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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Software Architecture by University of Alberta

909 ratings

About the Course

The way that software components — subroutines, classes, functions, etc. — are arranged, and the interactions between them, is called architecture. In this course you will study the ways these architectures are represented, both in UML and other visual tools. We will introduce the most common architectures, their qualities, and tradeoffs. We will talk about how architectures are evaluated, what makes a good architecture, and an architecture can be improved. We'll also talk about how the architecture touches on the process of software development. In the Capstone Project you will document a Java-based Android application with UML diagrams and analyze evaluate the application’s architecture using the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM). After completing this course, you will be able to: • Compare and contrast the components, connections, protocols, topologies, constraints, tradeoffs, and variations of different types of architectural styles used in the design of applications and systems (e.g., main program and subroutine, object-oriented, interpreters, pipes and filters, database centric, event-based). • Describe the properties of layered and n-tier architectures. • Create UML ipackage, component, and deployment diagrams to express the architectural structure of a system. • Explain the behaviour of a system using UML activity diagrams. • Document a multi-application system with a layered architecture....

Top reviews


Dec 24, 2019

This is a excellent course for Software architects, addressing all key areas needed in the field. Good content, definitely recommend this course for anyone aspiring to be a Software architect.


Jul 22, 2021

This course integrates the previous courses (Object oriented design and Design patterns) and applies the knowledge taught in those courses to real life problems. Highly recommended.

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201 - 205 of 205 Reviews for Software Architecture

By Roman V

Oct 6, 2021

Theory and useless UML. Not recommended for experienced specialists. Academic approach and no value

By Amador N S

Feb 22, 2024

No se dan los suficientes ejemplos para facilitar la asimilación de la materia.

By Eyobed k

Aug 20, 2022

have very good teachers but i was expecting cloud or serverless architecures.

By Yukihiro F

Jan 13, 2023





なにしろレビュー観点が全く無視されて0点を付けられることが多いのだ。「内容がmake senseであるか」という観点で0点を付けられるのは(大半の受講生にそれを判断できるとは思えないものの)仕方ないが、「4択のうちどれに当てはまるか書いているか」で0点を付けられるのは意味不明だ。誠実にレビューされているとは言い難く、意味不明な不合格を食らうことが多い。実際、自分ではもうこれ以上のものは作れないという回答を作って、何度も同じファイルをアップロードすることでなんとか合格点を超えることが出来た。

By Ulan Z

Nov 29, 2021
