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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Mind Control: Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19 by University of Toronto

8,610 ratings

About the Course

Never in the history of humanity have so many people been feeling intense anxiety related to COVID-19 and the world it will leave in its wake. The intent of this course is to give you a deeper understanding of the anxiety reaction as it relates to various aspects of our current life, ranging from our consumption of news to the way we talk to our children about this. I will also give you clear strategies for managing and, in fact, turning off the anxiety response at least for short periods. My sincere hope is that you will leave this course with a better understanding of how your brain reacts to crises, along with some powerful tools for managing it before it manages you. In this course we will cover: 1.1 Introduction and Overview 1.2 Understanding the Anxiety Response 1.3 The Necessity of Strategies to Manage Anxiety 1.4 Achieving Relaxation: A Skill We All Need to Learn Now 2.1 Why Watching the News is Addicting and How to Manage Your Consumption 2.2 The Critical Art of Mental Distraction to Crowd Out Stressors 2.3 How We Think About Physical Distancing and Explaining it to Our Children 3.1 The Effects of Isolation 3.2 Some Strategies to Make Isolation More Tolerable 3.3 The Importance of Social Connection in a Physical Distancing World 4.1 The Need to Guard Against Depression: The Importance of Control 4.2 Bring it Together: Practice Makes Proficient 4.3 Invitation to Suggest Additional Videos...

Top reviews


Jun 15, 2020

Great course to understand the situation, your mind, and how you can help others! Thank you so much for putting it together. I find it very helpful even now when we are almost half year in COVID-19


May 18, 2021

Exceptional course. Dr Steve has explained all concepts in very practical and logical ways, and kept it very concise and eloquent. It is engaging and interesting to watch and incredibly informative.

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126 - 150 of 2,500 Reviews for Mind Control: Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19

By Hina N

Jul 15, 2020

This was an amazing course! The Professor was very understanding of the problems we face, everyday, and offered simple solutions that can be easily implemented for dealing with anxiety. He gave us hope and the fact that he placed great importance on building emotional connectivity suggests that he understands, truly, that in such grave and scary times, we need to support each other. I recommend it to everyone.

By Feride Z

Aug 16, 2020

I am so grateful and happy to take this course. There is not only the basic information about how to manage our lives, but also the critical information about our bodies. Knowing all of them helps may help us to get rid of the feeling of depression or even being useless by just having control over our minds. In this course, the way of it is summarized as simple, short and funny as possible. So, thanks a lot!

By Brian E

Oct 17, 2020

I want to thank with all my heart Professor Steve Joordens for giving such a wonderful and enriching course. As a psychologist I am satisfied by this valuable information. During his course he has clarified an important issue in my life and thanks to him now my life has a different course. I have not words to thank him. Thank you for everything I send you a greeting and huge hug from my country, Guatemala.

By Melwin .

Jul 4, 2020

Managing your mental health is a relevant and apt course at this time of Covid pandemic. The relaxation techniques and the right understanding of physical isolation with social connectivity is beautifully explained. Reaching out to the vulnerable and learning new things will give a sense of fulfilment and purpose at this time of crisis. The disease will pass and we will be stronger together as humanity.

By Christina P

Aug 25, 2020

The professor was very knowledgable, but not intimidating, so the material was really approachable. Obviously, the analysis of lockdown is very useful as it has continued into the summer, so it's still very timely. The science behind the course was fascinating and I'd love to take another course by this professor. I'll continue to refer to these materials throughout the lockdown for my own mental health.

By karen j

Jul 28, 2020

i found this course very helpful. i live with depression due to ptsd and many excellent points and suggestions were made in the program. i am pretty introverted but do enjoy personal interaction. i've been missing this during this time. steve made good suggestions about increasing interaction while still distancing and setting up structure so there is a sense and rhythm to the day. thank you, steve!

By Tassymov M

Oct 22, 2020

Хороший курс для тех кто хотел бы научиться управлять собой в сложных жизненных ситуациях. Всё что он говорит - работает, просто делайте и делайте просто. Разумеется он говорит про конкретную ситуацию и умением управлять собой в условиях карантина, но и для других ситуаций тоже пойдет. Учись и развивайтесь. Просмотрел его на скорости 1.75, очень понятный и простой английский язык. Спасибо за Курс.

By Deleted A

Nov 11, 2020

The course is well organized and organic. The videos are not too long and they are clear. Some things are intuitive, some are more academic. The language is easy to understand and Prof. Joordens is very effective in the way he talks about the topics. He provides you with some easy tricks that you can regularly use. Some things are intuitive, but notice them again can be helpfull. Amazing course!

By Marzuq N 1

Dec 12, 2020

This was a brilliant course. The way you teach things are a perfect example of a perfect balance between humor, knowledge and education. Due to such a balance, the information you provide is more insightful, relatable and makes this course all the more enjoyable! Would highly recommend this course to anyone who suffers from anxiety or to anyone interested in getting an insight on such a topic!

By Zoya

Sep 10, 2020

This course really did give me new insights and knowledges related to psychology and how to deal with life when were in a middle of a pandemic. Prof. Joordens did an excellent job explaining a psychological related topic that are not necessarily easy to understand by people that are not familiar with psychological terms. Im impressed with how he managed to explain things in a simplest way.

By Modesto M B I

Oct 14, 2020

Thank you for the information Professor. All along what I did during the rising case of COVID news in my country by limiting views of COVID reports in TV and picking links in Facebook, did helped me not to stress myself during these pandemic times. Thank you for teaching us to ease up with the exercises and hopefully one day train my mind and body to relax when mentioned that chosen word.

By Lorraine

Dec 13, 2020

Very practical course and the relaxation technique is awesome(I do it daily which helps after a stressful day). Focusing on oneself and becoming centered is really important during this pandemic especially when a family is depends on you. I am so grateful for the pace and the soothing voice of Prof Steve Joordens. I have highly recommended this course to other healthcare professionals.

By Nancy G

Dec 9, 2020

I really enjoyed this and his delivery of very practical and useful material was so warm and sincere. I have an MSW and thought this was very very well done and helpful. The slightest healthy change in framing a situation makes a huge difference in coping and outcomes and he was great about explaining that. Thank you for creating something and helping others. Mission accomplished!!!

By Suzanne G S

Jul 29, 2020

Just wanted to take a moment to personally THANK Professor Joordens for putting together an informative course. Professor I appreciate your time and effort and am excited to put to use the information you provided. I enjoyed your teaching technique, you came across very compassionate and engaging. I'm new to the online learning and look forward to checking out more courses! Many Thanks!!

By florence H

Apr 18, 2021

This course has taught me to be mindful of the things around me, to show gratitude always and to make connect with others that really need to connect. Accomplish something during this isolation time or a number of things, and at all times the optimal thing to do is...

* Maximize physical distance but strengthen social connectivity.

*Find ways to be socially together but physically apart.

By Hala M A

Mar 20, 2021

This is a very interesting, important course which helps people understand the situation and themselves based on scientific knowledge presented in a very clear and simple way. Many aspects can be reflected on maintaining mental health and controlling life stresses in general not only during a pandemic. Thanks to Dr.Steve's amazingly easy-going way and interestingly engaging discussions!

By Shanjid S S

Jul 21, 2020

This course is really helpful and immensely needed for the mental well being in the crucial Pandemic situation.I am very much thankful to the instructor for being concern for our well being which is pretty much needed for getting rid of depression as well as anxiety.I do appreciate more and more courses like this and best wishes for you and your family.

Regards, Shajib from Bangladesh

By Jemaine M L

Mar 25, 2021

Very informative and help a lot especially during this time of pandemic. If we think we already know how others feel about the situation we are in right now, think again, and try to extend our reach with others socially because we may not aware that they needed us --- our ears, our presence though not physical, our sympathy, our empathy..Kudos to the men and women behind this course.

By Lim S Y H

Nov 29, 2020

The Professor weaved psychology and scientific concepts into easy-to-understand useful and effective tips that have helped me to understand and manage my anxieties better. Most importantly, the tips are very easy to carry out and applicable to a lot of people across all ages and occupation. Thank you so much for this and I would definitely recommend this to my friends and family!

By PreetyParahoo

May 24, 2023

THe Course was both very interesting and enlightening on psychology level..I learnt how to keep a strong mental health so as to go through the pandemic without fear or panic while the world is upside down....the precautions to be taken was very clearly defined by Steve Jordean ...thanks to the whole team for giving us such an interesting Course...wish you all best of luck ....


Aug 2, 2020

It was an amazing course by Steve joordens , university of Toronto, Canada it made me to change my lifestyle identified the mistakes we are committing unknowingly and corrected it from the guidance in this course it's a necessary course for each and everyone during this pandemic I bow and salute to professor Steve joordens for explaining about ourselves the science inside us 🙏🙏

By Rajendra V P

Mar 9, 2021

Such a thoughtfully designed course with an insightful tips for facilitating thorough understanding is something I liked most about this course. Professor Steve is such a great communicator that you simply can't miss anything that he says. He compels and brings you to the point that he is making. I will cherish these memories of online course completion for a long time to come.

By Qiao Q J

Dec 21, 2020

Proffesor Joordens provided a really straightfoward and informational course. I very much enjoyed learning about mental health and how to maintain a good mental health even during hard times, especially now, during COVID. I've learned a lot about how to manage my environment and will be using many of the things that I've been taught throughout this course. Thank you proffesor.

By Surayah B M

Sep 4, 2020

This course is very good. It teaches us the meaning of relaxation and to be positive despite the test that we are facing now. He share with us few strategies to manage isolation by advising us to take a walk, doing some aerobic, spent accomplish what we like to do, example learn new skill, playing instrumental instrument, like guitar, or take up online courses that we like.

By Clare L

Nov 27, 2020

I have found this course really useful. My anxiety levels are at an all time high - not necessarily relating to covid - but certainly not helped by it. This course has helped me to understand why this is the case, what some of my triggers are and how to avoid or reduce these things. Lots of really useful and helpful information on how to deal with and reduce anxiety.