Mar 21, 2021
Very good class, not difficult, doesn't take long and doesn't require any background knowledge. I would recommend it to anyone wanting to learn more about how the Internet and their computers work.
Aug 24, 2021
Fantastic introductory course to the fundamentals in TCP/IP. Great course for those new to computer networks and would like to gain a high-level to intermediate overview of how the Internet works.
By asif a
•May 7, 2020
great instructor and great content. I really enjoyed the tests
By Dipak R M
•Jul 21, 2020
Thank you very much for providing free courses like this
•Apr 19, 2020
it is a very nice course which clear concepts of tcp/ip
By Hugo M
•May 25, 2022
Excellent course , good material and update information
By mohammad h f
•Jun 28, 2021
its very best in world to get more sience about network
By Assaf B A
•Oct 26, 2020
final project was interesting by not enough explanatory
By Daniele D S
•May 8, 2020
Curso simples, e que dá os meios para se aprender mais.
By Daniel M
•Jan 11, 2022
Excellent, relevant and easy to understand information
By Fahad S
•Nov 5, 2020
It was an excellent course and I learnt a lot from it.
By Pasindu M
•Sep 6, 2020
Clearly explained lot of detail in the lecture series.
By Karina C
•Nov 13, 2020
Excelente curso para dar inicio al mundo de las Redes
By Anirban C
•Oct 22, 2020
Very helpful course for networking beginners like me
By Izhar A
•Jun 22, 2020
A detailed course on how the internet protocols work!
By Scott N
•Dec 14, 2021
The professor did a great job covering the material.
By Chaitanya V
•Sep 2, 2020
It was amazing experience I have learned many things
•Feb 14, 2021
very clear and thorough teaching style. well done..
By Hanif R
•Sep 11, 2020
nice its very good can make people smart about this
By Nilesh
•Jun 2, 2020
Fantastic Course...Resource person delivery nice...
By Raed A S
•Sep 13, 2020
Great introduction course and super great lecturer
By armando j m r
•Jun 8, 2020
very basic but is fine thanks for the information
By Arundhati m
•May 31, 2020
Explanation and class was very nice and productive
By Praveenkumar21 R
•Feb 26, 2019
sir classes were very nice and easy to understand
By Charles V
•Apr 25, 2021
The subject is well explain and very informative.
By E V
•Aug 3, 2021
Well presented and covered all topics in depth.
By Jaime S
•Jan 9, 2021
Excelente y detallada explicación.