Dec 20, 2016
Great course! Emily and Carlos teach this class in a very interest way. They try to let student understand machine learning by some case study. That worked well on me. I like this course very much.
Oct 17, 2016
Very good overview of ML. The GraphLab api wasn't that bad, and also it was very wise of the instructors to allow the use of other ML packages. Overall i enjoyed it very much and also leaned very much
By Troy D
•Feb 5, 2020
Good course, learned a lot of basics. I think this course is rather old though and getting a lot of the required software up and running required a lot of work since there are much newer versions available now. I found that I had to do a little extra to get the older packages working in Jupiter.
By Aleksandar S
•May 25, 2016
The course content is great. It gives overview on what is going to be learned in details in the next courses. Considering that it is an introductory course and the fact that it utilizes the GraphLab library as tool, I believe it is overpriced compared to the other courses of the specialization.
By Yaniv S
•Jan 15, 2017
The whole eco-system is based on Graphlab create which is not very commonly used in the industry. The "Programming assignments" are very much like the exercise done in the videos - so no real thought and effort were needed. The Deep learning part is really bad thought and bad examined.
By Eric J
•Jul 12, 2016
The enthusiasm of the instructors was the best thing about this class. But I really wanted a more rigorous methodology - and didn't really get it here. But it was an alright introduction to machine learning but not enough if you want to know what makes the 'black box' work.
By Tony D
•Aug 14, 2023
Good lecture content and code demo. However, the turicreate package is not friendly to install. as of now, i cannot installed so i need to get unenrolled this course.
I would be nice if using common package so everyone can follow. this package is not for window user.
By Paulo S B d O F
•Sep 5, 2016
(1) Teachers know what they are talking.
(2) They are energetic and funny.
(1) The course uses proprietary and expensive tool.
(2) The course is too simplistic.
(3) The teachers, although they know what they are talking about, they aren't very good at teaching.
By Anirudh A
•Feb 26, 2021
Good with concepts. But would have been better if a standard library like scikit were used rather than SFrames, Turicreate and Graphlab for the sake of easing things out which actually is not very convenient for a lot of students. (atleast during the learning cycle)
By David K
•Mar 1, 2016
I think that the course is redundant, it is to general, trying to capture to much, and using a commercial program tool that's doing to much behind the scene.
The second course in the specialization is really great though and you wont miss anything if you skip ahead
By Varun J
•Sep 24, 2015
A lot of problems with software installations. But, the professors for this class seem to be very passionate about the course and they teach well. If not for a lot of problems faced during software installations(which is still not resolved), would have given 5 stars
By Michael C
•Apr 10, 2016
Really just an overview of the topics to be explained in detail afterwards.
Big plus for the use of python + notebooks but otherwise, if one is interested just in the overview and not in all the specialization, maybe the Andrew NG course is more detailed.
By Bernardo C
•Jun 8, 2016
El curso tiene mucho potencial, pero hay que afinarlo.
Pienso que los vÃdeos deben ser reeditados. Tienen errores y conceptos confusos. DeberÃan ser tan claros como para lograr tomar buenos apuntes y usarlos en las tareas. Las tareas son casi mecánicas.
By Rishi H
•Jun 11, 2019
Content and material is good and the trainers are good. Only issue i found is course assignments are heavily dependent on Sframes and graphlab which does not work most of the times.,they should go with panda libraries which is easily accessible.
By Aman S
•Jun 15, 2018
The worst thing about this course is graphlab. Trying to run it since last 10 days with the help of every available online resources, but in vain. There are many flaws in graphlab. I tried a hundred times to view images in graphlab, but in vain.
By Juarez B
•Jan 12, 2017
This course introduces the key topics of Machine Learning, but the math behind the algorithms is not explained and the programming exercises are too easy. Unfortunately, it also relies heavily on graphlab instead of using open source software.
By Mohit S S
•Aug 7, 2018
Course contet is ok. But, intructors really need to teach in a platform neutral way or some other popular library for which ample support is available. In my opinion, learning a tool which is nowhere used in te industry is not a good idea.
By Amirreza K
•Feb 25, 2023
The lecturur were good but the main problem was that they had used graphlab and turicreate libraries which are not that common in these days Machine learning. So, I decieded not to attend the other courses of the specialization.
By Tarek M s
•Nov 5, 2017
the course is good for starter but according to its repetition I waited more .
one star down for many useless information in lectures about Amazon products and so on.
one star down for forcing using unpopular python library .
By Piyush K P
•Oct 24, 2016
thanks to prof and cousera for this wonderful course. I wish the programming part was taught separately from basic. I have taken the previous course which was case study approach with respect to which it was slightly tough.
By Jerome B
•Dec 19, 2017
The teachers are nice and the content is pretty interesting, but they keep talking about the Capstone that we actually won't do. That make me wonder if it's worth continuing, and wonder why they cancelled it eventually.
By Gregory T
•Oct 30, 2016
This was a valuable introductory survey course. For me, the challenge came from my unfamiliarity with Python not the material. I would rate this class as "entry level" for anybody with a college-level technical degree.
By Brandon P
•Mar 10, 2018
There were a lot of assumptions made about my math background. Terms and concepts were used that are foreign to most people and while the forums were helpful it was interesting to see that this is a common feeling.
By Mohammad A
•Jul 22, 2019
Course include great knowledge, but when coming to work on tools, they are using old method like we have python 3.7, but course is going through python 2.7 and also older version. That's creating confusion somehow
By Ivan P
•May 6, 2016
It's not a bad course, but it forces students to use GraphLab, a framework created by one the professors teaching the course, instead of using scikit-learn, a widely used framework for machine learning in Python.
By chris s
•Jan 27, 2016
This course has so much potential but is based on proprietary software. The instructors are excellent and the content is really good. It would get 5 stars if it was based on all open source software.
By Nishant K
•Oct 31, 2020
Great approach with basic explanation of applying and importance of the domain in read world examples. Could have been more in depth in few areas but hopefully will be taken care in following courses.