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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Patient Safety and Quality Improvement: Developing a Systems View (Patient Safety I) by Johns Hopkins University

1,486 ratings

About the Course

In this course, you will be able develop a systems view for patient safety and quality improvement in healthcare. By then end of this course, you will be able to: 1) Describe a minimum of four key events in the history of patient safety and quality improvement, 2) define the key characteristics of high reliability organizations, and 3) explain the benefits of having strategies for both proactive and reactive systems thinking....

Top reviews


Mar 6, 2021

I have a learned a lot from this course of which I can share and apply in my current workplace to be able to make a difference to how we practice and performed our clinical duties at work. Thank you


Aug 7, 2021

Very good course. This course provides useful basic information about quality and safety in healthcare. The course content is very clear so it is easy to understand. Thank you so much...

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51 - 75 of 321 Reviews for Patient Safety and Quality Improvement: Developing a Systems View (Patient Safety I)

By Benedicta E

Jan 25, 2021

I was a little time consuming in the first week because of my work schedule. However, I dedicated one weekend to complete the the course. Awesome experience with great teachers

By Mohit S S P

Jan 6, 2022

I don't have words to explain myself. I learnt a lot of things from this course. I would like to thank Coursera and John Hopkins University to provide this amazing experience.

By Oscar M C V

Feb 24, 2020

It is a very simple, but practical, course that introduces us to the management of health care safety, with all its complexities. It invites me to continue to deepen the topic

By Catherine K

Feb 25, 2021

It was great to learn about the history of patient safety. There was alot of content I' d heard before, but it was nice to actually learn it from the experts. A great course!

By Bernadette O d l F

Dec 23, 2018

I work in this field and found all of the material, lectures and quiz material/testing to be exactly what a practitioner needs to focus on patient safety. Thank you!

By Aliyeva O

Oct 30, 2020

Thank you for the study materials. I’ve got knowledge about topic Patient Safety. Thank you very much Bob Feroli, Pharm D, FASHP, FSMSO for very interesting lectures

By Chad S

May 23, 2020

I really enjoyed the deliberate short videos covering specific topics. Really helped the learning process and for me to complete this course quickly and effectively.

By Finny C

May 22, 2019

Even though this course is at the beginner level, its is very useful and effective one to learn the subjects which many of us don't know. Thanks you coursera and JHM

By Ronald B

Jul 13, 2023

I truly appreciate the financial assistance that enabled me to pursue this highly beneficial course, which I believe will make a significant impact on my patients.

By judith j

Aug 31, 2020

Very wll designed. Teachers were clear and excelled with useful theories and examples.

Applicable in any enviroment. I will continue the the rest of the courses.

By Liza M

Jul 28, 2022

Lots of great information. Very Contructive for DNP students who have to complete a QI project. The quality in the delivery of lectures was not consistent.

By Qaswara A

Jul 24, 2020

it was a great experience to learn under the supervision of John Hopkins university. the teacher/ instructor Bob was awesome in delivering the content.

By Guadalupe O

Feb 26, 2022

It´s a very practical and interesting course. Very helpful and clear enough to implement the concepts and strength quality and patient safety culture

By Deusdenir d S M

Oct 22, 2019

Wonderful! All the health´s professionals must do it! And also includes others professionals who work in this area (healthcare). It is essential.

By Augusto M

Jul 14, 2018

Great insights about patient safety, error, preventable harm, and system's functioning. Referenced materials are relevant and widely available.

By Andrea N R H

Sep 20, 2020

La información otorgada fue de mucha importancia. Aprendí mucho sobre cada uno de los temas que se impartieron en este curso. ¡Excelente!


Oct 24, 2020

Thank you for giving me the opportunity through this course to learn such intresting things. I consider knowledge to be a treasure.


Dec 24, 2018

it was a very enlightening and very much essential for a health care professionals. a sincere thanks to all who made it possible

By Muhammad S K

Nov 29, 2020

Thank you very much in helping to improve my knowledge because that will really help me in improving my career related skills

By Juhaida D

Jul 14, 2020

I really enjoy doing this course, the tutor has give a clear and easy to be understand about patient safety. Thank you so much

By phumzile n

Nov 8, 2022

I am so humbled and grateful to have been part of this experience....I have learned so much....I equipped to do my work....

By AmmarOmarKhdeir

Jul 10, 2020

A very Educational course and easy to follow they start from the beginning and build on it.I enjoyed this great course

By Bruno S d A

Oct 26, 2020

Eu adorei o curso, muito obrigado por estar traduzido.

I loved the course, thank you very much for being translated.

By Nancy M L

Apr 15, 2021

اتعلمت كفيه تطوير مؤسسه طبيبه ع قواعد ونظم مهنيه مع الاخد في الاعتبار توفير كل الرعايه الصحيه للمرضي والسلامه لهم

By Abhinanda P

Mar 1, 2020

A truly amazing course with amazing course instructors. Highly recommended to everyone in the field of medicine.