Nov 28, 2018
The course with the IBM Lab is a very good way to learn and practice. The tools we've learned in this module can supply a good material to enrich all data work that need to be presented in a nice way.
Apr 23, 2023
Learnt a lot from this visualization course. The one I found most interesting was making the dashboard. Although sometime the code and indentation are tedious, but this might be useful in the future.
By Abid-Ul K
•Jun 12, 2020
The instructor skipped many things on the lectures expecting that the students will learn from the lab. The lab experience was good until I used the last lab on the last module. I couldn't run some functions. In the final graded assignment, the lack of proper tutorial on how to use JSON file, I felt like a failure.
By Marco T
•Sep 29, 2019
The overall level of the cause is way too low compared to the request made in the tests. Furthermore mistakes and inaccuracies are present all'over the course material. Please review the course material and integrate information needed to perform the tests
By Oscar P
•Jul 1, 2020
Seems like a Pandas course instead of a Data Visualization Course. The videos are very redundant and don't really give explanation on many items. The assignment is extremely hard in relation of the quality of the materials covered in the course.
By ubaid m w
•Oct 22, 2018
In lab there are many funtion , libiraries Which have been used first time with out any description , then I have to search for each and every funtion or lib which is way time consuming which make this course worst courses in my list.
By Elizabeth B
•Mar 31, 2020
Complete waste of time and money! Skills Network Labs was constantly malfunctioning. The labs were so glitchy that I spent more time troubleshooting how to open the labs than I did on learning the actual course material.
By Howie Z
•Dec 18, 2019
Poorly structured contents. The whole contents were compressed into 3 weeks. Videos are very basic, whereas lab materials are more in-depth. As such, it could be hard to have a good understanding of the syntax.
By Vasyl R
•Apr 22, 2020
The course content is not accurate in some units. Quizzes are asking for information that was not covered in the course and some of the questions are hard to interpret, like the one for boxplot function.
By Svetlana S
•Mar 29, 2020
Labs didn't work for the whole week. it's often happens with all IMB Data Science specialisation courses.
Videos are not really useful, labs are the most valuable, but it's always hard to load them
By Lisa K
•Nov 15, 2022
The course was good until the last 2 weeks when Dash was introduced. The instructions were horrible for Dash and seemed strange to suddenly change from Jupiter Notebooks to Dash right at the end.
By Gokul N
•Apr 22, 2020
material for map ploting was not clear and hard hard time cant understanding how those code work
i wish map ploting part was giving more time to explain like other course material.
By Poorna M
•Jun 25, 2020
Could have included detailed explanation in the videos. For a beginner, the videos are of high level presentation. Assignment included questions that were not covered in the videos.
By Syed A
•May 2, 2019
very little instruction from the course tutor. many of the links did not work and had to trawl through forums to find the new link. poor course delivery for a very important topic
By Glenda m
•Mar 28, 2020
Labs do not help solve assignments. They must explain examples to learn, I have to research in google to solve. those practices are bad I don't like this way of working at all
By Elke L
•Jan 14, 2020
I have to resubmit final assignment many times and wait for peer review for so long only to be reviews unfairly. Course needs grade moderation for peer reviewed assignments.
By Dave H
•Feb 12, 2019
Material was good, videos were not. Poorly produced with noticeable track/volume changes within videos. Instructor was very bland and continually repeated himself.
By H L
•Nov 27, 2021
I felt helpless while doing the labs. The videos are not descriptive enough; especially, the content for week 4 was not sufficient to do anything in the labs.
By Marta O G
•May 15, 2020
The final task is too complicated for what we've learnt and when looking for help in the forum I've received no help, so I have been stuck in there for days.
By lauren p
•Aug 21, 2019
This course does not do a good job explaining visualizations and how to plot graphs. More time needs to be taken show how to set parameters in the exercises
By Dinesh M O
•Jun 26, 2020
Teach fundamental skills. not something like how make your font size big or include colors. Make assignments a fundamental activity not a complex activity.
By Ruben F S A
•May 22, 2019
only course i actually didnt like. incomplete and it was easir if obly send us to cognitive labs directly, the difference is that cognitive labs are free.
By Jandir P
•Mar 17, 2020
The tools for practice the code in python don´t work. All the tools in have some error message and I can not finalize my studies.
By Srishti P
•Nov 7, 2021
The IBM notebooks arent working in any of the courses included in this specialisation course. Its a waste of money .
By Achyut S
•Apr 3, 2020
Absolutely bad instructor with the videos not elaborating enough and the labs not functioning properly. Please fix it
By Alessandro C
•Mar 27, 2020
So far this is the worse course- the coding is not well explained and the lessons are extremely ripetitive!
By Clara R
•Feb 16, 2020
The videos were very repetitive, and didn't teach you much about best uses for diferent kinds of graphs.