when they are not. Next, you will learn how to break an argument into its essential parts, how to put them in order to reveal their
connections, and how to fill in gaps in an argument by adding suppressed premises. By the end of this course, you will be better able to
understand and appreciate arguments that you and other people present. Suggested Readings: Students who want more detailed
explanations or additional exercises or who want to explore these topics in more depth should consult Understanding Argum...

Top reviews


Jun 11, 2020

I found this course very challenging as I find critical thinking very difficult. However this course was extremely rewarding and I will be taking the other three modules in the Think Again series.


Jul 6, 2018

I found this course very challenging as I find critical thinking very difficult. However this course was extremely rewarding and I will be taking the other three modules in the Think Again series.

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601 - 625 of 786 Reviews for Think Again I: How to Understand Arguments

By Yelizaveta K


Mar 27, 2017


By Puni P


Mar 13, 2018

I loved to take this course.

The professor is clever, funny and clear.

However, maybe because of being English my second language, I found difficult to get some issues ( i.e. "speech act" ) or understand the nuances in some exercises regarding "speech act" and" suppressed premises" (particularly in the final quiz, the more difficult questions to me were about the "suppressed premises").

So I would have liked that these harder issues have had found a clearer explanation during the lectures. Also in the final quizzes, it would have been useful giving the reason for the wrong answer (besides explaining the right one).

In fact, the quizzes are useful both for testing our understanding the matter and for learning from our mistakes too. In fact, we learn in a different and deeper way from our mistakes. To explain the reason for the mistakes is a good way to teaching and learning.

Although these notes, the course give enough awareness about our logical and linguistic skill and I'm going to take another one: "Think Again II: How to Reason Deductively". See you soon!

By Lion F P d S


Aug 18, 2017

This course is funny, and it is really good to introduce people on how arguments are made. It shows a lot of features that makes an anrgument, and also that makes an argument valid and sound (both terms described inside the course). And it teaches how to reconstruct and deep analyse arguments, so you can understand positions, and better argue about all of them. Also, it teaches the abuses of some terms in arguing, in the way you can spot them, and immediately can start to dismiss with knowledge foundations. Tis course is part of a set of courses that go deep inside more content, so what out if you want to go through all of them. The teacher is funny and it is kind stereotype, at the way he looks, to a mad scientist, besides the fact that he is a phylosofer. That also makes the course interesting.

By Luciana R V


Jun 28, 2020

I have really enjoyed the course and found myself thinking about while working and building my own arguments or listening to others. The books is good support material if you want to review the content and I would recommend reading it before completing the final test.

I like the fact that it uses videos and quiz and open questions as different ways of learning and keeping the attention.

It is a shame to see the lack of quality in the overall participation in the discussion forums. Many people clearly do not even make an effort to answer properly. To be fair, some questions are quite confusing. Maybe the discussions forums could help add points to the final test if answers are adequate and motivate others to participate and discuss further?

By Jodi J


Jun 10, 2020

I thoroughly enjoyed this course. I was looking for a course that would be interesting, would be relevant to my everyday situations, and would be mentally challenging. This course ticked all those boxes, plus the instructor was engaging and amusing. I withheld one star because I kept expecting the second professor to appear as "advertised" and he never did, which was (oddly) distracting and also because I found some of the quiz questions to be debatable and/or not adequately explained and I often had feelings of frustration around this. However, this is my first online class and frustration could be an unavoidable consequence of not having access to a live instructor.

Thank you very much for this really enjoyable learning experience.

By Maymay P


Jun 23, 2020

This course is really good and introduces a more complex and challenging way of thinking for me, which is really good. Another thing I really like is how the professor teaching this course is really funny, nice and knowledgeable, and is really passionate in this subject. However, there are some topics in this course that I found it hard to understand, such as the speech act etc. But still English is my second language, so that might be why. But overall this course is one of the better course on coursera and I would definitely recommend it to my friends and family. Finally, the professor explain most things really good, so I understand most things here quite well, and I’m only thirteen.



Feb 8, 2023

Es complicado de sí la filosofía así lo es, pero la manera como te guían es aceptable, yo quede con varios conocimientos aún poco claros, no fui de calificaciones de excelencia, pero si creo haber aprendido esas partes donde la filosofía requiere de hacer un alto para analizar varias temáticas que permiten buscar los elementos que fundamenten un buen argumento. Sin embargo, la manera tan agilizada de llevar el presente curso me genero mucho estrés y desgaste emocional, el tiempo me comía y tuve que agilizar lecturas y videos, sugiero sé de más tiempo para esto y así lograr un proceso de Enseñanza -aprendizaje más duradero, adecuado y que tenga buenos resultaos a futuro .

By Nanop S


May 13, 2020

I need to state first that, this course provides very interesting knowledge and activities in the course and it provides great experiences to me. However, I think that it is a difficult course one if this is called as "Beginner level course". For non-English native users like me, it is quite hard to fully understand each word in details since it requires learner to have a good chunk of linguistic knowledge before taking this course, if I'm just a normal (not even a good one) user. So, it would be more fit if this course is "Intermediate level course" (Level 2) rather than "Beginner level course" (Level 1).

By Natalia M


Jul 3, 2020

This course is a very good introduction to critical discourse analysis. It both presents key concepts that facilitate this kind of analysis and illustrates how to apply them step by step. I like that it applies a number of notions from mathematical logic in analysing arguments, but at times it feels like it might be easier to actually introduce these notions explicitly in order to clarify a few ideas. I could, of course, be wrong in thinking that would help, but it felt contrived to avoid them. Thanks for the careful, detailed lectures!

By Cindy C


May 9, 2020

This can be quite a content-heavy course but the lecture videos are very engaging, making the learning experience extra fun! Loved that there are plenty of examples mentioned in the videos to illustrate the concepts. Practice quizzes after every lecture video was extremely helpful in keeping track of your understanding on that particular topic. They prompted questions after each lecture to open for discussion challenged me to think about that topic deeply and more critically. Overall a pleasant learning experience!

By Vicky


Apr 10, 2018

Very well organized course, with many videos and exercises. Professor Armstrong explains everything really well and in a funny way. Unfortunately the discussions in the forums are not something really interesting, since most of the people don't participate or write something just to pass. All in all I would recommend this course but be prepared, cause it takes at least 4-5 hours of participation per week. Also, something I noticed is that sometimes I felt like we were over-analyzing. But this can be me.

By Philip A


Apr 14, 2022

This course is very interesting and informative. iT has afforded me the capacity to evaluate different arguments and also think deep to avoid misunderstanding arguments. Now i know how to analyse arguments and position myself to argue sensible and intelligently. th approach was also very strategic in ensuring that learners have a hands-on , this improves understanding and ability to practicalize what was taught. kudos to the presenter for his tact and wit in the delivery .

By Kaze B


Sep 4, 2020

It is not a basic course in debating or arguments. It is quite theoretical and assesses logical questions in places. If you are looking for a course on basic debating and or arguing, this is not it. It did help me, however, to see the theory behind some of the arguments I make. I look forward to practically applying some of it, in my line of work.

It is also taught quite clearly and with enough focus, it is easy to follow. Even when it gets challenging. I would recommend.

By Stella S


Nov 22, 2024

I committed to this course with a friend, which was really helpful in keeping up and working through some of the more difficult parts. I learned quite a bit, and enjoyed the enthusiasm of hte professor. Most of my dissatisfaction is not related to the course content so much as the quirks of the platform. Of one note, some of the long passages/arguments were quite dull. I don't want to hear anything about orchids or Robert Redford anymore!

By Dore B


Jun 9, 2020

This was a very challenging course. Most online courses feel very basic and take far less time than expressed in the course details but this one has legitimately taken the full 4 weeks. It made me think philosophically about the structure of arguments and from a English language perspective to understand the premises and conclusions as well as the underlying assumptions to enable arguments to be interrogated.

By Nick G


Jan 9, 2018

Professor Armstrong can be a bit long-winded at times, but the course is still engaging and worthwhile. The frequent use of pop quizzes helps to break up the monotony and apply concepts to real, if often lighthearted, arguments. I plan to continue on with the remaining 3 courses so that I can better separate the wheat from the chaff in my own beliefs as well as those of others.

By Barbara L


Aug 15, 2020

This is a rather difficult course to follow. It requires lots of logic and reasoning which can get you lost along the way. However, if you stick to it, it all gets tied together and starts to make a lot of useful sense. I will definitely be able to identify the structure of arguments better in the future based on my understanding of the concepts learned in this course.

By Niki F


May 23, 2020

Towards the end, it got a bit confusing and difficult, but I enjoyed the challenge! The professor was definitely entertaining and you could tell he enjoyed teaching this subject. I also enjoyed the philosophical touches of, "Why are we doing this in the first place?" every so often. I definitely came out learning more than what I had expected to learn.

By Susana M A V


Jul 6, 2022

This course would have been great for when I was writing my PhD thesis. The course teaches you to determine the function of each word within the argument and deconstruct it to understain the train of thought of the arguer. Sometimes it borderlines with Philosophy and Semantics , but overall it's easy to unsderstand with Logic.

By Cindi A


Jun 8, 2020

Very challenging! Which is not a bad thing, I hope to be challenged by the courses I take. Unfortunately, I do feel that I would have to take the course again in order to move on to the next course in this series. The instructor is engaging, and I will definitely consider re-watching the videos in order to clarify any gaps.

By Cliff S


Sep 12, 2016

This is one of the better courses on Cousera. The instructors are passionate, the material is challenging, but well explored and it is one of the most practical courses on logic as it talks about how to form and interpret practical arguments.

The only real downside is lack of interaction from mentors/ta's in the forum.

By John C B


Oct 5, 2021

Walter is the type of instructor I'd like to have a beer with. I was not able to meet instructor Ram, yet I'm sure I'll do it eventually. When I run for public office I will credit my time with these teachers and my classmates in public forum as a real reason for my success, yet most importantly my humility.

By Lam A T


Mar 22, 2020

I find this course somewhat challenging to and difficult to get a hold of it , but the course is very engaging , the professor made it clear and easy to understand , overall this course really help me improve my understanding a logic of arguments and how important it is to know what kind you getting in .

By Renato M P C


Nov 7, 2017

Very nice course! Actually learned a lot from these guys.

Pros: nice content, easy language, freedom to do it at will.

Cons: some videos are longer than necessary and some mixed up subs. But nothing largely demeaning.

Give it a try if you want to improve your communication skills :)

By Amitabh S


May 4, 2020

Initially, you might be overwhelmed. But stay on course and complete this course cause you will never look at a passage or a conversation like before. A slightly difficult topic which has been explained very well by Walter and with good humour. Thank you and enjoyed the course.