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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science by University of Pennsylvania

6,118 ratings

About the Course

Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman—renowned worldwide as the “father of Positive Psychology”—has led visionary leaps in the scientific research, empirical data and personal understandings of human flourishing. This course explores the past, present and future of positive psychology as a journey through the key scientific leaps led by Dr. Seligman and his colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania's Positive Psychology Center and Master of Applied Positive Psychology program. There are no prerequisites....

Top reviews


Jun 25, 2021

Loved this curse. I was enthusiastic and engaged the whole way through and feel like I have learnt a lot. I can´t wait to start the second one. Thank you for bringing positive psychology to the world.


Jan 2, 2018

Great course! Very good intro to the topic. I think it could be made better if we were forced to respond to 2-3 of our class mates posts per week in order to encourage more interpersonal discussion.

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76 - 100 of 2,054 Reviews for Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science

By Nadiyah A

May 17, 2021

The course is very enlightening, because learning Positive Psychology is not only about theory, it's always encourage the students to practice it to themselves first, and even we can create bigger impact. I have always been a Positive Psychology enthusiast since I was in university. I took the course and fell in love with it instantly.This opportunity is amazing, I learned from Martin Seligman, the founder of Positive Psychology. How exciting is that!! It is very insightful, knowing how Positive Psychology has been very impactful for people around the world. The potential of its research is huge. I am intrigued, I will find a way to get a degree on this!

By Lloyd B

Aug 14, 2019

This course was a complete eye-opener. I can't believe that it has not been more widely utilized and acclaimed. The results that have been documented coming from Positive Psychology are outstanding. I believe every city government should become aware of it. The crime rates and the incidence of suicide in the US could be seriously reduced.

The materials were extremely well presented. Navigating the website was, at times, a challenge. Perhaps that might be attributed to my age, 76, and the fact, it was my first online study experience.

I'm looking forward to the remaining courses in this Positive Psychology curriculum.

Many thanks!!

By Joanne R

Sep 8, 2020

Wow, just wow! Absolutely LOVED this course and what an honor to learn from the Positive Psychology founder himself, Martin Seligman. I had been briefly introduced to Positive Psychology by Wellness Coaching Australia when I was studying for my Professional Certificate, and was fascinated to learn more. My brother had gotten a Diploma in Positive Psychology and I saw the way it changed his life for the better. This course was so incredibly insightful and jam-packed with all the goodness behind the science of well-being. I was continually excited by what I was learning and so grateful to you for presenting such a wonderful course.

By Sridhar V

Jul 7, 2017

To hear about Positive Psychology from the horse`s mouth is indeed a privilege. As an introductory course, it is very well designed and delivered. I have been impressed with and influenced by hearing Prof. Martin Seligman, PhD at the World Conference on Appreciative Inquiry at Kathmandu, Nepal which he addressed live over conference call. Doing a course with him and successfully and meritoriously completing the same is indeed a privilege for me. Thanks Prof. Martin. I look forward to further support in specializing in Positive Psychology at a PhD level and taking Positive Psychology forward in vernacular languages in India.

By Michelle T

May 10, 2020

Everyone should take this course. Knowing positive psychology gives you knowledge how to evaluate your emotional state and get to know what exercise you can practice to improve your well-beings and help others around you. After this course, you will also know the application of positive psychology before and now, and work in process which will flourish in the future. These applications has changed and will keep affecting people in the world with or without our recognition. Positive psychology influences individuals, brings changes to communities and hopefully will play a role in policies making and education.

By Esmeralda V

Apr 19, 2020

A short introduction to the amazing discovery of Positive Psychology, explained by Doc. Seligman and his colleagues. A perfect, stimulant asset to approach a difficult subject and to get a scientific view of a not so mentioned side of psychology. I really appreciated all the contents proposed and the several opportunity to debate and reflect on the different lessons. It's a very complete course starting from the first historical steps, then going through all the experiments, practices and main theories until now. Highly recommended to anyone interested in how to improve human well-being in an empirical way.

By Jianhua H

Aug 13, 2017

I hope Dr. Seligman and his team could further improve the maturity of Positive Psychology, and make it easier for both professionals and parents to use. I wonder if a manual could be developed to help / guide parenting from pre-K through puberty to kid's adulthood.

Finally, I want to empathize this is a life-saving course for me and my family. I really really appreciate Dr. Seligman's wonderful achievement and teaching this online course by himself.

I want to thank for their great efforts inviting Dr Seligan and his team here.

I will try my best to spread the core concepts to my community.

By Carlos G

Nov 4, 2019

Olá...em primeiro lugar muito obrigado pela oportunidade. Obrigado Dr. Seligman e toda a equipe que trabalhou e produziu este curso. Estou imensamente feliz e radiante com o que aprendi. Na verdade o desejo de aprender esta dentro de mim, pois, me sinto satisfeito e feliz. Muito feliz. Eu pude enxergar a vida e o futuro por um outro ângulo e através de vocês vejo dias melhores para mim, como também entendo que posso ser uma influência ainda melhor para aqueles que estão na caminhada desta vida comigo. Foram ensinamentos profundamente justos dentro deste curso e também muito perfeito ! ! ! Muito Obrigado.

By Radha G

Aug 31, 2020

Thank you Coursera and University of Pennsylvanian for giving me this amazing opportunity to access this awesome course and learn from the best of professors, researchers and all those who have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to put together this well designed curriculum. This course as helped me to align with my priories in my life and to reach out to people and make even a small difference to the society by finding hope in every uncertain and unforeseen situation. Thank you for bringing back the importance of positive thinking on top of my list. Thank you so much ever grateful.

By Lydia O

May 25, 2018

I am a professor of social work and took this out of curiosity without expecting to be as excited and challenged by the material as I was. This course really expanded my knowledge and my way of thinking about positive psychology and psychology in general, even though these were areas I had knowledge in already. I highly recommend this to anyone with the slightest interest-- you will be hooked after the first lecture. The course is incredibly well done, steeped in science, offers personal growth experiments, and is of the highest quality. I am impressed and grateful for the opportunity.

By Gouthami s K

Jul 5, 2021

I took this course because I was really intrigued by this new field in psychology and it was definitely really a fascinating and amazing course. It provided a very insightful and in-depth teaching of positive psychology. All the activities were really engaging and I had a very fun time doing them. I liked that they brought in different researches for certain topics and even their explanations were thorough. There was a lot of learning and mental exercises involved and a lot of valuable lessons and knowledge I can take away from this course so overall it was a really great experience.

By Lola A

Nov 18, 2017

I've completed Science of Happiness on EdX and Positive Psychology with Barbara Fredrickson before but found this course to be different and non repetitive. I learned new things and I found it to be very comprehensive, science based and illuminating. Exercises were difficult and really made me think. And I am taking away a couple of new ideas, fresh perspectives and useful exercises. It's an excellent course and I wish it could be developed into a full degree programme on Coursera, which would be cheaper than doing it at uni. Thank you, everyone, who worked on this course.

By Vivian F

Sep 25, 2017

The course on Foundation of Positive Psychology is very inspiring. I am happy and honoured to have the opportunity to take the lesson given by Prof Seligmen. Other speakers are very professional too. I feel extraordinarily concentrated when taking this online course as I do not have to worry about the traveling, the disruption of daily schedules as the time I spent on the course is fully under my control, the possible distraction from classmates and the environment, etc. Also, because English is not my first language, I appreciate the transcripts offered by the course.

By Brandee G

May 1, 2021

Dr. Seligman is the best lecturer I've had the experience of learning from. His speaking style was really effective for my learning style. And the content fascinated me. This course is excellent. I found the pop-up questions and assignments to be really reinforcing for learning the material and keeping my attention focused on the content. I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn directly from Dr. Seligman and his excellent collaborators. I plan to take the other courses in the applied positive psychology series. Thank you for making this available in this format!

By Alexandra M G

Feb 10, 2019

Thank you for the opportunity of taking this course.

Contributed to take action, made me understand better the way to build strength and also use our virtues, add more awareness and value to improve life.

I found this course very well structured and useful, videos and written material. I found a way to reinforce to help myself and others close to me.

I wish to carry on studying and learning more in depth the field Positive Psychology, I want to be able to practice as a professional therapist and give actual help.

Congratulations! Great work


By Stephanie T

Sep 1, 2017

This was such an engaging and interesting course. The material was very well prepared, case studies made it easy to relate to and understand concepts. I particularly like how every philosophy or theory was backed up by a scientific method and data. Or should i say the findings were a result of looking at data objectively.

This is an inspiring and useful course to take regardless of what field or industry you are in. It provides a framework with which to be a better teacher, student, manager, parent, boss, friend or even son/daughter. Highly recommended.

By Duncan C F

Oct 1, 2019

Very eye opening. Flips many of the ways we humans have see the world on their head, in a very good and needed way. I appreciate the variety of topics: education, spirituality, journalism, the theory of PERMA. I appreciate the teaching of Active Constructive Responding as an everyday method to use to build upon positive experiences and build relationships. A great deal of revolutionary insight, grounded in reality. It is so very refreshing and uplifting to see positive concepts about how to live being verified, confirmed, and explained.

By natasha

Mar 21, 2021

I took a class in grad school and we needed to find research on positive psychology for an assignment .The teacher suggested i take this class.I cant believe i was lucky enough to take it.It has changed my life and the porfessor is amazing at explaining the topics and helping us follow the stories.I highly enjoyed the stories and i feel like this class has changed me and i will value the inforamtion i learned throughout the rest of my career.I will also highly recommand this class to every psych major ,we need this class to be in our field!

By Daniel B

Mar 30, 2020

I enjoyed the course. I feel that for the vast majority of people this course will help them understand and re-frame their world into a better direction. There is a bit more history and propaganda regarding the field than I would have preferred including some things about the future and theology that seemed a bit irrelevant and out of place for my taste. That being said, I think it's fine for them to include given the quality of the content which was indeed relevant and beneficial, and how much the course will otherwise be helping people.

By Hetal M

Jun 9, 2020

I had a wonderful time learning about Positive Psychology. I really enjoyed the way Dr. Seligman explains about the subject. I have a feeling that what i will learn thrugh the specialisation is going to be life transforming for me. Those small small gaps in my life that were just there, inconspicuous but restraining ....they are going to be filled in....making my life more meaningful for myself and for the people around me. I will finally be able to make the changes in my life that uptill now kept slipping from my hands......Thank you.

By Karen C

Dec 15, 2020

A great course, it was really enjoyable, and all the theory was good to read. There was also a great list of recommended reads that can be great reference resources and I loved watching the videos to. If there is a more advanced course than it's something I may have to look into. It was worth the money I paid which was $200 for the amount of time it took to complete the specialization not counting the money spent on a few books which could be of interest to my daughter and encourage her in certain aspects highlighted in the titles.


Apr 26, 2020

It is a very rich course in terms of its content. This course will make us understand the real psychology beyond the worldly and societal perception. The course reflects on real meaning of well being, how it is important with the help of real examples rather than only notes and knowledgeable thing. This course is not only for psychology, or humanities people, it is meant for whole humanity to understand the essence of their own mind, life and happiness. I am heartily thankful that I got an opportunity to complete this course

By Pamela S

Oct 8, 2017

I want to thank the whole team for this quality course. I have learned a lot of what is new and what is going on in positive psychology. I am in awe how it has spread since 1999 and the potentialities it has for improving the planet's wellbeing. I am amazed of the great work professor Seligman started and has been continued and enlarged by talented students/coworkers/researchers. Positive psychology is a crucial contribution to humankind. Maybe one of the most important contributions from psychology to the world.

By Mitchell G

Jan 28, 2019

I had some knowledge about positive psychology, so I thought this first course might be more of a review for me, but I found that it was an excellent reminder of many things and deepened my learning. And I gained fresh knowledge of important and fascinating new fields, such as constructive journalism and big-data psychology. One thing that stood out for me is that all of the speakers are highly eloquent. It was intellectually soothing to listen to them. I also like their conversational style. Very approachable.

By Manisha A

Nov 12, 2018

I feel glad that I joined this course. I am thankful to professor Seligman , Penn university and coursera for making available such a beautiful science in a very simple yet attractive manner in various forms of lectures, videos, discussions and assignments and making the course really enjoyable.

I am feeling really happy to receive the certificate of completion from PENN University. Eager to join the next course at the earliest as while doing this course the Positive Emotions in me raised to a greater level.