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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Data Science in Python by University of Michigan

27,134 ratings

About the Course

This course will introduce the learner to the basics of the python programming environment, including fundamental python programming
techniques such as lambdas, reading and manipulating csv files, and the numpy library. The course will introduce data manipulation and
cleaning techniques using the popular python pandas data science library and introduce the abstraction of the Series and DataFrame as the
central data structures for data analysis, along with tutorials on how to use functions such as groupby, merge, and pivot tables effectively. By
the end of this course, students will be able to take tabular data, clean it, manipulate it, and run basic inferential statistical an...

Top reviews


May 4, 2018

It's very useful specially for new learner because it only dives into the part of python that data science need. I strongly recommend to anyone even if you don't have experience in programming before.


Feb 7, 2023

The assessments, quizzes, and course coverage are quite good. The main points are covered, although it does not cover everything. Additionally, it provides opportunities to learn and conduct research.

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126 - 150 of 5,967 Reviews for Introduction to Data Science in Python

By Steven C S


Aug 6, 2020

This is a hard course. It takes much more time than what is listed. It is frustrating because you need to do a lot of work on Stackoverflow or other sources to find solutions to assignments. The lectures aren't lectures, just quick talks about what can be done with Pandas, scipy and numpy. That being said, the professor treats you like a grown-up professional, gives hard real world problems with dirty real world data and asks for you to come up with questions to problems. That being said when you're done you look back and think, darn that was hard but I can actually apply data cleaning with python/pandas to data you might have lying around. As Poe said, It was the best of times and the worst of times, I couldn't decide if I loved the teaching style or hated it, but all in all I can say I learned a lot, though I complained a lot along the way.

By Haikal Y


Sep 13, 2020

This course is really good for getting your feet wet in Data Science! Foundational Data Science theories & techniques were introduced by Prof Brooks. It would be good if you had some foundational knowledge in Python so you can better navigate the course! (In the older version of the course, they assumed you knew RegEx - Regular Expressions & other nifty tricks like strip & split, but I saw that they'll be covering these in the newer version of the course, so a good introduction if you didn't know about these topics!). The course gives you the basic foundations, most of which are necessary to solve the course, but there are some methods & expressions that you'd have to Google for yourself. Similar to a college course, there isn't much hand-holding but still doable. In doubt, ask in the Discussions! The TA's are helpful :)

By Zhengyi S


Feb 23, 2020

The contents of the course are concise and it fulfilled basic requirements for fundamental data manipulation. Specifically, the exercises are excellent as they are real problems, which has many untidy problems to overcome during the process, and it's such a pragmatic train on me. Two suggestions: 1 is to add the answers of the assignments, because even though students pass the assignments, there might be better codes to refer and learn; 2 is to strengthen the problem description, as there're several negligence in those assignments. Overall speaking, the course helped me sort out the basic manipulation about numpy and pandas systematically.

By Florian M


Feb 3, 2019

I did this course as a 2nd year CS student with limited exposure to Python before the course. I had a basic understanding of syntax and knew basic structures like Dicts., Lists, Tuples. It took me 30h to fully complete the course - I did it in 2 weeks. I would recommend the book 'Python for Data Analysis 2nd' as supplementary literature. The course material is very very limited, which is by no means a bad thing. It just requires you to find answers by yourself. I really enjoyed it personally and would recommend this course for anyone who is interested in Data Science! Just make sure you know your Python basics beforehand.

By zqin


Mar 27, 2019

Honestly, I didn't want to rate the 5 star while I was learning the course, because the assignments of this course was challenging and the course videos didn't talk too much about the coursework. But after I finished the course, I found I have already learned almost all of the knowledge of the book "Python for Data Analysis" by Wes McKinney, which is also the recommended book in the course. And I can do data analysis work with python right now. You might think why do I have to register a course and then learn by myself, but what if this is a good chance to push you out of the comfort zone?

By gaurav s


Jun 1, 2022

Awesome course for starting the journey with Data Science. It covers Regex, Numpy and Pandas in great detail.

Weekly assignments are so good that you dont even need extra practice as part of learning. These assignments will make sure you are well acquainted with frequently used things in Data cleaning /manipulation. Must do course for every person who wants to start the journey with Data Science. This course was suggested by my friend, who did this and other 4 courses as part of Applied Data Science course and was able to switch from being Mechanical Engineer to a Data Scientist.

By Mohammadmoein T


Nov 6, 2020

This was indeed an amazing introduction to Data Science. I should accept that I found the assignments kind of challenging and had to spend lots of time on some of them, but that would only make you learn more. Also, a proper background with Python is required for this course. Make sure you have enough background with Python Data Structures. If not, I'd recommend the following course first:

Python Data Structures - Charles severance

Good luck on your journey!

By Sourav S


Jun 4, 2019

The quality of the assignments is really good but the instructions for assignments is really poor.

I had to do read through the discussions to solve almost each and every problem. The assignments are really time consuming and challenging.

Also, I had to refer to stackoverflow for countless number of times to derive the logic.

The instructor has only touched upon the material but additional videos should be included by the TAs for the assignments.



By Jens L


Aug 12, 2018

Excellent learning materials. Clear concise explanations, but with the focus and majority of time devoted to activity-based learning: exploring the docs, practicing skills, and developing solution code. Even better is how subsequent lessons not only build on previous skills, they actually help guide and refine approaches even further. Well orchestrated progression of zone of proximal development. Thanks for a great learning experience!

By Hamdy M E T


Mar 16, 2020

Great Course and Awesome Instructor. The course is very practical and hands-on. All assignments starts with messy data and leave it up to you to start cleaning and manipulating the data with some modeling objective in mind which is what a real data scientist typically do. Thanks for the course , it was a really cool experience ! I really enjoyed the course and it was a bit challenging sometimes!

By Oluwapelumi S


Aug 6, 2020

This course is really wonderful and tasking. You'll get to know the core foundations of Data Science and useful libraries Data Scientists use to manipulate data. The assignments are very thorough and deep. Many thanks also to all the teaching assistants who were available to help, especially to Sophie Greene and also to Yusuf Ertas. I look forward to completing the specialization!



Mar 8, 2021

Overall the course is great for people who want to begin with data science. The skills it incorporate are very useful. The only thing to improve is that we could be given more hints when doing assignments. Sometimes we are not familiar with what can be done with Pandas, so it took a lot of googling to complete the assignment.

By Donald W


May 26, 2022

Excellent course, even if you have taken other Python courses or if you use Python regularly. This course provided a good introduction to many ways you will use Python in real-world applications. The assignments were challenging enough and some required research on your own, which is exactly what you do with real problems.

By Robert G


Jun 2, 2022

Very interesting and hands-on course. Especially with the assignments not being timed and instead being allowed to google, but the assignments still being appropriately hard. The assignments promote problem-solving on the fly and finding the help you need on stackoverflow, google, etc.

By Sean C


Jul 29, 2019

This course is excellent if you're looking to learn how to use Pandas inside Jupyter Notebooks. Assignments are autograded and feedback can be received immediately. Course is a few years old and discussion forums contain answers to common questions

By Joshua A


Oct 24, 2020

Great introduction to applied data science. The weekly assignments are challenging and varied, and students are required some independent studying outside of the lessons. The forums are also quite helpful in approaching the assignments.

By sisi L


Oct 23, 2023

I'd say it is a very robust course for pandas intro, particularly the coding assignments are excellent! I consider this my stepping stone to becoming a competitive data scientist. Michigan's courses are always of high-quality.

By Swapnil S


Jul 12, 2022

Really impressed by the material and quality of instructions to teach this complex topic. I felt the assignments were appropriately challenging to apply concepts taught in the lecture. Well done and thank you!

By Cihan Ö B


Feb 7, 2023

The assessments, quizzes, and course coverage are quite good. The main points are covered, although it does not cover everything. Additionally, it provides opportunities to learn and conduct research.

By Hsuan-Yu C


May 4, 2018

It's very useful specially for new learner because it only dives into the part of python that data science need. I strongly recommend to anyone even if you don't have experience in programming before.

By Carla F


Jun 18, 2020

Um curso intenso e bastante prazeroso. Gostei de todas as etapas, os videos funcionam bem e estão construidos numa base introdutória, mas o desafio é pesquisar e pesquisar. Muito interessante mesmo!

By Pravesh G


Mar 2, 2020

the course is designed very well. It covers data manipulation topics very well. It has excellent assignments which help in understanding the course concepts more better

By Ofir R


Jul 25, 2019

Frankly, I did not watch the lessons at all, although they seem good.

The assignments were really great !

Challenging and very rewarding.

Really recommend the course !

By Mengru Z


Mar 15, 2021

Very interesting course to guide you through from the basics of pandas. Teaching staff is of great help throughout the learning process, with speedy replies.

By Pavan A


Sep 28, 2020

Great course that teaches about how to process data in Python. The lectures are very code-based and the programming assignments help you learn new methods.